
Chapter 149:Déjà Vu [1]

Nothing had to be said as the five of us immediately followed the path until we came to the wall.

The green particles seemed to go straight through the wall, so it was clear that we had to break down this wall.

The question was how, though.

One single mistake could result in the entire cave collapsing, or just hitting the wrong portion would cause the entire cave to break.

Then, finding the path of green particles would be much harder when they were covered by rock and dust.

Well...I had some experience with this kind of stuff, didn't I?

Not saying anything, I stepped in front of the girls, who had stopped in front of the cave wall, and raised my hand, indicating for them to wait.

Peering at the wall with my eyes, I analyzed how it supports the cave's entire structure and found its weak points.


Making sure I was seeing things right, I glanced away from the wall and back.
