

Sylas zipped down the corridors. He had no easy way of finding where Professor Fembroise had been teleported to, what he did know was that usually, a Quicktime Event would have a limited range.

The system almost certainly wouldn't let him leave this region until the Quicktime Event was over. In which case, for the sake of maintaining what little fairness there was left, Professor Fembroise should be in this region as well.

If she was outside of it, then the system might as well act to kill him now.

The question was… how large was this range?

That was Sylas' first thought. He wanted to figure out how much room he had to work with.

With his memory, winding through the tunnels he had come from was easy. But the issue was that when he took Professor Fembroise away for their talk, he had picked a random tunnel he had no familiarity with.

It was a minor mistake, but right now it was costing him. For all he knew, there was a dead end waiting for him.
