
The Dumbest Way to Attack

"We're under attack!"


Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The deafening roar of weapons filled the air. In the temporary outposts of Dominic's group on the outskirts of Neil's base, heavily armed men and women clutched their weapons tightly, continuously pulling the triggers, aiming at the horde emerging from all directions like red-eyed walkers, shooting them all down.

There weren't many of Dominic's people in this location; most were stationed at strategic points ready to attack the camp now attacking them, so they had to be cautious, as the number of enemies was unknown.

When Dominic, Negan, and Stuart rushed out of the building, they were greeted by a chaotic scene that left them confused.

The three grabbed their weapons and ran towards the direction where the gunfire was most intense, wanting to help resist the enemy attack.

But when Dominic and the others reached the situation, they were shocked to find that, although the crowd surrounding them continued to shoot, their faces were extraordinarily confused and lost.

Seeing this, Dominic frowned slightly and quickly took out binoculars to look ahead.

But when he saw the approaching situation, he couldn't help but curse under his breath and say quietly, "This looks like a fucking nightmare!"

In front of the battlefield, a dense crowd of enemies charged against the bullets with cold weapons in their hands. Like madmen, they showed no fear of the gunpowder cartridges.

But the majority of this group consisted of elderly people, adult women, and a few malnourished children whose physical strength wasn't enough to kill a rabbit. The dense bullets roared through the air, easily penetrating their fragile bodies. One fell after another, yet they didn't retreat in the slightest.

Such a one-sided massacre made some of Dominic's soldiers hesitate to continue shooting. Although they had killed neither elders nor children in their lives, they could see that these people posed no threat. Some soldiers on the field couldn't press their fingers on the triggers of their weapons for some reason.

"These bastards are crazy; they're just testing us."

Knowing these enemies posed no real threat, Dominic put down the binoculars and said to Sam beside him, "It looks like they want to gauge our firepower. It's best to tell our people to stay calm while a decision is made."

Then he looked at the people around him who were shooting and continued, "Listen, it seems we won't sleep well tonight because of these scenes. These people are so crazy; they're sending their weakest to a massacre when we're not even their real enemies... If they're all willing to give their lives this way, I'm afraid we'll have to make a decision with our conscience."

"Kill, defend, and survive!"

After speaking, Dominic no longer stayed here. Such a one-sided massacre made no sense to watch, and for some reason, his eyelids kept twitching. These scenes were truly pitiful to witness, and he couldn't understand how a leader could send his people to die this way.


Not much time passed; roughly half an hour later, Dominic's soldiers had dealt with all the enemies attempting to attack them.

But the sight of children's corpses scattered across the ground made many who witnessed it tremble with strong emotions stuck in their chests, as if all they fought for in this part of the world wasn't worth it.

Fortunately, Negan said a few comforting words to make these people feel better.


"We just need to wait for the people in the air to locate the submarine. Once we have it, we'll attack the cult's nearby bases."

"Aren't we going to negotiate?"

"Do you think they want to negotiate when they send children to their deaths like this?"

"No... I just thought we could make a change."

Dominic shook his head, looking at the gathered captains, and said, "Return to your posts. I'm sure they'll attack us once more, and this time it will be different!"

"Yes, sir!"

In the next few minutes, they faced another attack, this time by people with firearms. But the walkers, drawn by the sounds of the enemy's gunfire, as they seemed to lack silencers, complicated the attack significantly.

That desperate attack caused the people stationed in buildings around the temporary camp to keep moving towards the main building, where their operations zone was. Some of the less experienced were wounded by a few arrows that hit them.

Obviously, given the situation, the enemy wasn't willing to engage in a prolonged war and had no idea of Dominic's group's purpose, so they wanted to resolve the battle quickly and in the shortest time possible.

Such fierce collisions left countless bodies lying on the muddy ground, and scarlet blood flowed from wounds, staining the ground red.

The acrid smell of blood quickly spread to the surroundings. If it weren't for the battlefield where enemies and survivors joined and the majority of walkers were previously driven away by Dominic's group, this place would already be filled with walkers.


Bang! Bang! Bang!

"Don't keep advancing; you'll die that way."

On the other side of the war zone, a soldier ran at full speed with a pistol in his hands through the streets, turning around and shooting a few times at the crowd chasing him.

The man seemed to have companions, which some survivors found nearby. Behind this group, more than a dozen enemies closely followed, but the man leading the survivors smiled faintly.

The large group continued to distance themselves from Neil's base, and unbeknownst to the enemies, some figures in the buildings aimed rifles at them. All these people were Dominic's men, already making moves to eliminate watchmen who could trouble the helicopters in the air and, of course, the people on the ground.

Seeing the survivors running further from the base, the man leading the enemies pursuing the soldier and survivors felt something was wrong.

Seeing these invaders running straight without entering any buildings, he thought something was off.

On the other hand, soldiers in those buildings watching these so-called cult servants, who had no fear of life or death, couldn't help but mutter, "These cult servants are really crazy; how can they be so careless?"

Just when everyone kept moving forward, a completely black car parked in front of the survivors, causing Neil's people to stop.

"What is this?"

This question unconsciously flashed in the minds of many chasing the survivors, but then their bodies showed no signs of stopping. Just as they were about to run past the car where their prey fled, a cold light suddenly flashed, making them squint unconsciously.


With the sound of light metal scraping flesh and blood, a chubby head flew off, creating a burst of blood as it fell to the ground. Its eyes were filled with disbelief, as if it hadn't realized what was happening.

The headless body continued running forward due to inertia but fell heavily to the ground a few meters away. Blood gushed from the wound, soaking the ground quickly.

From the large buildings, several people emerged, aiming their weapons at all enemies and opening fire.


The survivors running for their lives were completely stunned by the scene before them, and one even collapsed to the ground.

"They're my comrades; stay calm!"

After the initial shock, someone reacted quickly, picked up the weapon in hand, and started shooting continuously at those pursuers being massacred by the soldiers.

"Clear, we have a weakened area to enter the enemy base! Awaiting orders, sir."

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