
Your game is over

"Tristan?" Bella exclaimed, taking a closer look. She finally recognized the familiar face beneath the disguise—a false beard and those oversized glasses that had thrown her off. Unable to hold back her amusement, she stifled a laugh. "So, you're my driver now! I guess Theodore has officially demoted you from secretary to chauffeur."

Tristan gave a dramatic sigh, shrugging with a playfully defeated expression. "What can I say? Orders are orders. But ma'am," he lowered his voice, "please keep my identity a secret. It's essential for Mr. Reid's plan. I hope you understand me."

Bella nodded, catching onto the humor and sensing its seriousness. "Understood. Come on in." She stepped aside, allowing Tristan to enter, and closed the door behind them.

Selena was surprised to see him. "Who is this?"

"He…is Tristan," Bella explained, still amused. "Theodore bought me a car, and Tristan is here to deliver it."
