

Yang Chen spent the night with Yao Mei, and the next morning, Everyone had breakfast together before heading to work. Just like he thought, He got scolded by Gu mama for sneaking out at night and fighting against gangsters.

Not only him but also Sun Linhua and the twins. After scolding them enough, She asked Lin Yulan to do a check-up on their body condition, and only after that did she let them go.

At ten in the morning, A group of students was called upon by the principal and were asked to gather in an empty classroom on the same floor as the principal's office.

Inside the room, the atmosphere was a bit tense. Six students were called from varying grades.

"Ruolan, Why do you think the principal summoned us?" Fu Ting asked with a hesitant smile after taking a look at the other students.

"How do I know?" Jin Ruolan shrugged her shoulders after hearing her question.
