
Chapter Sixteen

A frown creased Suzy's brow as Mr. Bradford cleared his throat apologetically. "Forgive me, Duchess," he said, his voice laced with regret. "But urgent matters require my immediate attention. However, rest assured, you are free to explore the grounds at your leisure. Just be mindful of the boundaries, and if you require anything at all, please do not hesitate to find one of the guards."

Suzy watched him go, a triumphant smile playing on her lips. Finally, alone with the well, she approached the cover, her heart pounding with anticipation. With a heave, she managed to pry it loose. A gaping black hole greeted her, a cold, damp breath emanating from its depths.

This was it. The moment of truth. Suzy peered down into the darkness, her mind flashing back to the well of before. It had served as a portal, transporting her to this world. Could this one hold the same power? If it brought her here, it can take her back.

Taking a deep breath, Suzy braced herself and took a daring leap of faith. Down, down, down she plummeted, the wind whistling past her ears as darkness engulfed her vision. Panic surged through her as she realized her mistake. This well wasn't a portal; it was just a well. A very deep, very dark, very real well.

Water filled Suzy's lungs with each desperate gasp, her limbs flailing uselessly in the cold, inky blackness. Panic clawed at her throat, a primal fear urging her to scream. But trapped in the narrow confines of the well, the sound seemed to die before reaching the surface.

Suddenly, a sliver of light pierced the darkness above. A muffled voice, laced with urgency, broke through the suffocating silence. "Duchess!"

Suzy, her voice hoarse from exertion, managed a weak cry for help. The light grew wider, a rope was thrown for her to climb up and a strong hand reached down, gripping her wrist with a firm grasp. Relief flooded through her as she felt herself being pulled upwards, the water gurgling around them.

With a final heave, a figure hoisted her out of the well and onto the damp earth beside it. Suzy collapsed in a coughing fit, water streaming down her face and hair. Her lungs burned, and her limbs felt like lead.

As her vision cleared, she finally focused on her savior. A figure knelt beside her, concern etched on his handsome face. He was a man of striking appearance, with dark, glossy hair pulled back in a loose ponytail that drew attention to his high cheekbones and sharp jawline. His eyes, an intense shade of almond, regarded her with a mixture of amusement and concern.

"Well, Duchess," he said, his voice deep and surprisingly gentle, "that was quite a performance down there."

Suzy, still gasping for breath, glared at him. "Performance?" she wheezed, her voice hoarse. "I nearly drowned!"

The man chuckled, a surprisingly warm sound. "My apologies, Duchess," he said, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.

Suzy, despite her irritation, couldn't help but notice the way his eyes crinkled at the corners, adding a layer of warmth to his amusement. She glared again, this time with less conviction.

"Who are you?" she croaked, finally managing to form a coherent question.

"The name's Byron," he replied, extending a hand to help her up. "Your less-than-charming brother-in-law, at your service."

Suzy stared at his hand, then back at his face. A brother-in-law? Ryan had never mentioned having a brother. And "less-than-charming"? She wasn't so sure about that. There was a certain charisma about him, a roguish charm that was undeniably attractive.

With a sigh, she accepted his help, allowing him to pull her to her feet. Her legs wobbled precariously, the cold seeping into her bones. Byron, sensing her discomfort, draped his jacket around her shoulders.

"Here," he said, his voice softening, "let's get you back to the castle before you get sick."

Suzy managed a weak smile. "Thanks," she muttered.

As they started walking back towards the castle, Suzy couldn't help but steal glances at Byron. His posture was relaxed, his movements smooth and graceful. He seemed to possess a carefree air, unlike Ryan's stoic demeanor.

"So," Byron said, breaking the silence, "what possessed you to take a dip in the old well?"

Suzy hesitated. "I… I slipped," she mumbled sheepishly.

Byron threw his head back and laughed, the sound echoing through the trees. "You slipped?" he repeated, wiping a tear from his eye. "What I saw back there didn't look like you slipped."

Suzy flushed scarlet. Maybe "charming" wasn't the right word after all. More like arrogant and annoying.

"Well, well," Byron said, composing himself. "Let's just hope Ryan doesn't hear about your little "slip". Knowing him, he doesn't entertain unorthodox behavior."

Suzy shivered, not just from the cold. The thought of Ryan's icy disapproval was a chilling prospect.

Byron helped Suzy limp back towards the castle. The walk was slow, followed by Suzy's occasional shivers and coughs.

By the time they reached the grand entrance, soaked and miserable, Byron clapped his hands loudly. Within moments, two maids appeared, their eyes widening in surprise at the sight of their Duchess dripping wet and shivering.

"Duchess," Byron announced, his voice tinged with amusement, "seems to have encountered a… mishap. Please see to it that she's warmed and dried immediately."

The maids bustled around Suzy, ushering her into a warm sitting room and helping her out of her soaked clothes. Byron, with a courteous nod, excused himself.

"I trust you'll be well cared for, Duchess," he said, a hint of a playful glint in his eyes. "And do try to stay out of trouble, at least until Ryan returns."

With that, he swept out, leaving Suzy alone with the maids and a swirling storm of thoughts in her head. The well. Why hadn't it worked? Was this it? Was she stuck in this strange world forever, forever bound to a life she never asked for?

As the maids bustled around her, wrapping her in a warm towel and offering her a steaming cup of tea, Suzy couldn't help but voice her growing despair.

"Why didn't it work?" she mumbled, her voice thick with disappointment. "The well… didn't take me back."

One of the maids, Clara, paused in her task of drying Suzy's hair. "Didn't take you back, Your Grace?" she repeated, her brow furrowed in concern.

A wry smile tugged at Suzy's lips as she watched Clara and the other maid exchange bewildered looks.

"Don't worry about it, Clara," Suzy said, a touch of amusement in her voice. "It was just… gibberish. You wouldn't understand."

Clara's brow furrowed further, the confusion evident on her kind face. "Gibberish, Your Grace?" she repeated, her voice gentle. "What is gibberish?"

Suzy chuckled, realizing she'd created another hurdle. Explaining the intricacies of another language from a world that might not even exist would be a whole new adventure.

"It's… nonsense words," she said vaguely. "Things that don't make sense."

Clara seemed to accept that, though a flicker of doubt lingered in her eyes. Suzy knew she couldn't dwell on it for now. There was more pressing business at hand.

"Well, Your Grace," Clara announced, a playful smile gracing her lips, "perhaps some dry clothes would be the order of the day. Would you like me to find you something comfortable to wear?"

"Yes, Clara, that would be lovely. Something simple, perhaps, but nice. I believe I'll be paying a visit to the library later on." She said, savoring the sound of it.

Intrigued, Clara raised an eyebrow. "The library, Your Grace? Is there anything specific you're looking for?"

Suzy shook her head. "Not just yet, Clara," she replied. "But I have a feeling the library holds some answers to my questions."
