
Chapter 1669 - Because There Will Be A Future (4)

"Get out of the wayyyyyyy!"


The disciples of the Wudang Sect leaped backward.


Pwoook! Pwoooook!


Oil pouches that landed where they had been exploded immediately, followed by a rain of flaming arrows.




The flames spread rapidly. The fire, glowing red and, at times, flickering blue, rose far above the heads of the men.


If they hadn't managed to avoid it? If they had been engulfed by those flames?


It would have been a scene too horrific to imagine.


"Sasuk, here they come again!"


"R-Retreat! Fall back now!"


Even though they had mastered martial arts, they were still humans. Facing such ferocious flames was no easy task. Their training was in slashing, blocking, and stabbing, not in combating fire.


"B-But if we retreat from here...!"


"They are also human! They can't keep advancing through that fire!"


Mu Jin shouted loudly to emphasize his point.


"Do not engage! Fall back! Our duty is not to annihilate the enemy but to prevent them from advancing here! Do not forget that!"


"Yes, sir!"


The confused Wudang disciples regained their composure with Mu Jin's shout.


Indeed, he was right. Fire did not discriminate between friend and foe. If the flames were enough to make Wudang retreat, the enemy would also find it hard to advance.


That meant if the flames subsided enough for the enemy to advance, Wudang could also resume their counterattack. Therefore, retreating for now was the right decision.


"Here they come again!"




The Wudang disciples swiftly retreated uphill. Their movements, as if riding on clouds, made them seem like they were climbing through the acrid smoke instead of clouds.


When they finally landed back on the ground, they exhaled the breath they had been holding.




There were injuries, but only a few fatalities. Although it pained him, Mu Jin knew it was not a significant loss. If they could calmly regroup...


"Do not lower your guard!"


Mu Jin shouted this while thinking they could catch their breath for a moment.


The enemy would undoubtedly continue throwing oil pouches and shooting arrows, but the nature of projectile weapons meant their effectiveness decreased with distance.


Moreover, shooting upward from below would reduce the power by more than half compared to throwing horizontally.


As long as they remained vigilant, they could prevent further damage. They could take a moment to breathe while the flames died down.


But then, suddenly,


"S-Sasuk! Look over there!"




The fierce flames that seemed to melt the slope flickered violently, then parted clearly to the sides.




It was an unbelievable sight. How could the fire, which was not a living thing with a will, move on its own like that?




A voice rang out in a desperate cry. A group emerged from the parted flames.


"Oh.... Ohhh!"


Mu Jin's mouth fell open.


They were the same ones he had seen earlier.


The warriors of the Southern Sea Sun Palace, who had ruthlessly thrown oil balls and shot flaming arrows, were now calmly climbing the slope through the raging fire.




The flames retreated with each step they took. But retreating didn't mean the fire disappeared. The flames still burned fiercely, enough to melt rocks with their heat.


Yet how were they able to walk through this hellish inferno unscathed?


Mu Jin could not believe his eyes. Then, one of the warriors of the Sun Palace standing in the midst of the flames sneered blatantly.


"Foolish Central Plains people."


Then he shouted,


"Fire! Shoot all the way to the top of the slope in one go!"


* * *


Meanwhile, Jin Pyeong, the Lord of the Southern Sea Sun Palace, was filled with deep dissatisfaction. He twisted his mouth in discontent as he stared at a man standing in front of him, surveying the battlefield with his hands behind his back.


"To think we have to fight in such a place..."


He looked disdainfully at the man's insignificant back.


Jin Pyeong was ignoring the command of someone he could easily overpower and instead focused solely on the newly kindled fire on the steep slope.


The face of the Lord of the Sun Palace twisted slightly. He could tolerate the wickedness of Jang Ilso, the leader of the Evil Tyrant Alliance. Although he would never say it out loud, he had to admit that Jang Ilso was someone to be reckoned with.


However, he could not bear being ignored by a mere tactician who had not even reached the pinnacle. Jin Pyeong, who believed all his life that one must have qualifications to lead others, found this especially hard to swallow.


"Can't you hear me?"


Only after a hint of anger crept into his voice did Ho Gakmyung glance back at Jin Pyeong. Seeing Ho Gakmyung's indifferent gaze, Jin Pyeong's eyebrow twitched uncomfortably.


Ho Gakmyung, the strategist of the Evil Tyrant Alliance and Jang Ilso's most trusted subordinate, was highly regarded. Jin Pyeong had heard countless evaluations of Ho Gakmyung but found it hard to fully acknowledge him.


No matter how skilled, a tactician is still just a tactician. In Jin Pyeong's eyes, a tactician was no different from a military manual used by a lord to make decisions. How could such a person possibly wield authority as the second-in-command of the Evil Tyrant Alliance?


"Is there something you want to say?"


What made it worse was that this arrogant tactician dared to look the Lord of the Southern Sea Sun Palace directly in the eyes.


"Did you ask for the Sacred Fire just to use it for something like this?"


In religious sects, the term Sacred Fire often carries significant symbolic meaning. However, in the Southern Sea Sun Palace, the Sacred Fire simply referred to a special oil.


The disciples of the Southern Sea Sun Palace, who pursued the extremes of fiery energy, naturally took an interest in the use of fire. This led to the creation of the Sacred Fire, a special oil that, once ignited, could not be easily extinguished by internal energy or water, making it one of the most prized treasures of the Sun Palace.


"But do you know how much money and manpower it takes to produce even a single drop of the Sacred Fire?"




"And do you understand how precious the warriors who handle the Sacred Fire are to the palace?"


The heat emitted by the Sacred Fire far exceeds that of ordinary flames. Therefore, those who handle it must be the elite of the elite, even among the warriors of the Southern Sea Sun Palace, who are renowned for their mastery of fiery energy.


The Lord of the Sun Palace rarely allowed its use, as it was one of the core assets of the palace.


"And yet, you've brought these elite warriors for such a trivial task."


"It's not a trivial task."


"What did you say?"


Ho Gakmyung responded calmly, meeting the Lord of the Sun Palace's gaze.


"It's actually a necessary task."


"Are you saying that opening up a mere slope is necessary? If used properly, the Sacred Fire could burn down multiple sects at once."


"It seems the Lord of the Sun Palace overestimates what he holds."


It was not the Lord of the Sun Palace but his followers who took offense at Ho Gakmyung's words.


"What did this insolent fellow just say...?"




Before the commotion could escalate, Jin Pyeong raised his hand to silence them, glaring at Ho Gakmyung with his piercing blue eyes.


"What do you mean by that?"


"Even the Sacred Fire is merely flammable oil. And our opponent is Wudang. They are not ones to be easily defeated by such trivial tricks."


"Are you daring to belittle the Sacred Fire of the palace?"




Ho Gakmyung's eyes sharpened as he looked at the slope.


"It seems it's already happening."


The Lord of the Sun Palace instinctively followed Ho Gakmyung's gaze.


* * *




Another flaming arrow transformed the oil on the ground into a blaze. The Wudang disciples, pale with fear, retreated further and further back.


Anxiety-laden voices were heard all around.






"What should we do? At this rate...!"


Mu Jin's face had also lost its color. In truth, he wanted to ask the same question.


Their enemies were advancing through the flames they had created. How could they move so freely through a fire that could burn people to ashes?


"Sun Palace!"


Even if the Sun Palace's mastery of fiery energy was unparalleled, how could they move so freely within such fierce flames?


As the red shadows flickered, their bodies momentarily glistened, hinting not only at the use of intense Yang Qi but also some special means. Mu Jin could only speculate, unable to uncover how to counter it.


"Mu, retreat..."


"We're almost at the end of the slope, Sasuk! Up there is..."


The summit of Baekanam. This meant that being pushed back any further would result in conceding the high ground. The summit of Baekanam had a wide open space. There, their greater numbers would become even more formidable.


What should he do? Should he retreat up there even considering this? Or...


Perhaps, if it were the Muja Bae, they might be able to handle those oil and arrows. But ordering the Jinza Bae to face them on this slope was no different from a death sentence.


In that case...


"They're coming again!"




There was no time to continue thinking as oil bombs and fire arrows once again tore through the air. Mu Jin was about to shout a warning when suddenly...






"What are you doing?"


Someone leaped forward, swinging their sword towards the falling oil bombs and arrows. The swirling blade drew a circle, gathering the oil bombs and arrows into its center, then launched them off the cliff in one sweeping motion.




In the air, the burning oil fell upon the heads of the Evil Sect members climbing the cliff.


"What, what is this!"


"Fire! Aaaaah!"


The members of the Evil Sect caught unexpectedly in the rain of fire from below, screamed in agony.


Mu Jin stared blankly at the figure who had stepped forward.


"Whether it's fire, oil, or arrows..."


"Jin Hyeon?"


"The sword of Wudang, capable of stopping even flowing water, cannot be defeated by such things."


Jin Hyeon held his sword straight. He pointed at the members of the Sun Palace climbing the slope amidst the flames.


"Isn't that right?"


Mu Jin bit his pale lips tightly.


He was right. It was an obvious truth. But he had momentarily forgotten that clear fact.


"Jin Hyeon..."


"We understand your concern for us, Sasuk. But please trust us a little more."


Mu Jin closed his eyes briefly in torment. He realized he had been repeating the very mistake he had resented the previous generation for.


"...I'm sorry."


"It's all right."


Mu Jin, regaining his composure, drew his sword and stood beside Jinhyeon.


Yes. Distribution didn't matter. At this moment, they were all swordsmen fighting for their lives. What mattered now was trusting those who wielded the same sword.


"We hold this place! Whether it's fire, oil, or anything else! The sword of Wudang can withstand it all!"


In the eyes of the Wudang swordsmen, who had been only evading until now, a renewed determination began to burn.


"The Elder of the Sky is on the cliff above. Guard his position with your lives!"




Fire arrows poured down again. The swords of Wudang moved in unison.


* * *


"Does he say such tricks won't work?"


Extreme displeasure shadowed the face of the Sun Sovereign.


"It was none other than you who asked for those tricks."


"Tricks have their uses. It's enough to make the enemy retreat appropriately."


"And what can you gain from that? Does it not mean that you cannot break through there?"


"Instead, we can reduce the largest consumption."






The Sun Sovereign gritted his teeth. He still couldn't accept any of this. Then, a musing voice of Ho Gakmyung caught his ear.


"I don't care about sacrifices, but to completely bypass that slope and attack from behind the mountain would waste at least five shichen. In those five shichen, the battle's outcome could be decided."




"If that fire can reduce those five shichen, you will earn the greatest merit in this battle without doing anything."

(T/N ~ Shichen is two hours. So they're cutting the battle down by ten hours.)


The Sun Sovereign narrowed his eyes at the calm words.


"...How presumptuous."


But he didn't voice further complaints. He merely added,


"Whether underestimating our holy fire or overestimating Wudang, the warriors of the Sun Palace can conquer not only that slope but the summit as well."


"If that happens, nothing would be better."


Ho Gakmyung muttered expressionlessly. The Sun Sovereign, glaring at him, turned abruptly. His steps were rough, as if he didn't want to stay in the same place any longer.


Ho Gakmyung glanced at him, a faint sneer on his lips.




Flammable oil? If such a thing could break them, Wudang wouldn't have survived for so many years.




Ho Gakmyung's usually calm eyes flashed blue for a moment.


Anyway, thanks to that fire, they had almost reached the slope. Now, only breaking through remained.


'We must hurry.'


He looked westward beyond the battlefield, where the fierce fight raged. For the first time, a trace of anxiety crossed his usually indifferent eyes.


'Before he arrives... the one who will change everything.'


Time was the most crucial factor. The source of his anxiety, which he couldn't share with anyone.

