
324- 10 Years Ago (II)

324- 10 years ago II

When Marissa left the room, Valerie found it too funny. She had to control her laughter in her younger sister's presence but the moment she was out, she couldn't help it.

Marissa always showed that she didn't bother what everyone else around her did with their lives. Yeah, she was caring but the little Miss Goody two-shoes also wanted to set some boundaries.

Valerie fell back on the bed and then her hand crawled under the pillow, holding a chit when it came out.

"So, Rafael Sinclair. When should I call you?"


Marissa was trying her best to focus on her project filing. She was aiming so hard to push that boy out of her thoughts.

Though he seemed a lot more mature than her, he was gorgeous. His face was perfectly sculpted.

And for the first time, she was angry at her fate. 

Why didn't God give her the same beauty as Valerie? She was her younger sister. Right? Then why so much difference?
