
Driving lessons

Isabel's grin grew wider as I realized she wasn't kidding. My assistant no, my essential assistant was actually planning to leave me just as my schedule was hitting its peak.

"Elena, it's all set up," Isabel began, waving off my concern as if it were an annoying fly. "I've already coordinated every shoot, meeting, and errand for the next two weeks. I've even left a neatly printed schedule with each event, address, and contact info, so you can be on top of things." 

"But, Isabel," I sputtered, a little horrified. "I can't manage all this on my own! What if there's a mix-up, or—"

"You'll manage, Elena. It's called being independent." She winked, reaching over to grab her jacket and bag, completely unfazed.

"Independent?" I echoed, my voice just a little shrill. "This is all happening way too fast. You can't just… drop everything and go."
