
The Desperate Duel

As soon as Fleur was gone, Harry and Cedric were ducking and dodging to try and avoid the spells flying at them. They were battling with six Death Eaters that Voldemort had summoned to witness his resurrection and were doing fairly well at holding them off. Cedric seized an opportunity and cast 'Inficio' at the man leading the attack who was moving back into position after dodging a nasty bludgeoner from Harry. The spell flying from Cedric's wand was a sickly yellow color and struck the right side of the man's mask before he knew what hit him. The Death Eater screamed out in pain before tearing the mask from his face to reveal Lucius Malfoy with a blistered and burnt face. The hood covering his head and a good portion of the long blond hair on the right side of his face were now missing after being struck by the acid curse.


Harry muttered "Nice! I wish you'd have taught me that one."


Cedric muttered back "Thanks! I thought it would be useful on the hedges. Never thought I'd use it on a person."


In his fury at being hit, Lucius attacked without abandon and soon had the two younger wizards entirely on defense as the rest of the dark wizards jumped in as well. The two less experienced wizards didn't realize until it was too late that they were being herded to a specific point and once they were there, the Death Eaters were able to close in and dramatically reduce the effectiveness of the boys' attacks.


There was a brief pause in spell fire sudden quiet was enough for everyone to hear a voice hiss out "I only have need of Potter, kill the other. This has gone on long enough."


All at once, flurries of green spells were launched at Cedric. Harry instinctively knew what he had to do and his new wand came up bringing a solid wall of granite in front of Cedric in an attempt to block the spells. The 'Avada Kedavra' curse was known as the killing curse but it was also a spell of complete destruction and even the above average power Harry had along with the power of the wand were not enough to stop this.


When he saw the incoming spells Cedric stepped in front of Harry to protect him but breathed a little in relief when the wall went up.

The last thing they heard were the spells impacting the wall before the force of the blast was enough to shatter the granite. Cedric took the full impact of the blast from his position in front of Harry but even with that, both young men were knocked off their feet. It took a moment for Harry's head to clear but when it did, he saw Cedric's body lying on the ground beside him with blood pouring out of the many wounds peppering his body.

When he tried to shakily get to his feet, he felt a spell hit him and his world once again went black. It went unseen by his captors as he was lying on the ground but the wand in his hand faded from view only to be replaced by another that was more familiar to them.


He didn't know how long he had been out but Harry awoke to find himself bound to the very tombstone he arrived in front of and was watching as six wizards levitated a huge cauldron to rest atop a roaring fire. Harry's eyes went to the spot where Cedric was lying. He could see the body still barely holding on by the shallow breaths it was taking. He heard a pop of apparition and looked up to see Dobby standing beside Cedric's body. He yelled "Dobby, Cedric needs help. Take him now!"


The black cloaked wizards turned at the sound and watched as the elf grabbed the body and disappeared. One broke away and came to stand in front of Harry. The oily voice of Lucius Malfoy said "I'm so glad you have woken. It will be so much more pleasurable to watch as you observe my master resurrecting and then finally ending the legend of the boy-who-lived."


Harry snarled out "Couldn't do it yourself Lucy? Now I know where Drakey poo gets it from. He always hides behind his two apes or your robes. Tell me, are you going to say 'Wait till my master hears about this'? If you do, the very tiny bit of respect I have for you will be completely shattered."


"You will respect your betters."


"Betters? How can the Lord of a mere Noble house preach to the future Lord of a Most Ancient and Noble House about betters? As far as you are concerned, I left better than you in the toilet this morning after I took my morning dump."


Lucius was fuming but had to back away once he heard the laughing of his master. "I find your being bested by a fourth year quite amusing Lucius. Maybe you are not as powerful as you claim. Silence the boy and be done with it for now. We'll have a chance to catch up later."


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