
-Chapter 290-

They stopped in a cozy corner of a hallway, there were only two doors in that part of the hallway, and Lake's heart sunk at the thought that he would actually be getting what he wanted.

He wondered why they had to come all this way for these particular rooms anyway.

There were a lot of rooms in the master wing, as a matter of fact, he doubted he had been here before.

Which was saying a lot because he worked at the mansion for years.

But some places were off-limits even to the house staff so it wasn't all that surprising.

"These used to be my parents' rooms," Davian said, taking a deep breath. "There's a connecting door between them," He explained as he opened one of the doors.

Doing this was harder than Davian thought it would be. He routinely had his parents' rooms cleaned specially, and he had cleared out their personal effects years ago, but he had never been in here.
