
Chapter 025

Reaching into his left kunai pouch Naruto pulled out a containment seal. Unrolling it he unsealed the contents, revealing it to be some rabbit that he had caught a few days ago, cooked and sealed. Grabbing the chopsticks he sealed with his food, he began to eat.

"What'cha doing gakI!"

"GAH!" Naruto shouted as he threw his food up in the air and jumped off the swing. Spinning around in midair, Naruto landed on his feet and came face to face with a grinning Anko.

"Sweat Kami! You scared the shit out of me!" Naruto yelled as he clutched his rapidly beating heart. "Don't do that!"

Anko snickered, "sorry, I just couldn't help myself. You're just too easy!"

Naruto scowled. "You know I'm going to get you back for startling me like that right? I'm not called the 'Prankster King from Hell' for nothing you know!"

"Ha! I'd like to see you try and get me kid." Anko spoke with a smirk. "We both know you're a hundred years too soon to get me."

Naruto sighed as he calmed down. Truthfully he was glad for the distraction Anko would provide, and it did feel nice to know she had come here even though she had most likely just gotten back from a mission. "So how was your mission?" he asked, sitting back down on the swing and unsealing another scroll of cooked rabbit.

"Meh it was a mission, I went in, assassinated some douche who messed with the wrong people and came back." Anko said, grinning at the glare Naruto gave her.

"Anndd?" Naruto asked, wanting more details.

"And that's it." Anko shrugged.

Naruto just sighed, Anko rarely ever talked about the things she did. He had asked her about her normal job at the I&T department and all she had said was 'oh it's amazing listening to the screams of your victims as they cry for the mommies', not really a descriptive explanation.

"So what are you doing here?" asked Naruto after swallowing a mouth full of food.

"What? Can't I visit my favorite gakI?" Anko asked with an innocent expression on her face.

"I'm pretty sure I'm the only 'gakI' you know." Naruto deadpanned.

Anko grinned. "Well if I knew more you would still be my favorite."

"I'm sure." Naruto said as he rolled his eyes

"So… who did you get stuck with for your genin squad?" Anko asked.

Naruto looked up from his meal as he swallowed a bite of rabbit. "Well I'm on team 7 with Haruno Sakura and… Uchiha Sasuke."

Anko shuddered. "Man do I feel bad for you, getting on a team with that brooder. I've seen that kid walk around Konoha before. He's got a bigger stick in his ass then his old man did when he was alive."

Naruto grinned. "I'm glad to see that someone understands my plight."

"Yeah, I feel for ya kid, I'd probably end up killing the teme if he's as spoiled as I think he is." Anko chuckled. "So what about this other teammate, that Sakura girl?"

Naruto frowned as he thought about her. "She's a girl in my class; she has pink hair and was listed as second best in academics. To be honest, she didn't do well in the physical portion and has small reserves, but from what I've read she would be the genjutsu and medical ninja support so I suppose that wouldn't matter."

Anko noticed the boys frown and slight monotone voice. "Aw c'mon! There's more to it than that right?"

"Well…" Naruto sighed. "I sorta, kinda have a crush on her…"

"Ooohh, so the little gakI is growing up?" Anko asked with a grin.

"I've had a crush on her since I was eight Anko." Naruto said in a deadpan voice before sighing. "However, she never seems to like me, no matter what I do. She's too stuck up on the Uchiha-teme." Naruto scowled a bit at the thought. "I had really thought that my new looks would change her opinion of me…"

Anko looked at the kids growing depressed expression. "You can't change people's opinion of you within a day gakI." Anko said with a blunt tone. "If it were that easy then everyone would love you by now."

"I was able to get you to like me, wasn't I?" Naruto said with a smirk.

Anko blinked a bit, before blushing. She would not admit it to anyone, but she had grown fond of the the blond soon to be ninja in a short amount of time. "T-that's different, I'm not like the rest of those stupid villagers." Naruto saw Anko's hand go to her neck and frowned at the almost instinctive move.

"I guess that's true." Naruto said, shaking his head as he smiled at her.

"That's right! I'm not to be lumped in with those baka's!" Anko said pumping her fists in the air. "Now don't worry about that girl anymore, if she doesn't like you just say screw her and move on. There are plenty of other fish in the sea, or… however that saying goes. I wonder why they say fish anyways…"

"Yeah… I suppose I should." Naruto said, turning to a trash can as he threw away his empty plate and chopsticks. "Besides I am a shinobi now, romance should probably wait until after I get more powerful and accomplish my goal of becoming a powerful ninja."

"That's the spirit! Forget all about that pink haired chick!" Anko said as she came up behind him. She grinned as she felt Naruto shiver when she wrapped her arms around him and pulled the blond against her feminine assets. "Besides, I'm way better than some premature little girl."
