
Chapter 14: Facing Forward IV

Emily shook her head not feeling too comfortable with Serena thanking her. They were both doing this for Leonard, and though she wishes all the best for Serena, she knew that chances of her succeeding to become something more to Christopher were slim.

Emily knew Christopher. At least more than some people. She was his ex-lover and she knew that he was not some hot-blooded gentleman who would marry for something as trifling as love. If not for Leonard's situation, she would never push Serena towards the man, wouldn't even recommend her try. However, as it is, she knew that Christopher was the answer to their predicament, and Christopher asked for Serena himself.

Then again, maybe Serena can do something which no other lady can. Serena was, after all, though loathe she was to admit, the most beautiful lady of their age. That aside, despite Serena's current situation, she was smart. Her only folly was her foolishness on the matter of Charlton. Hopefully, after knowing that Charlton already moved on, Serena can focus on their mission. For if not, all their efforts would just be undone.

Having that in mind, Emily looked at Serena, her eyes narrowed. "Don't thank me just yet. I also need to rely on you so you must hold up your end. Do not be distracted with you know what or who, and just focus."

Serena felt flustered. She won't deny that after her talk with Emily that night, she did shed more tears and wallowed in self-pity. However, it has been a long time coming and Emily's words were like the final nail on the coffin. So, it was easier to accept everything. Thus, after crying a bucket of tears, she has accepted reality and decided that she must move on with life and forget about the man.

Serena gave a nod. When she felt Emily's narrowed eyes still on her, she could only utter, "Don't worry, I won't. I promise." As assurance.

Emily, hearing Serena promise, also nodded. "That's good to know. Anyhow, the ones this week should be all crossed out. Early next week is doable but it's too tight. Our best bet is Friday next week to the week after. But the earlier the better.

We can't delay for too long since we need you to be able to have contact with Christopher as many times as possible and get him to agree with helping regarding Leonard before… whenever the next schedule for Leonard's court appearance would be."

"How much time do you think Leonard will be granted?" Serena asked.

"According to Christopher, depending on the severity of the illness. But on average, a maximum of 30 days. However, the current circumstance is special as there's a pile of on-going high-profile cases. So, he told me that it would take longer. About 2-3 months tops." Emily explained.

In fairness to Christopher, he did promise to help delay the process. He said that at the very least it would give them time to gather evidence that the accusation was wrong. However, what was the use? When they read the case and went through the evidence, even Serena knew that there's no way out.

Serena knowing this detail understood that there's no time to dally. She should be able to convince Christopher during that time, or if all fails, at the very least after all her efforts he should be able to give her the favor of delaying the case again. No, she must not think of failing at this point. She can't afford to fail. Christopher was their best bet.

"I understand. Then, how about the where?" Serena asked.

Emily thought about it for a few seconds, then said, "Well, since we're trying to minimize the trouble, we must pick a party hosted by someone from the neutral party. They should have a good impression of you, for if not, this would not work. The invite must also come from higher nobility so that chances of Christopher attending would be high. I also need to confirm with the host for that. I mean, it would all be pointless if he won't be in attendance."

Serena knew that Emily's right. Anyhow, she looked at the pile the envelopes. "Well, it would be easier to sift through those, now that we know what we're looking for."

Emily nodded as she divided the envelopes into two and handed Serena half the pile.


Serena examined the dress design she drew herself in preparation for the first event she would be attending as she waited for Emily to arrive.

Last night, she and Emily have selected and listed the potential events she can attend. They narrowed the choices into three.

First was an evening Soiree hosted by Countess Cortezi which would be held on Saturday evening next week. Though she did not know the Countess that well, Emily told her that she and the countess had deep friendship so it wouldn't be any trouble to get entry and for her to enter in style.

Second was a Masquerade hosted by Marquess Almarac on a Tuesday evening the following week. It was also a good option because she would have more freedom with hopefully, not a lot of people recognizing her. It would indeed be a good event, but they were both unsure if it's good timing as it was a Tuesday evening and Christopher as a Minister would likely either not attend or leave early.

Third was an evening dance party hosted by Duke Ligeti on Friday next week. Honestly, it was the best choice as Serena has some friendship with the old Duke and since it's a dance party, guests would be limited in comparison to a ball. However, well, there's someone she didn't really want to meet immediately that would surely be there.

Anyhow, what were the chances that that would be the option they would take? Right?

Later that evening, Emily could only tell her that she must immediately put her words into practice.

She would be attending Ligeti's.



