

It had been a while since Jean had seen Tomura in fact it had been 21 days exactly.

Don't ask her why she counted.

But the last time was very memorable, she looked at the cloak sat on her spinning chair in her room.

And then a random pack of cigarettes he accidentally left at the house and remembered the…incident.

The girl was trying to bribe Tomura so she didn't exactly feel bad about the fact the girl most likely had a hand shaped scar left on her inner thigh for the rest of her life.

But enough memories, she got up and started to make her way to the main entrance of the Xavier school.

If he wasn't going to even going to respond to her messages about his cigarettes or her saying thanks for the cloak.

She was going to visit him and chew him out a little bit.


She landed outside the warehouse she could sense him in, only to stop in shock once she saw his floating body in a tank of green liquid.

She took two steps closer and looked up with wide eyes at the masked form, only to gasp as she saw scars she didn't recognise covering his chest and arms.

She instantly sent a mental message to Professor Xavier.


Wolverine, Hank McCoy, Jean Grey and Xavier were all looking over the lab, Jean was looking through notes and files while Xavier and Hank were talking between each other while looking up to the boy.

Wolverine was sizing up the large Nomu that was watching his masters form with intense unblinking eyes.

"Professor!" Jean shouted as she found some notes "Look at this"

Xavier and Hank both looked over the notes and looked over Jean who clearly wanted to speak.

"Okay so he needs to be submerged in there for 3 weeks, I'm not sure why, it says it's a Serum so I assume it's too get stronger or something along those lines" Jean said as he looked through more notes.

She remembered when Tomura had stolen her blood, was that in this?

Xavier sighed, the boy didn't need to get any stronger.

Hank McCoy suddenly froze as he reread the notes.

"Shit, we need Dr Banner down here now!" He shouted in panic.


Tony answered the phone with a groan, it was too early. "Xavi-"

"Stark, we need you and Banner down here now!"

Tony straighten and quickly started to get dressed "Where Xavier?"

"At Tomura Shigarakis" the man said and hung up.

Tony groaned, why couldn't he just be given an adress

He showed up at the old warehouses Tomura called his home in his suit, well technically in both of them.

He stepped out the one that would sell for billions and walked into Tomuras lab and was actually quite impressed.

What he was really interested in though was the tank holding the teenagers body in some odd serum.

The serum was fascinating, he looked at the notes written down.

Tomura is a genius, this…this is unprecedented, but then he looked closer.

"Oh shit" he said as he read further, the mix of these chemicals and then his eyes slid to Tomura.

Those chemicals mixed with Tomuras sheer fucking batshit insanity was not a pretty mix, and when he woke up…

Tony didn't even want to imagine it. "We need to move him now. He could wake up any minute!"


They moved in to the middle of nowhere, no civilisation for hundreds of kilometres each direction.

Tony looked around, it was completely flat dry, cracked infertile land. It was the best possible choice.

The Avengers were assembled but missing the two most crucial members.

The Hulk was gone, disappeared after Ultron.

Thor was off world and they had no way to contact the God.

Tony turned to the team that we're getting off a Quinjet. "Cap, Clint, Nat I think you guys are best waiting in the jet. The kid touches the ground once and you guys are dust"

Steve looked resigned, he already knew he would have to sit this one out. "I know Tony" he smiled "For this mission I pass leadership to you Stark"

Tony would have normally made a joke, laughed in his face. But he did appreciate it and felt the seriousness of the moment.

Tony nodded and turned to the part of the team that would be staying here.

"Okay, Vision you keep in the air, Wanda you do the same, Pietro you keep your eye on anyone about to get dusted and save them. You guys got that?" When they nodded in response he flipped his faceplate down "Good let's go Avengers" his voice was now mechanic as his suit flew into the air.

The X-Men were also gathered, the roster was a carefully selected one.

Charles Xavier was in a jet waiting to use his telepathic prowess to try and suppress the boy.

Cyclops however was on the ground with his team. Jean Grey aka Marvel Girl, Bobby Drake aka Iceman and finally Storm aka Ororo Monroe.

Both Superhero teams surrounded the teenager.

Then suddenly a portal opened in between the two groups and an old bald woman suddenly arrived.

Tony went to confront whatever the hell the woman was until he heard a pressurised whoosh and watched the serum drain from the tank into the hot dry land below.

It had started.


Xavier felt the boy stir awake and waited, was the boy going to be aggressive, was he going to be fine.

God he hoped the boy would be fine.

He was simply observing his mind from afar, he was not close enough to be detected by even the best of telepaths.

Or so he thought.

But when he was suddenly pulled into something's mind he realised he was wrong.

Charles Xavier looked up at the towering being, he recognised it from Tomuras memories.

All For One.

He secured his own mind to the limits and tried to escape.

He did not want to fight a God today.

"Unfortunate, but all you will have to fight is my future Vessel" the voice of evil itself spoke and the world seemed to shake.

Xavier looked into it's burned face.

It had read his mind.

His mind.

"Your Vessel?" Xavier said with wide eyes.

All For One grinned.

"Catch that did you, ah but it's not like you live through this" The entity said as he carelessly swung his hand and Xavier woke in his own body.

Hank McCoy was looking back at him with worry painted on his face. "Charles, your bleeding"

Charles wiped his nose "Oh, so I am"

He felt oddly numb.
