
Chapter 96 Finally broke up

"What clues did you find?" Andy asked.

After all, Harry was the protagonist of the original story, so Andy didn't dare to underestimate the clues he found, which might be able to play an important role.

"We asked Hagrid, the one who guards the entrance to the restricted area on the third floor is a three-headed dog called Fluffy."

Harry said, "We know how to deal with it."

After saying that, Harry kept looking at Andy, waiting for an answer.

"What about the clue?" Andy raised an eyebrow.

Harry: Isn't that the clue?

Andy couldn't help but hold his forehead with his hand.

I thought you guys got hold of Quirrell's whereabouts, but it turns out that your so-called clues are actually clues to breaking and entering?

"And then what?"

Andy patiently asked, "After going in, what do you plan to do? Do you guys plan to keep guarding there all the time?"

Harry froze at the question.

He knew that someone wanted to steal the Philosopher's Stone, so he had always wanted to do his best to protect it.

But exactly how he was going to protect it, he had no plan at all.

Harry had actually thought about telling the professor.

He wrote a letter to Dumbledore together with Andy and also talked to Professor McGonagall, but Professor McGonagall ended up telling him: the school would take care of this, you just needed to study hard.

After the night exploration of the forbidden forest failed, Harry was actually ready to give up.

But the successive attacks on Professor Down and Malfoy, coupled with other people's misunderstanding and suspicion of him - driven by the sense of justice in his heart, Harry finally made a decision.

He would guard the Philosopher's Stone and catch the attacker himself.

"We can take out the Philosopher's Stone and hide it in a place where no one can find it." Ron offered a 'reliable' suggestion.

Andy: "..."

Hermione: "..."

Andy couldn't understand Ron's brain circuits at all.

"It's something Headmaster Dumbledore could have done entirely on his own."

Andy said with a blank expression, "And I once suggested to Dumbledore that he could put the Philosopher's Stone in a Muggle rocket and launch it into outer space, but he didn't listen at all."

"What's rocket?" Ron looked confused.

"I can't believe you know about rocket!" Harry and Hermione looked stunned.

Andy shrugged, what's the point, I can write computer programs ahead of this era, am I proud of that?

"Anyway, your plan is not reliable at all."

Andy didn't want to say more and greeted Hermione, "Let's go, I'm starving."

The young witch was smart, "Why do you think Dumbledore put the Philosopher's Stone at Hogwarts?"

Of course, it was for fishing!

Andy remembered that in the film, Dumbledore ended up destroying the Philosopher's Stone.

In other words, the Philosopher's Stone was Dumbledore's bait, specifically used for fishing.

It was hard to comment on the right or wrong of this matter.

But Andy thought that Dumbledore shouldn't have done it as a Headmaster or in a school.

"Who knows." Andy coped.


The next two days were windy in the castle.

The professors patrolled the castle every day, and the young wizards had to be three or more to move freely around the castle. The boy and girl heads, as well as the prefects of each house, were also assigned to the various floors.

Under the heavy pressure, everyone looked tense, as if a big battle would start at any moment.

"Mr. Collins, Miss Granger."

Ravenclaw's Prefect, Penelope Clearwater, called out to the duo and said in a helpless tone, "The school rules state that there must be more than three people to move freely around the castle, I remember I've said this many times."

Andy sighed, "I remember explaining many times too, that the two of us are fine."

"You're not going to convince me with that."   

Clearwater spoke in a serious tone, "The school is facing a huge threat right now, and the professors and prefects are trying to keep order in the castle."

"If you still don't comply, then I'll have no choice but to send you to Professor Flitwick's office."

Hearing the keyword 'tell the professor', the young witch instantly panicked, "Andy ..."

Andy sighed, "Alright, I'll pay attention."

In fact, Andy really didn't think that there was any use in having a large number of people.

With the level of these young wizards, once the assailant appeared, these young wizards would turn around and run away, and there might even be a stampede.

But that was a bit hurtful to say, after all, Clearwater was only taking her responsibility seriously.

"Bye, senior!" Andy waved his hand.

At the entrance to the great hall, Andy was once again blocked by Harry and Ron.

"Andy, Professor Dumbledore left the school." Harry's tone was a bit anxious.

Andy froze.

Was Voldemort finally getting his act together?

It wasn't just Andy, Hermione had thought of it as well. The fact that Harry and Ron had come to Andy meant that they had thought of it as well.

Hermione was just about to open her mouth to speak when Ron hastily interrupted, "Don't say anything about telling the professor, we just got back from Professor McGonagall."

Hermione pursed her lips, "What did Professor McGonagall say?"

Ron grimaced, "She told us to go back to our dormitory and rest, the professors will take care of this."

"I think Professor McGonagall is right."

Hermione's chin lifted slightly, "It's only natural that the professors can think of something that we can all think of. Or is it...you guys think you're the only ones who are the smartest."

"You...!" Ron gasped.


Andy interrupted, "Hermione's right, it's not our place to get involved in this."

"I never should have approached you!"

Ron got a little angry, "Harry, let's go!"

As soon as Harry and Ron left, Hermione looked at Andy somewhat apologetically, "Andy, I'm sorry, I ..."

"That's fine."

Andy laughed a little and didn't care, "People will meet a lot of people in their lives, if they get along, they walk together for a while, if they don't get along, they separate, it's no big deal."

To be honest, once Ron and Harry left, Andy was relieved.

Originally there was no common language, and each other's three views were not suitable, so both sides would actually part ways sooner or later.

A little earlier was better than a little later.

So this time, when Ron and Harry came to find him, Andy didn't stop Hermione like he did before.

Plus, Hermione herself was a bit dissatisfied with the two of them.

Speaking of which, Andy also took advantage of the little witch.

"Don't think about that."

Andy shrugged, "I just got educated by my senior and fell out with my friends, so I'm going to have a big meal tonight to ease this broken heart of mine."

The little witch was not in such a good mood, "Do you think Quirrell will really act tonight?"

"How should I know?" Andy shook his head.

Judging from the current situation, Quirrell seemed to have a much higher IQ than he did in the film.

At least he knew how to make a noise and put up a false alarm.

"We have to trust the professor."

After getting rid of Harry and Ron, Andy was in a good mood, "Headmaster Dumbledore is the greatest wizard of the twentieth century, there is no way he can't even catch a dark wizard, right?"


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