
Chapter 57 Naked ghost body

"But why ske-tch them...you can direc-tly... stitch them, right?" Milo asked, his voice hesitant, looking at her sketch with wide, unsure eyes. His hands covered half his face, clearly trying to avoid fully looking at the "naked ghost body."

"No... No... Need to draw a n-naked ghost body, it's improper to draw that!" he exclaimed, his voice high-pitched, as if he'd just seen something scandalous. His entire face turned beet red, and it looked like he might run out of the room any second.

Ruby raised her brow, finding his awkwardness amusing. She leaned back slightly, arms crossed. "Little Milo, it's just a drawing. I'm not looking at an actual person without clothes. Designers do this all the time to get their ideas right."

"Wh-what's a designer? And why can't you make cloth directly? Why do you need this n-naked ghost thing?" Milo stuttered as he nervously glanced at the sketch again but quickly looked away.
