

The Gaang finally regained consciousness . They were in a house .

They got out and the evening sun rays kissed their skin. The village had some destroyed and burnt down houses. There was piles of fire nation corpses courtesy of Sokka .

Finally the villagers seemed to mourn the death of some of theirs. The death toll wasn't many but it was still there. 

There was a middle-aged man ranting in anger and waving his arms everywhere. He was angry and he was releasing his anger on Suki who sat on a chair with a gloomy aura. 

" If my daughters never became friends with your brother they would never have gone with him and you , how bad of a sister are you that your brother would rather join the enemy than stay longer with you . How could you not know he was a firebender " The man ranted.

His words were full of anger yet so precise and hurtful. 

Suki didn't defend herself but rather sat there crying . 

Sokka who saw this went to defend Suki. 

" Hey it wasn't her fault. She raised her brother and maybe she did some mistakes here and there but the choice was Tau's and your daughters at the end of it all. "

" You know nothing outside . So why don't you go back to where you came from. That way we can finally be at ease ." 

Aang however thought about something . Tau was a firebender.

Katara on the other hand felt sorry for Suki. She also felt that he had been duped by Tau. 

Oma soon came to defend her leader too. 

" Katu , Suki didn't do anything wrong it was that bad apple Tau's fault . We both know that Tau can be a bad influence "

Suki hearing Oma slander her brother finally spoke.

" He is right Oma, Sokka "

Suki said with sadness as she remembered what she said earlier. Come to think of it this wasn't the first time she did that. When Tau was young she used to give him the cold shoulder . She also used to direct her anger on her brother everytime. No wonder she felt he grew to resent her. 

" This was all my fault. I didn't appreciate my brother , I didn't take care of him. "

She choked on her tears as she remembered their last talk. 

" And I told him she was the reason out mom is dead " 

Those who were around looked at her with surprise. The head of kyoshi warriors actually did that to her brother ?

" Katu is right . Tau went away to spite me. He hates me " Suki cried.

Oma now felt bad. She tried to comfort her .

" I am certain he doesn't hate you "

Suki violently shook her head. 

" No , I have seen it with my own eyes. When I lashed out and said he was the reason our mom was dead he lashed out and hit me . He cried Oma , Tau has never cried . I definitely threw him out of my life this time "

Oma sympathised with her and so did many people but Katara did not. 

" Oh boohoo you hurt your brother and now we are supposed to feel sorry for you " 

Sokka turned harshly to her sister. 

" Katara !! "

Aang was closer to her whispered to her.

" What are you doing ?" 

She ignored the stares and continued

" So where were you when your brother was shunned , when literally your best friend slandered him left and right and even now. Frankly you are a very horrible older sibling "

" We don't need the counsel " Oma was about to talk but was silenced.

" And as if you are any better , bestfriend "

She then turned to Suki and her anger seemed to have cooled down. 

" So you hurt your brother and made him hate you . So what ? He is your responsibility so it's your work to make sure you set everything right . Otherwise if you drown in your grief maybe he will come back next time to make sure you are dead. " Katara said. 

Sokka was speechless by her sister's way of words but he couldn't deny their effectiveness.

-_- A day later -_-

" Uncle I want them out of my ship " Zuko said as he pointed at the three guests currently dressed in the fire nation uniform. 

" Calm down , Prince Zuko "

" Calm down ?!! This three have personally caused way more nuisance in a day than there has been in two years. I can't operate when they do not have discipline. " Zuko's arguments were solid so Iroh had to let go of the trio despite not wanting too

Sonam had been the type of person to sit with him and talk over tea , Sumati had been the mischievous one making him feel like a guardian taking care of a young kid. Tau would join him in meditations and on admiring the beauty of this earth . All in all he was more fulfilled in a day than he was for the past 3 years. But unfortunately all things must come to an end. 

" Alright . "

He then turned to the trio .

" I am sorry but this is goodbye " Iroh looked sad which even made Zuko think twice.

" We understand we can be a horrible bunch " Satomi said. 

" Yeah , but is there a way we can meet you again ?" Lyz asked.

Iroh instead walked with them to a spare boat . They were given that spare boat and some money. Then Iroh instructed them where to go. 

" Go to the east to Omashu. When you meet a girl who resembles Zuko tell her you were sent by me. She might appear intimidating but she really cares for those important to her " 

Isamu smiled and thanked Iroh.

" Thanks Uncle. See you soon " 

" Hahaha see you three soon " 

He smiled as he waved off their receding steam powered boat. 

The three were now in the boundless seas and they could finally release their true feelings. 

" I am not a hater but I am thankful we are out of there " Satomi said .

" Iroh is the only fun person there. The rest are incredibly depressing " Isamu added.

" Yeah , so are we going to see our future member ?" Lyz inquired.

" Of course. If Iroh had a good impression on her then that means she actually cares which personally I find cute " Satomi said. 

Isamu looked at her weirdly .

" What ?"

" Gaaaay " 

" Just because I complimented her doesn't mean I am gay " Satomi said. 

" You aren't beating those allegations Satomi especially after what you did to Shoko " 

" Hey 50000 yen is 50000 yen . I chose money " Satomi defended herself. 

" Question , is it gay to sleep with a homie for 500 dollars " Isamu asked. 

Satomi wanted to respond .

" Yes . There is no such thing as experimenting . Once you go in there's no coming back . " Lyz responded.

" I am straight . I can even prove it right now " Satomi said. 

Lyz was about to object knowing where this is going but Isamu was quick to his words. 

" Do it "

Satomi didn't hesitate to lean in and kiss Isamu . Isamu responded by kissing her back . He invaded her mouth using his tongue and Satomi received it. Their tongues intertwined as they changed salivas. Lyz had to seperate the two of them .

" Cuck " They both said at the same time .

Lyz looked at the two and sighed. 

" You are supposed to be the mature one " Lyz pointed at Isamu .

" You are the older one " 

Lyz didn't know how to respond back. 

 " Let's just go "

The boat however broke midway and Isamu and Lyz had to waterbend to the shores. 

Lyz gave Satomi a set of instructions to practice water bending and one could see her forming unstable water balls. However the good thing was that she was improving .

Once they were close to the shore they changed to their green clothes to blend more easily . 

They hid the boat so as not to be spotted then sneaked to the roads. Now from where they were they needed to travel about 80 km to the city which by foot would have taken a day. However they had money and money opened opportunities. They walked for about 5 km then were met with a large desert. From there they hired one of the earth benders to ferry them there. 

The trip was quicker but by the time they arrived there they were incredibly dusty. 

Most earthbenders didn't mind the dust but they were used to clean environments so it affected them . 

They climbed from the base to the top to enter Omashu. Powerful earthbenders were at the gates , Isamu could feel their chi .

They asked for identifications and since they had none they just bribed their way in. No matter how strong a person was , their greed could always be exploited.

The city was huge and bustling . 

" Let's find a hotel first " Satomi suggested and the two agreed with her suggestion. 

The trip had taken a toll on them and they were tired , perched and dirty . 

Since they didn't know directions , Isamu walked to a young girl around their age and asked her for directions. The girl was happy to help and even personally escorted them to a good hotel . 

During the way Isamu flirted with the girl and when they arrived he kissed her cheek then bid her good bye. 

Satomi and Lyz looked at Isamu bluntly.

" What ?" 

" Pedophile "

" Fuckboy "

" Asshole "

Isamu just rolled his eyes. 

" Lyz , you of all people should know how much your mentality gets fucked when you live for too long " Isamu defended himself. 

" Still a pedophile " 

Isamu sighed and just went to pay for three rooms. 
