
Chapter 33:Financial problems

Viltz looked at the various places where the wyvern was bleeding and waved his hand, sending five fireballs into its limbs and tail to cauterize the wounds.

Then he looked at the wyvern's mangled eyes and sighed.

"Looks like i overdid it a bit, should i have tamed it? The other druids love to tame wyvern, but it's a pity, you shouldn't have attacked me, i react too strongly, you know how the saying goes, first shoot and then think, or would it be first cut in this case?

Well, whatever, you'll make an excellent research subject, as for pets, i'll look for a dragon or something in the future."

Waving his hand, the huge vines wrapped further around the wyvern and Viltz summoned a portal, transporting them both to the entrance of the castle.

"Okay, let's get down to the dungeons."

Viltz floated a large pile of metals he found in a corner of the castle and began walking towards the subway floor of the castle, where he searched for the largest cell of all, leaving the cocoon of vines inside, then waved his hand and half of the pile of metals attached themselves to the bars of the cell, reinforcing it, and the other pile attached themselves together to form thick chains that pierced the walls.

Closing the cell door, Viltz waved his hand and the vines enveloping the wyvern retreated.

As soon as it regained its mobility, the wyvern leapt forward and opened its jaw to bite but all it managed to bite were hard metal bars.

Shaking his head, Viltz had the chains wrapped around the wyvern's torso, neck and mouth.

"Consider yourself unfortunate, this cold place will be your home from now on."

Viltz turned and walked away, leaving the helpless wyvern who let out pitiful moans every now and then.

Looking at the girl who was happily playing with the little puppy in her hand, Viltz sighed in relief.

"Looks like she wasn't so affected by seeing blood for the first time, she seems to have forgotten it already."

Taking the puppy from the girl's hands, Viltz admonished her seriously.

"This little guy is still too small to play with you like that, now we have to get him milk to feed him and then he has to sleep so he can grow up healthy so he can play with you in the future."

"He is hungry too?"


"And he only eats milk, like babies?"

"Yes, and you don't eat milk, you drink it."

"You're going to give him your milk to drink?"

"Huh?" Viltz's mind went blank for a moment.

"But what the hell, like giving my milk to the puppy, what have those brothel bastards taught this girl?"

With a vein throbbing in his forehead, Viltz looked at his sister.

"Explain yourself!"

"Eh? Isn't she normal? I once saw a lady give milk coming out of her breast to her baby. You can't do that?" The girl looked at him with an innocent look on her face and asked.

Feeling embarrassed by his dirty thoughts, Viltz coughed a couple of times and explained to the girl with a slightly uncomfortable smile.

"You see, men can't do that, only women who have babies can do that."

"But...but i heard it! I once heard a lady yelling at a gentleman to give her his milk! She was saying it so loud and everyone heard it! I swear!"

Viltz's smile stiffened and he didn't know how to react for a moment.

"Shit! This is so complicated!"

Scratching his head in frustration, Viltz decided to put aside the efforts to explain and said seriously to the girl.

"Listen Lena, you can't go around saying stuff like that okay! It's wrong and if you do I'll leave you without dessert!"

"No dessert?! No no no! I don't know anything! I won't say anything! Don't take my desserts away from me please!"

"Yeah yeah, stop exaggerating i was just kidding!"

"Um... Where's our food?" Lena asked suddenly as she rubbed her stomach.

"Huh?" Viltz blinked in confusion a couple of times before remembering to hunt for something to eat.

"Oops! I forgot!" Viltz laughed awkwardly before saying, "How about this, i'll open a portal to Lan Exeter and we'll have dinner there."

Lena's face turned pale and she took a step back.

"Come on! We'll do this many times! You have to get used to it."


"No excuses!"

Viltz grabbed the girl and opened a portal directly to Lan Exeter.

Lena's face went pale.

"Haha! See? You're getting used to it! Now you don't throw up anymore!"

"But i already threw it all up a while ago... I think my stomach hurts."

"Oops, my bad." Viltz laughed awkwardly .

Lena straightened up and on shaky legs asked Viltz, "Can we not use a portal to get back?"


Viltz grinned wickedly at her and Lena almost burst into tears.

"Hahaha! Don't worry, we'll spend the night here, tomorrow we'll use the portal to get back."

Lena patted her chest and let out a sigh of relief, at least she wouldn't have to throw up her dinner shortly after ingesting it.

Viltz passed the sleeping puppy to Lena and took her to the usual restaurant for dinner, where he ordered two steaks for himself and his sister and a bowl of milk for the little puppy.

After eating their fill, the duo went to a tavern for the night.


The next day, Viltz and Lena had breakfast and then went to the market where they bought enough food to last them a month.

"Sigh, i don't have enough money to hire the necessary staff to maintain the castle and doing everything on my own is too tedious."

Scratching his head, Viltz kept thinking about how to solve this problem while opening a portal back to Stigga's castle when suddenly a great idea occurred to him.

"How did i not think of this before!? I can use the same method the original Vilgefortz used to earn enough money to fund his various projects!" With the idea already in mind, Viltz pulled out a communication crystal and activated it, on the other side of the crystal appeared a beautiful blonde haired young woman who smiled at Viltz before asking with concern," Did something happen? I haven't heard from you for a month."

"It's nothing, i've just been kind of busy lately and haven't even had time to scratch my head.

I contacted you because i wanted to ask you for a favor."

"What is it?"

"You see, during one of my trips, i came back to my hometown and i discovered that i had a younger sister, now i am taking care of her but i need to make a somewhat long trip on the sea that could last half a month and it can be somewhat dangerous that's why i can't take her with me so i need to leave her with someone reliable during that time."

Margaret on the other side smiled and replied, "No problem, you can leave her with me, tell me where you are and i will come there right now."

"I'm at lan Exeter, do you have any coordinates connected to this place?"

"Yes, give me a second." The screen went dark for a few moments before coming back on.

"Okay, i'm on, give me a minute and I'm with you."

A few moments later, Viltz saw Margarita coming in his direction.

"Rita! Here!"

Viltz waved his hands and Margarita on the other side noticed him and walked in his direction.

"Hello!" Viltz gave her a hug before giving her a light discreet kiss on the mouth.

"This is my sister, Lena, she's five years old but eats like a gentleman of forty."

Margarita covered her mouth and giggled, bending down to Lena's height, Margarita stroked her head and greeted her, "Hello Miss, i'm Rita, your brother's partner."

"Hello! I'm Lena, and this is...is...what's the puppy's name?"

Lena turned to Viltz and asked with a face full of confusion.

"You can call him whatever you want, i suck at giving names so don't look at me."

Lena turned her confused gaze to Rita and asked again," What should i call him? Doggy? Little white boy? Little white boy? Little puppy?"

Viltz slapped his face, today was the first time he met someone with a naming sense almost as lousy as his own.

"Haha! It looks like you really are siblings."

Rita chuckled under her breath and pondered for a moment before suggesting to the stunned girl, "How about calling him Sasrir?"

"Sasrir? Yes, that's great! I'll call him Sasrir then!"

"Ok, problem solved, Lena, i have to do something important for a few days and i need you to stay with Rita during that time, be a good girl and don't cause trouble."

"You're going to abandon me?" Lena gave Viltz a pitiful look with puppy dog eyes, tears about to fall from the corner of her eyes.

"Don't go crying, i'm not abandoning you, you'll just stay with Rita for a few days and then i'll be back to take you back home."

"Really? You're not lying to me?

"No, i'll be back in a fortnight at the most." Viltz stroked her head and then said goodbye.

"Well, i'll be going now." Opening a portal, Viltz teleported to Stigga's castle, where he left the sacks of food in the storeroom.

He then went outside the castle and watched the nearby lake for a while before beginning to chant a spell that caused a large swirl of clouds to form in the sky above the lake.

Finishing the chant, Viltz snapped his fingers and the huge swirl disappeared.

He then opened a portal that teleported him to one of Edding's coastal towns, where he boarded a small fishing boat headed for the Scellige Islands.
