
Chapter 4 How to survive under the gaze of the ancient boss! !

Back on Earth, Lockhart sensed the heavy gaze of Thor, who remained bound by his spell, and couldn't help but chuckle as he cast

"Wingardium Leviosa"

Making the imprisoned Thor levitate. He then entered the car with Eric, Jane, and Daisy, all of whom were visibly curious about Thor's identity, though Lockhart chose not to elaborate.

Once everyone was settled in the car, with Eric at the wheel, Lockhart sat in the front seat, and Thor was squeezed in the back with Jane and Daisy. As Eric ignited the engine and the car began its journey towards town, Lockhart exhaled deeply, feeling the immense pressure of being watched by likely both Odin and the Ancient One.

His actions were calculated to craft an image of a good man who had accidentally traversed to this universe. Facing such powerful entities, he reasoned that if they were not immediately hostile, they would seek to learn more about him. Thus, he aimed to present himself as a good wizard, a scholar, and a professor—roles that were universally respected and would align him with figures like Dumbledore. This, he hoped, would temporarily alleviate any suspicions from Odin or the Ancient One.

"Professor Lockhart, you introduced yourself as a professor at Hogwarts, which I find quite intriguing. However, I'm not familiar with this institution. Could you perhaps explain what it is?" Eric asked, offering Lockhart a bottle of water.

After discreetly casting a spell to detect any poisons and finding none, Lockhart took a sip and explained, "Hogwarts is a school for young wizards where I teach Defence Against the Dark Arts. Dark magic, you see, is particularly malevolent and dangerous."

Jane, listening intently from the back, asked with a hint of envy, "Professor Lockhart, is it possible for us to learn magic?"


Lockhart smiled gently and shook his head, "Learning magic requires certain innate talents and magical lineage. Unfortunately, 99.9% of people are Muggles and cannot harness magic. They aren't even aware of our existence." He added, "Muggles is the term we wizards use to refer to those without magical abilities."

As the conversation flowed, Daisy offered Lockhart some snacks, which he accepted with gratitude. "Thank you, Miss Daisy. These are delightful. Allow me to share some treats from my world as well."

With a flick of his wand, a variety of magical confections appeared, including blue-glowing milk candies, flaming chocolates, and bizarre-flavoured beans. He explained each with enthusiasm, offering them to everyone, including Thor, whom he addressed cautiously.

"Mr. Thor, I don't know where Asgard is.and I'm willing to lift the spell, but you must agree not to cause further trouble. If you agree, please nod."

Thor, having calmed down, nodded, and Lockhart lifted the spell. Freed, Thor managed a grunt but refrained from any aggression.

The car ride transformed into a delightful tasting session of magical snacks, lightening the mood and even softening Thor's demeanor.

Later, in the living room of the house rented by Eric and Jane, the group sat together as Daisy handed Lockhart a glass of water and eagerly requested stories of his adventures. Jane and Professor Selvig listened attentively, their curiosity piqued, while Thor, despite his initial disdain, also paid attention.

Lockhart, enjoying the rapt audience, began recounting tales of fighting with ghouls, his narration vivid and engaging. As he spoke, an idea sparked for a new book titled "Lockhart Surviving in Another World," which made him smile subtly to himself.

Through stories, magical treats, and a dash of charm, Lockhart had significantly improved his standing with the group, easing the initial hostility and perhaps even altering the Ancient One's perception of him.

As he wrapped up another tale, his voice tinged with excitement, Lockhart couldn't help but consider the possibilities that learning magic from the Marvel universe might hold, intrigued by its distinct differences from the magic of the Harry Potter world.
