
Chapter 248 Of course, all the blame can be thrown to Mr. Snape

"It must be Snape, for sure!"

In the Gryffindor boys' dormitory, Harry and Ron came together, apparently also discussing tonight's attack.

Harry analysed it with conviction, "Ron, do you remember? Snape had an injury some time ago. He fought someone off-campus, and he may have even agreed to some terms."

Ron said with some confusion, "Are you saying that Snape made a deal with an outsider? But ... why did he attack Justin?"

Justin was just an ordinary young wizard in Hufflepuff.

Why would Snape attack a minor wizard?

He had no reason to do so!

Harry continued his analysis, "Maybe Justin found out Snape's secret, or maybe Snape wanted to distract the crowd."

"Snape must be hatching some kind of plot!"

Ron frowned, "But there is no more Philosopher's Stone at Hogwarts, so what purpose does Snape have to do this?"

Harry: "..."

Harry really didn't have any proof.

"Then, how do you explain Snape's injury?"

Harry said firmly, "It is precisely because we don't have any evidence that we should continue to investigate Snape."

Ron didn't object.

In Gryffindor, targeting Slytherin and targeting Snape was a form of political correctness.

Even if this incident wasn't Snape's handiwork, it was still necessary to put the shit on his head, and it was best to get him out of Hogwarts.

"Speaking of which ..."

Ron suddenly said with some irritation, "Counting Quirrell, Lockhart, and Professor Down, we've had three consecutive replacements for the Defense Against the Dark Arts class professor."

"Why can't anyone get Snape out of Hogwarts?"

Harry nodded approvingly.

Hogwarts would really be perfect if it didn't have Snape.


Ravenclaw Library.

Andy and Hermione were sitting in the corner with books in their hands, but they weren't in the slightest mood to read.

"Andy, who do you think ... could have done this?" Hermione asked with a frown.

"How would I know?"

Andy said speechlessly, "All I know right now is that the person who was attacked was called Justin Finch-Fletchley, and Justin and Filch were the only ones who weren't in the Great Hall during the dinner."

"Other than that, I have no information."

"Granted, Justin was attacked on the seventh floor, but I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary when I came down. Besides, Dumbledore was right behind me, and he obviously didn't notice anything either."

It was commonly believed that Hogwarts was the safest place in the wizarding world.

But what about now?

It had been two years in a row now, and every year a young wizard had been attacked.

"Hogwarts isn't even as safe as my home." Andy retorted.

Also, he absolutely couldn't let that little lass Isabel come to Hogwarts to attend school!

Not to mention that it's not safe here, the professors aren't that good either. And by the time Isabel went to school, it was probably about time for Voldemort to be resurrected.

The Beauxbatons Academy of Magic in France was just perfect!

The most important thing is that Beauxbatons Academy of Magic has a top-level alchemy curriculum, and the legendary Alchemist Nicolas Flamel graduated from this school.

If he could get in touch with Nicolas Flamel ...

Andy's mouth was about to water.

Isa, your brother's future depends on you!

"I was wondering why the perpetrator attacked Justin."

Hermione analysed seriously, "Justin is a young wizard in the same year as us, and usually isn't particularly eye-catching and hasn't offended anyone."

"Unless he had discovered something that compelled the perpetrator to attack him!"

Andy nodded, this possibility existed.

"What's on the seventh floor?"

Andy teased, "Room of Requirement?"

"Don't be ridiculous!" Hermione gave Andy a blank look.

On the Seventh floor of Hogwarts, there was Professor Flitwick's office, the Fat Lady's corridor, the Divination classroom, Trelawney's office, the Gryffindor common room, the Headmaster's office, the Quad, and the Room of Requirement.

Of course, there were also classrooms and corridors on the seventh floor of the castle that weren't in use.

"So, Justin, a young wizard from Hufflepuff, what's he doing on the seventh floor of the castle?" Andy asked.

Hermione raised an eyebrow, "That's why I said, Justin must have found something and that's why he was attacked."

"Well ...," Andy mused for a moment.

Did Justin follow someone up to the seventh floor?

Thinking about it, Andy sighed.

There were too few clues to make any valid deductions at all.

And there were no relevant clues to Snape's injury that had been found so far.

Were the two things related?

The new Joseph Leddy was also very suspicious.

Andy was mulling over the clues when he saw Hermione suddenly look up at him.

"Hm? What's wrong?" Andy asked in bewilderment.

Hermione looked puzzled and said, "Andy, could Justin have followed you to the seventh floor?"

"What's he following me for? It's not like I'm some great beauty." Andy was speechless.

Hermione explained, "But you improved the Patronus Charm! You've been all over the Daily Prophet this whole time. In fact, I've seen it several times, some young wizard trying to find out where you practise magic."

Ever since Andy had found the Room of Requirement, the only time he went to the abandoned classroom on the fifth floor of the castle was when the duelling group met.

Following me...?

Andy had an odd look on his face.

Andy had always been cautious when he went to the Room of Requirement. Every time he opened the door of the Room of Requirement, he would repeatedly confirm that there was no one around.

"If someone is really following me ..."

Andy thought, 'He would only realize that I disappeared on the seventh floor of the castle for no reason.'

But that didn't explain the assault on Justin.

It wasn't like the Room of Requirement was some kind of shocking secret.

Even if someone did find out about the Room of Requirement, it was unlikely that Andy would attack the other party.


Andy had a bit of a toothache.

After Hermione said this, an idea suddenly popped up in Andy's heart that the seventh floor of the castle might really be hiding some secret.

And this secret was the reason why Justin was attacked.


Andy suddenly said, "Apart from the Room of Requirement, there should be no secrets on the seventh floor of the castle ... right?"

Hermione nodded.

The young witch had also seen the Marauder's Map, and that map, although it was not exactly comprehensive, had recorded quite a few places in Hogwarts.

There really were no other secrets on the seventh floor.

Andy continued, "Do you think ... there's a possibility that someone was looking for me and found the Room of Requirement by sheer coincidence."

"Of course, there is a possibility!" Hermione said with a nod.

"So ... what room would he have opened?" Andy asked.

What room?

Hermione tried to bring herself into it.

The room that hides Andy? The hidden classroom? A classroom for practising magic? A place to hide people? Andy's secret base?

There were so many possibilities!

"Andy, what did you think of?" Hermione asked.

Andy raised an eyebrow, "A Room of Requirement isn't enough of a reason to initiate an attack, but ... Hermione, what if there's a secret in the Room of Requirement?"


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