
Music Video Script

Finishing up his workout session for the day, Kyle sat at the lobby of the gym, his muscles aching.

Compared to last year December when he had first started though, this was pretty manageable.

Slowly but surely, he was becoming muscular and Kyle was sure, that within the next three to four months, he'd have achieved his main goal; a buffed, lean and toned build. Nothing too crazy.

Honestly, he himself had never expected that he'd come to enjoy working out this much but the noticeable changes that came with seeing his physique getting slightly bulkier was very rewarding.

'Come to think of it, shouldn't [Growth Spurt] also effect my body itself?' he suddenly pondered, curiosity taking over as his fingers rested on his chin.

As he was thinking of that, Oliver walked from around the corner, his own body perfectly sculpted.
