
Goddess Of The Hearth

The Seraphic System

Chapter: 25

Pa/ t reon details at the bottom of the chapter if you're interested I'll keep posting regardless.

Edit: A lot of people are for some reason thinking that Kai is different, he's not. Right now he's playing passive to get what he wants. Don't be fooled. He's not staying there much longer. He is also training, I've mentioning it but everyone seems to ignore it. This is a calm before the storm type chapter. 

(Goddess Of The Hearth)

Staring into the gently smouldering flames that belonged to the Greek Elder Goddess of the Hearth, I had to wonder why she was just sitting out in the middle of camp tending to the campfire alone at night.

Hestia tilted her head at me, curiosity clear on her facial features.

I felt her aura, it was warm and inviting. A feeling I hadn't felt since my past life nearly overwhelmed me. Most Gods I had met possessed an aura of domination. Manasa had an aura that made me feel on edge and Dionysus felt like an eldritch monster hiding in a human body.

Compared to that this was a welcome change, I am guessing it was related to her Domain.

"Hello, Lady Hestia." I greeted and she didn't look surprised that I knew of her.

"Child of Yahweh. I must insist you drop the formalities. I'm not one of my prideful younger brothers who all demand such etiquette" She replied with a soft smile.

I took a seat on the other side of the campfire and felt myself relax, the soothing heat of the fire having a strange effect on me. I sent a curious glance at the Goddess tending to the fire, only receiving a knowing smile in return.

"In that case, it's nice to meet you, Hestia." I corrected myself and received a beaming smile for my efforts.

"Would you mind telling me your name?" She asked.

"Kai," I replied.

She tilted her head and I almost sighed aloud as I knew what was coming. It's not my fault I was given a relatively normal name. Perhaps I should look into getting an angelic name?

"That's a particular name for a child of Yahweh. I like it." She smiled.

"I'm not exactly a normal angel, so I never was given a true angelic name," I said with a shrug. I wouldn't leak the news of God's death since that would take a lot of the protection I had from him merely existing.

She frowned softly.

"That's unusual. Your father isn't known for abandoning his children. Not considering your fallen brethren." She mused.

I nearly snickered at the last part, opting to shrug instead.

She kept her soft frown, scooting closer to me she gently tapped me. A golden pulse had me on guard immediately. My muscles tensed but relaxed once I realised she wasn't attacking me.

Hestia gasped a little and looked at me in shock.

"You have no home?" She questioned as if she had never heard a thought so atrocious.

I thought about it, I hadn't had one since my grandpa passed and all those rats moved back in. The barbed insults and judging stares. Ever since coming here, I had bounced around from place to place, mostly running away from stronger beings.

"I guess not," I replied.

I found myself quickly wrapped up in a hug. The warm aura she produced seemed to multiply in power and wrap around me. My body felt lax as her aura cocooned me. I felt that I should probably be more wary, given my past experiences with Gods, but I couldn't fight against it.

"You must feel so lonely, I can see now how untrusting you are to flinch at the slightest moment. So unlike the rest of your kind." She muttered softly.

I didn't know how to react, I hadn't exactly had any encounters like this since my old life and not with a lot of people even then. What a dangerous goddess, she was able to lower my guard so easily.

As if sensing my inner turmoil, she tightened her hug around me and her aura seemed to magnify several times again. It was a bit awkward since she was shorter than me and overall smaller.

I hugged her back and it was her turn to freeze, only relaxing a moment later. I pulled away and saw she sported a miniature blush of embarrassment on her pale cheeks.

"Sorry about that, I just felt the need to hug you." She apologised somewhat embarrassed. Sitting back down next to the fire.

"It's cool," I replied, relaxing as I sat back down. Feeling slightly conflicted.

As I tried to regain my bearing, I noticed that Hestia looked surprised. She was staring at my face. I blinked in confusion before realising I had forgotten to channel my light manipulation into an illusion like I had been doing due to her aura.

That was awkward, she didn't seem to be affected by allure which was interesting. I quickly reapplied it over my body. Giving her a sheepish smile.

She parted her lips and spoke in a mildly humorous voice.

"You should truly keep that illusion on all the time. I've come to learn that beauty can cause many problems for a person. You look more handsome than Adonis, and that's something," She giggled, parting her godly wisdom to me.

"Yeah it's caused me a few problems" I snorted with a growing smile.

"Moving on from that rather humorous situation. How about you tell me how you found yourself in the Camp Half-Blood?" Hestia asked.

We both spoke for quite a while, enjoying each other's company since we both seemed to be more on the introverted side. I did have to dodge some questions like my 'banishment' from heaven, but I remained truthful in answering the other questions.

I suspected God had the ability to sense truth so I didn't bother trying. This was perhaps the most relaxed and fun conversation I had since coming to this world. We both watched the sun starting to rise.

"I should go," I said and she nodded somewhat solemnly.

"I've got some business to attend to as well." She stood up.

The campfire finally started to burn out.

"I'll see you again right?" I asked.

She paused and looked surprised. "Would that be something you would like?"

"Of course. Would you like that?" I questioned back.

She smiled happily.

"I would very much." She nodded quickly.

"Then I'll see you again soon," I replied.

She beamed and disappeared in a burst of divine power. I made my way back to camp.

I should probably check on my angels at some point.

-Scene Break-

"So why am I participating in this again?" I questioned the blonde-haired child of Athena. Annabeth stood wearing light leather gear and had a wooden dagger in her hand. Her curly blonde hair was tied back in a ponytail.

It had been another day of lounging about and experiencing the Demigod camp life. I had done quite a bit of training earlier, I was mainly just using this opportunity to train with a sword and watching events unfold.

I also made a note to visit my angels later today, they needed some attention too after all.

I could leave whenever I wanted, it wasn't like anyone could stop me. I was the most powerful person here not counting Dionysus. Maybe I'll leave in a few more days after getting my sword wielding proficiency higher.

Right now, I was working on making Percy my ally since I knew he would become a powerful figure in the future which was why I was even bothering with this foolish game.

I was also waiting for my current download to finish so I could finally start on getting on downloading Momonga for the resurrection skill that I would need to revive my lost Angel.

Percy stood next to me, awkwardly holding a bronze sword. Wearing a ridiculously oversized helmet with a blue horsehair plume on top and carrying a massive shield held in his other hand with a big caduceus in the middle of it. Looking just as confused.

Children of Athena, Apollo and Hermes stood close to us chatting as we prepared for a game of "Capture The Flag". Something I had somehow been dragged into.

We were apparently against the Dionysus, Demeter, Aphrodite, Hephaestus and Ares Cabins.

"You two need to defend the flag, Luke told me you were pretty strong so it shouldn't be a problem," Annabeth repeated.

The flag was located on a pile of rocks in the forest of Camp Half-Blood shaped like a large fist. It was known as Zeus' Fist or that was what everyone called it. I did remember the first capture-the-flag event happening from Canon. I just didn't expect to be roped into it.

"Why can't we attack?" Percy protested, earning a glare from Annabeth.

Luke came from behind him and gave him a friendly pat on the shoulder. "We can't all attack, or it'll leave our flag defenceless. Since you two are the newcomers you both have to stay on the defence as border patrol."

"How exactly, have I been roped into this?" I asked and Luke grinned.

"Don't tell me you're scared of a little fight after all that talk in the arena." Luke taunted.

A loud horn echoed through the forest a moment later and the Demigods cheered. Luke gave me a smug grin as he followed the assembled demigods who were charging down towards where the other team's flag was.

"It's easy. Stand by the creek, keep the reds away. Leave the rest to me. Athena Cabin always has a plan." Annabeth quickly said before marching forward. Luke followed behind

"Blue team forward!" Annabeth shouted.

Everyone cheered and shook their swords and followed her down the path to the south woods.

Annabeth carried a silk banner. That seemed to be about ten feet long, glistening grey, with a painting of a barn owl above an olive tree. Two of her siblings were with her as all the campers charged down to the south side of the forest.

"Glad you wanted me on your team." I heard Percy mutter.

We both watched the force of Demigods marching away with flat stares.

"Bit much Ay?" I asked and he nodded.

The campers were roaring as if this was a true battle between two armies. The banners were a nice touch I had to admit. We eventually found ourselves standing awkwardly next to a pile of rocks that held a large flag perched on top of it.

It stood out quite blatantly, a grey colour with the symbols of Athena, Apollo and Hermes on it. Signifying their alliance. They could have tried to hide it a bit. Instead of perching it right on top of Zeus' fist.

"So what now?" Percy questioned.

I shrugged, lying down on one of the rocks. I knew what was meant to happen and was more curious to see it go down than get involved. Percy sat down next to me.

Distant sounds of battle were heard and I had to give it to them, the Greeks don't fuck around. It genuinely sounded like people were being slaughtered over there. The clanks of blades and the shouting.

"Guess we wait for something to happen," I replied.

"I feel like an idiot. Standing here, with a big blue-feathered helmet and a huge shield. What's even the point of wearing these helmets?" Percy grumbled.

"To protect your head and the blue part is probably to let everyone know which team you stand on," I responded casually.

"Yeah, I know that it's just stupid. Even this sword doesn't feel right." Percy said.

He dropped the shield a moment later which, honest to God, caused the ground to tremble for a moment. A child of Apollo suddenly exploded from the bushes and rushed out.

"We're missing all the fun," Percy whined and I looked at him.

A presence suddenly descended on the clearing, causing Percy to jump up, picking up the large shield and raising his bronze sword. I perked up too as an inhuman rumble came from the tree line.

It disappeared a moment later. Percy relaxed only to tense up again as the underbrush exploded and three massive kids jumped out, following a mean-looking older girl, wielding a spear.

She had stringy pale brown hair that looked unwashed and sharp eyes, the girl wore a downright wicked sneer as she spotted us.

"Let's cream these punks." She growled.

{Name: Clarisse La Rue}

{Title: Ares Favourite}

{Race: Demigod}

{Power level: 5000}

The rest of the demigods all seemed to be children of Ares and were all in the middle of the high class. While Clasrisse was the only one at the higher end of High-class. She spun her spear masterfully.

Clarisse glared through the slits of her helmet. She wielded her five-foot-long spear, its barbed metal tip flickering with red light. All of her siblings charged along with her, all of them only had the standard-issued bronze swords.

They all crossed the stream quickly with their supernatural physical abilities.

Percy took a step back.

"Should we run? They outnumber us by five to two." Percy whispered.

"Nah, go on Percy, you can take them," I reassured and he gawked as I didn't bother getting up.

He couldn't say much as the first kid let out a swing at Percy who easily side-stepped him even with the late reactions. They all quickly surrounded both of us though.

Percy raised his large shield and was sent skidding back as Clarisse thrust her spear at him. The collision sent a small blast of air outwards. Percy winced as electricity crackled around his body.

He felt his arm that held his shield go numb as the hairs on his body stood on end. Another child of Ares didn't give him any reprieve as he slammed Percy in the chest with the butt of his sword and he hit the dirt.

They all laughed down at Percy.

"Let's give the newbie a haircut." Clarisse laughed.

Percy stumbled up, raising his sword only to be sent flying back as Clarisse hit him with her electric spear that made both of his arms go numb. He tried to raise his spear but Clarisse was faster, sending her spear directly into his gut and making me wince.

The only thing saving him from permanent damage was his armour.

I had wanted to let this play out so Percy could do his whole introduction thing.

One of her siblings slashed him across the arm, leaving a giant gnash that spewed blood.

Percy paled and stumbled around.

"You're not allowed to maim." He stuttered out.

Staring at his arm which was bleeding a worrying amount of blood in horror.

"Oops," the guy said. "Guess I lost my dessert privilege."

They all laughed and I finally came to the conclusion that I was going to have to get involved.

I stood up, Clarisse noticing me instantly. I had known this was all going to play out even if that cut was much larger than I had assumed it was going to be, then again it was a child wielding a sword but I had grown to like Percy and these assholes were starting to annoy me.

"What about you, pretty boy?" Clarisse sneered at me.

I sent her an appraising look, I had come to enjoy fighting as long as it didn't end up with me facing some powerful enemy I was barely able to keep up with. I crouched and tensed my foot.

They pushed Percy into the creek, uncaring of me. Only Clarisse gave me a wicked smile. Eh, fuck it. I'm sure Canon will work out. I exploded towards the guy who had created the large gnash on Percy's arm. Feeling the unhinged raw emotion I reserved for battle.

Grabbing him by the throat, I smashed his head on the ground. I watched as his helmet dented and blood gushed out of his broken nose. A boy behind me thrust his sword and I spun out of the way.

Pushing his sword away and punching him hard enough to send him bouncing away through several trees. I sent a powerful gust of wind to blow the other two away into the pile of stones that held the flag.

Their bodies fell limp and I was suddenly left with only Clarisse. Who was looking at me with wide eyes? She giggled maniacally. She prepared to charge at me only to be distracted by a bunch of cheers. Luke was running back towards our flag with the red team's flag in hand.

"A trick?" She roared in rage.

The red flag shimmered and turned to silver. The boar and spear were replaced with a huge caduceus, the symbol of cabin eleven. Everybody on the blue team surrounded and picked up Luke, carrying him around on their shoulders.

Clarisse scowled in fury.

I turned towards Percy.

"Good job distracting them, Heroes." Annabeth's voice called out from next to Percy.

"Where the heck did you learn to fight like that?" She asked us both, mainly me. The air shimmered and she materialised. Holding a Yankee baseball cap in her hand.

"You set us up," Percy growled.

Getting up and slamming the bronze sword on the ground.

"You put me here with Kai because you knew Clarisse would come for me. Using us as bait while you sent Luke around to flank." Percy gritted out. He was truly pissed off.

Annabeth shrugged.

"I did tell you, a child of Athena always plans her battles." She spoke without a care.

"A plan to get me and my friend destroyed." He spat.

I was briefly surprised that he regarded me as his friend but opted to stay silent.

"Relax, I was about to jump in…" she trailed off, staring down at his arm.

"How did you do that?" She asked.

"Sword slash." He responded with a glare. "What do you think?"

"No." She pointed:

Sure enough, his arm had healed. The massive cut oozing blood sealed. Turning into a white scratch that seemed to be fading back into nothing. Percy gawked.

"What..?" He asked in bewilderment.

"Step out of the water, Percy," Annabeth said.

Percy glared.

"Just do it." She insisted.

Percy huffed but stepped out. He immediately slumped and looked exhausted. His arms were going limp. He stumbled and I quickly caught him.

"Oh, Styx…" Annabeth cursed. "This is not good. I didn't want… I assumed it would be Zeus…"

Before she could continue, a loud bestial growl clicked through the forest clearing. A howl that shook the ground pierced the happy atmosphere and all the campers ceased their cheering.

Chiron shouted. "Stand ready, my bow."

Annabeth and Percy picked up their swords. On the rocks stood a giant hound the size of a bus. Red eyes that shone like burning lava glared down at us with inhumane rage. A maw opened up that showed razor-sharp teeth that all looked akin to swords.

It looked at Percy. Making its maw snarl up into a grin that looked out of place on the beast.

"Run!" Annabeth screamed.

The beast let loose a thunderous roar that shook everything around us. It jumped up high, its razor-sharp black claws shining as it pounced down. Its sheer weight sends a rumble through the ground.

{Name: Nameless}

{Title: Underworld Monster} 

{Race: Hellhound} 

{Power level: 5440}

Only five hundred below Chiron. The massive beast was about to land on Percy only to be sent flying back as I delivered a powerful punch to the side of its jaw. It recovered quickly and got back up.

Chiron raised his bow but the monster was able to leap out of the way. Its massive maw opened and glowed blue, moments later releasing a massive blob of hellfire that was sent towards Percy.

I quickly created a shield of light only to be surprised as the fire began eating its way through. The monster's tail sharpened and sent a hail of small sharp hairs that I blocked with my light shield.

Percy was barely able to put up his shield, getting hit through the arm by a few of them. His arm reddened instantly. Oops, I probably should have covered him as well. I was used to fighting alone.

An arrow hit the Hellhound in the eye, sending it scrambling back and trying to dodge the massive light spear that slammed into its torso a moment later. It wobbly got back up and went to send a blast of hellfire only to receive a giant holy spear through its throat.

The monster failed to dodge the attack and slumped to the ground a moment later, dead.

"The Immortal Gods!" Annabeth exclaimed in shock.

"That's a hellhound from the Fields of Punishment. They don't… they're not supposed to..." She said only to be cut off by Chiron.

"It was summoned." He grimly stated.

"By someone inside the camp."

I sent a look over to Luke who was looking in feigned shock.

Clarisse yelled, "It's all their fault! Percy summoned it!" She pointed towards us.

"Be quiet, child," Chiron told her. We watched the body of the hellhound melt into a mass of shadow, soaking into the ground until it disappeared entirely.

Percy groaned, his arm in pain as the little spikes of hair started sizzling. Burning his skin.

"You're wounded," Annabeth told Percy in alarm.

"Quick, Percy, get in the water."

"I'll be okay." He reassured her.

"No, you won't." Annabeth snapped. "Chiron, watch this."

Percy looked too tired to argue and merely nodded, stepping back into the water. He perked up as energy seemingly revitalised him. The burning stopped and the little needles of hair popped out.

The whole camp gathered around him and watched. All looking at him in bewilderment.

A moment later, a hologram made of green energy appeared above him. Presenting a three-tipped spear which was a trident.

"This really isn't good," Annabeth muttered.

"All hail the Son of Poseidon the Earthshaker, Stormbringer, Father of Horses. Hail, Perseus Jackson, Son of the Sea God." Chiron announced and everyone but me kneeled.

I nearly grinned, it seemed like things worked out anyway even with my interference. Poor Percy appeared to be frozen.


Before someone complains, don't worry. Percy is a lot stronger than he's currently being shown as. It'll be shown more in depth later. Also about Kai mostly being passive, it won't last long. It's Kai. 

if you wish to read up to nine chapters in advance among other things please visit pa/t reon * / Snipez818, I appreciate all the support!
