
General manager of Pollow glass manufacturing plant

It could be seen that most of the attendees wore agitated looks when holding these unique items that were simply priceless. 

From afar, one could see Azuhai's biggest merchant - Katya Laskin holding a hand sized mirror in her hand, she couldn't believe what she was seeing.

"I didn't know I was this beautiful! Every feature of my face could clearly be seen on this mirror. This is a priceless item. How did his Majesty manage to make something like this?" Katya was agitated. The mirror in her hand could clearly reflect her image perfectly as if her image had been sucked onto the surface of the mirror. Katya just like the rest of the attendees was amazed and flabbergasted. Her expression was mixed up. After all, the polished surfaces of copper couldn't show clearly the image of a person the way the mirror was doing and Katya was aghast that there was an item that could show her image so clearly.
