
Snowball Down a Hill

"Hah… hah… hah."

The eldest princess of Arendelle panted, exhausted from the continuous strain of depositing her power in various methods.

A plate of half-eaten snacks lay on a nearby table with the browned fruits revealing how much time had passed since they were delivered.

With warm eyes, Jafar placed his large hand on her shoulder in what he hoped was a comforting gesture.

"I'm proud of you, princess."

The girl looked up at him at the sudden compliment.

He was glad to see his words had an effect based on the corners of her eyes moistening.

"... Sniff… Sniff ."

Turning sideways, she not-so-secretly wiped her eyes with the sleeves of her expensive dress.

Knowing when to give a lady her time, Jafar politely turned towards his experiments with newfound interest. However, he didn't get too far as the white-haired princess had something to say to him.

"... Elsa," she whispered, just loud enough for him to hear in his empty room.

Jafar furrowed his brows, confusion bordering his eyes.

'Huh? Why's she saying her own name like a Pokemon? Did I push her too far?'

Contrary to his fears, Elsa managed to give him a deep stare.

"My name is Elsa."

That certainly didn't help his perplexed state.

"I hope you have the faith in me to believe that I know what your name is by this point, princess."

"Then start using it. No more, 'princess,' We've been meeting for months now," she demanded.

Jafar blinked at her bold claim.

"Well… I suppose you've deserved that at the very least."

That made her flash a bright smile.

"And I genuinely meant what I said. In less than a year, you've surpassed all my expectations. At the start, I didn't even know if progress was possible. Now, I'm simply glad I was part of your journey."

She sniffled a little more.

"Do-don't talk like we're done. I've still got a lot left to learn. Now come on, I can still keep going."

Elsa bravely stood up, though he suspected it was mainly to hide the next wave of tears. However, the way her words were phrased tugged at the back of his mind.

'Wait. She doesn't…?'

He winced at a sudden realization.

'Well this is gonna hurt like a bitch.'

Still, he was nothing if not professional.

"Of course, Princess Elsa," he politely replied.

The girl still gave him a dissatisfied pout.

"It's Elsa."


Almost 8 whole months passed since the beginning of their meetings before the Arendelle royal family dropped the heartbreaking news that they had to depart. They were gone from their kingdom for far too long, and Elsa was starting to feel a lot better. She still hid her power with the gloves, but she wouldn't go off like a volatile ice-spewing cannon without them anymore.

Elsa, Anna, and Jasmine were devastated, each demonstrating their loss in various ways. Jasmine bawled on the floor for hours until she finally relented once Jafar assured her they would visit again. That, combined with copious amounts of sweets as bribes.

Anna was expectedly disappointed as well, complaining to her parents on a daily basis until the day they left.

Surprisingly, Elsa, who Jafar thought was the most mature out of the three, threw the biggest tantrum. 

She tried every tactic in her book, trying to find a possibility that would allow her to stay in the Agrabah.

'Is homesickness not a thing anymore?' Jafar silently wondered as he watched Elsa try to convince her parents to let her stay in Agrabah while they took care of things in Arendelle.

"My powers aren't fully under control yet!" she shouted. "I don't understand. Why can't I stay? Arendelle doesn't need me. Just a few more months. Can't I stay until then?"

"Elsa… dear."

"I need Jafar to help me! Please, I need Jafar! I want Jafar!"

The Arendelle royal family helplessly threw him a look for support. Lacking experience with complaining children, Jafar sneaked into the shadows with a guilty expression.

Ultimately, their protests were all for naught. At the end of the day, they were growing princesses of a kingdom. They needed proper training and a healthy development in their own nation.

The two princesses showed dead expressions that didn't budge in the slightest, but it was said and done.

At least to make the princesses feel better, Jafar gave them each a parting gift— customized jewelry that he made and engraved himself. He was pleased that his crafting skills were increasing along with his alchemical expertise. The past Jafar would most likely have scoffed at the thought of getting his own hands dirty on such projects, but he thought it was valuable experience.

For Elsa, Jafar offered a thin ankle bracelet made out of small chains of 21-karat gold with a shining opal as the centerpiece. The gold was mixed with the same material as his perfected training orb so it would act as a barrier against her powers that she still hadn't perfectly managed to control.

To top it off, he made the restraining effects of the bracelet optional. Elsa would be able to turn it on and off only with her own fingerprint pressed for a full 5 seconds against the opal.

Yes he invented fingerprint locks.

'Fuck off Apple, you don't exist in this universe.'

As it was worn on her ankle that was almost always hidden, it was discreet enough not to draw too much attention. Jafar also thought it was a nice personal touch to engrave her name on the jewel.

For Anna, Jafar gave her a small bracelet that was adjustable around her slender wrist, so that she could continue to wear it as she grew (this was also the case for the anklet). This one was also made out of 21-karat gold but had ruby and citrine alternately adorning each cross-section, with her name engraved in the middle jewel that was a larger, ruby and citrine composite.

He didn't think it was too much, considering the abundant wealth of both the giving and receiving parties, but the girls seemed to think tremendously of it, giving him a tight hug until their parents had to drag them away.

Jasmine also seemed dazzled by the shining jewelry and stared at Jafar expectedly with her big, doey eyes.

He chuckled in response, promising her many, many rewards later on. For now, a 2 year old didn't need to be showered in jewels.

Little did he know… this period of time he spent with the Arendelle royal family would change the course of history as he knew it.

As the royal carriage rattled north, a certain white-haired girl pulled up the hem of her dress with her gloved hands, unable to take her eyes off her slender ankle. She was positively enthralled by Jafar's gift.

'Jafar… Jafar… Jafar… Jafar… Jafar…'

The single name was permanently etched in her mind just like her own name was on her gift. Elsa slowly nodded off against her mother's comfortable shoulder with the corners of her mouth tugging upward as she dreamed of Jafar's chiseled jawline, his dark eyebrows, his piercing eyes, his sharp nose, his well-trimmed beard, his exotic scent, and everything else about the man she adored.
