

He woke up again at midday and immediately rushed towards the school. Again he didn't stop at the outskirts rather he looked at the sign and slowly started to walk. 

It was extremely difficult to not simply run forward especially so as he saw Jean. Her beautiful red hair cascading down her back, her super suit hugging her curves extremely seductively and most importantly those beautiful green eyes that matched Rogue's except for the fact that Jean's were slightly brighter.

The group was again only Xavier, Colossus, Wolverine and of course Jean. Which made his decision of not hiding the pain seem to be the most optimal route.

"Hello. I am Alexander. Would it be okay for me to remain here for a short period of time?" Those words along with his feelings seemed to make Jean even more tempted to approach him then normally which he noted while trying to ignore his rising temptation of avoiding all these steps.

Logan obviously felt far more unsettled then ever before but he didn't seem to plan to act on any of that. That in turn meant that he most likely would only step forward under heavier danger or maybe only if there is clear facade.

"We always welcome new students but would it be okay to know your power first? It is only for safety reasons." Xavier again wore a pity filled smile just as always in this situation so he ignored it.

He pointed at his eyes just as always and spoke "Honestly I don't know the ins and outs but there is some extremely passive energy that gave me these eyes and my current senses."

"Ah quite the safe, versatile and mysterious power, Alexander. Well shall we head inside?" Xavier again simply started the process of leading everyone in but this time while walking side by side Alexander carefully and sneakily held Jean's hand.

Much to his joy she didn't react much and in fact held his hand back but after a while she gently pulled her hand away just in time for him to hear Logan's words "Hey bub! Drop by the garage sometime."

On reflex he chimed in with "Okay!" Before his mind went back to thinking about Jean's behavior and how it would be to meet Rogue.

Xavier's words of "Now then, I believe that me and Piotr have something to attend to. Jean dear would you mind showing Alexander to his room? It is number 212." Did of course ring out eventually which meant that....

"Okay professor. Come on, Alexander~" It was time to go. Jean's happy tone and behavior was comforting but this time Alexander took the lead after they were out of sight.

Guiding one of his lovers through the school was surprisingly therapeutic, even more so when she didn't hesitate to follow him into his room.

Once there, without letting go of his hand Jean curiously asked him a question "So is there something I should know?"

Without hesitation Alexander spoke "Dr. Grey my love♡ I know about your hideout...this is happening because of time. I'll tell you both everything as soon as Anna is here♡"

Despite the shock Jean didn't stop him from kissing her hand especially because he let go of it immediately after and stumbled towards the door.

Just as he pulled it open Jean saw Rogue but became slightly worried due to the expression on her face. Her face showed shock worry and pain but as Jean watched her, she also noticed swiftly blooming love.

Even more so as Alexander seemingly collapsed forward and hugged Rogue desperately while repeating "Anna♡ My Anna~♡" like a broken record. 

"I'm right here Alexander♡ Everything is okay♡" Rogue was of course missing a lot of context but just as she had predicted it was easy for her to put two and two together with the knowledge that she had.

Jean focused fully on her empath abilities and thinking which is what eventually lead her to approach the two lovebirds. Seeing that Rogue had a question for Alexander "So are we both yours?♡" 

His eyes locked onto hers "Yes♡ You're both mine~♡ And I'm yours♡" the absent-minded speaking along with him suddenly pulling Jean into the hug caused both of them to smile.

Rogue happily and lovingly but Jean's smile was somewhat confused.

From there it didn't take long for him to recover enough to pull them both into the room and stop causing a scene in the hallway but now that they had some privacy he, without fully comprehending his own actions, pushed them against the wall.

They both showed surprise but it all faded away as he got as close as possible and started touching them lovingly, even periodically rubbing his head against them as if he was a needy animal.

Both Rogue and Jean reacted almost the exact same. They held him close and tried to make him as comfortable as possible while touching and kissing him.

Jean was of course slightly hesitant but with what he said and what she felt through her empath abilities she was quick to warm up to him. The things he said served as obvious signs that he had gained her love previously and the way he felt made it clear that he truly loved her.

The last part was made even more obvious after Rogue spoke "Everything is okay Alexander♡ We're both right here♡" His love went even further.

"Mm true. Please stay♡ I'll start explaining in a bit." There was some clear reservations in his tone but it didn't bother either of them.

All of them spent some quality time together, mostly hugging, cuddling and kissing but there was also a good bit of inappropriate touching as well.

After some time Alexander started talking "I will try to keep this short....mostly because I want to go to the next day as soon as possible♡ So basically Jean there are at least two enemies one should be easy to deal with but the other not so much. I haven't thought it through yet because I haven't even looked into or trained these eyes but I promise that I'll figure something out♡"

He then bit his lip and subconsciously held Rogue tighter "Anna already knows but these eyes....you two didn't want me to suffer and since I loved you two...it...i-it umm...."

Noticing that his breathing was becoming unsteady and that tears were building up in his eyes Rogue kissed his cheek "We're both right here♡ One of us died but we're back, it's okay♡"

Jean while shocked at the revelation of one of them dying wasn't bothered and kissed Alexander's cheek while smiling. Afterall not only was the death of one of them still only a burden on him. But a temporary death to potentially solve a huge issue and help him was well worth it.

"Heh....you're right. And the faster this is solved the sooner we can get to the next day♡" -Alexander

Clearly sensing thar he was already doing better Rogue decided to again take the lead in the conversation "So do you know what these beautiful eyes of yours can do now~?♡"

She was never one for the way people's eyes looked and thus blamed it on the Uchiha bloodline but she didn't really mind it since her lover had such amazing eyes.

He still hadn't really focused on it but now that he was asked he did look into it and was rather shocked. The abilities of his two eyes didn't really have obvious direct combat abilities yet their power was rather absurd.

Alexander's right eye had the power of turning reality to illusion while his left eye could turn illusion to reality, both absolutely absurd "It might be difficult to use these to beat him but I can already think of one path. We could get him to leave by tricking him but afterwards we would be on the run until we could kill him...My eyes can turn reality to illusion and illusion to reality."

The revelation of his new abilities was shocking to say the least but they both understood that if he wasn't confident in directly beating their enemy then there had to be strong limits, which wasn't entirely true.

Were there limits? Of course but the main issues were that he could only use his abilities within his vision and that each action required a different amount of energy.

"I'll train with these eyes, abilities and depending on what my Susanoo looks like we'll go from there, okay?♡" His somewhat relaxed tone didn't fool Jean or Rogue but they both agreed.

"Yeah...and come to us whenever~♡" -Rogue

"Okay but talk to us about any troubles or worries, honey~♡" -Jean

Alexander felt his love for both of them rise even further, an event that he wasn't ready for. As such he swiftly made a promise to himself 'Sinister is so dead...fuck trickery...I'll erase him and his soul even if it cost me my eyes'

While burying that promise to his core, he got up and looked at the people that be had fallen in love with. He had honestly never planned to love, out of fear, but love never was something that easy to predict or deal with.

He was sure that he wouldn't have any issues spending entire days simply describing the two of them but that would only be worth it for taking mental notes and he really didn't need to. 

Or at least those were his thoughts before he reached over to them. Thanks to how much his eyes had advanced and how he felt it was rather easy to appreciate what he had laid out right in front of him.

Rogue, with her medium length brown hair was clearly quite open to the idea of being touched by him. In fact she clearly wanted more than he was giving her, as was evident with how she kept playing with the white strip of hair while biting her lip.

Her waist that he was touching felt quite a bit softer than one would expect with how toned her body was yet it wasnt odd per say.

What was odd however was how fast Rogue was getting aroused. Just looking at her and touching her waist immediately had her supple breasts doing quite a lot of movement along with her heaving chest.

Her eyes were currently her two tomoe sharingan but even those fit her gorgeous face extremely well especially because of her rather dark "eyesbags" and dark purple lipstick.

Jean on the other hand was far more shy. She clearly enjoyed the attention but not as much as Rogue which was obvious as she used her long soft red hair to hide her equally red face.

Despite her clear shyness she didn't resist his touch, in fact she clearly cherished it, even trying to get closer to him while lightly squirming around. 

Her body overall felt slightly more soft than Rogue's but it wasn't a demerit in any sense especially when it came to her large tits that were being squished by her own hands.

What managed to often get his attention was her luscious lips whenever they peaked out from behind her hair. 

Shaking his head to snap out of it Alexander proceeded to lean down and kiss Rogue before gently moving Jean's hair out of the way and giving her a kiss as well.

They both clearly appreciated his actions as they first reciprocated and then gently hugged him. Rogue and Jean surprisingly enough fully understood him at that moment and whispered their own well wishes into his ears.

"I'll be waiting~♡ Take care of yourself my Alexander♡♡" -Rogue

"See you soon my love~♡ Come to us whenever you want or need to♡" -Jean

Alexander chuckled lightly in response, gave each of them another kiss and then tried using an illusion and his left eye to kill himself which was successful.

Seeing the same midday sun made Alexander lightly annoyed but he immediately channeled all of that into his previously made promise and started training in full force.

He was always extremely careful when it came to the time, making sure to never reach the evening but outside of that he lost track of time having no idea how many days had passed.

Never caring about the pain, exhaustion or negative feelings, only focusing on his goal and the two amazing people that he loved, that were unknowingly waiting for him.

Thus he made drastic progress.

He mainly focused on his Susanoo but regardless of that he gained a lot of proficiency with illusions and the abilities of his eyes.

Eventually after many many many many deaths and even more time he reached the armored Susanoo and learned of his weapons.

The black Susanoo, that wore something akin to robes rather than armor and a blank mask rather than anything that Alexander would have expected, had two unexpected weapons.

One of them was quite self-explanatory and was already more than enough for Alexander. It was a blade. Just the blade, no hilt or anything. Too long to be called a knife but too short to be a sword. 

It was a blade that should be loosely named The End. Its ability was that, if it was used correctly for the specific enemy that was attacked, it would "grant" them true death. The requirements of activating true death would always be told to him when he was facing an enemy.

Those requirements would of course lessen as he gained familiarity with the blade or grew stronger. He also felt that eventually he should be able to use it without worrying about familiarity with the knife or his own strength which was an odd feeling.

What was particularly fascinating was that said ability of true death was somehow connected to the other "weapon" of the odd Susanoo.

That weapon was a book that Alexander couldn't quite figure out. It refused to open, it refused to be "used" and he wasn't even given any information on it.

What he did know however was that said book was not only innately connected to his eye abilities and his Susanoo's blade but was also going to eventually open. The chains that tied it felt like they would give way, just not yet.

Alexander, currently very happy, killed himself and as soon as his eyes opened he quickly made his way towards the school.
