
chapter 2 Camp Half Blood (rewrite)

"Are we there yettttt" I complain.

After we left Olive Garden, Bill told me that we had to get to a camp called camp-half-blood. Which was a camp for demigods like me and was the only safe place for us. Well apparently it wasn't looking too safe due to some bad things that have been happening in the past year.

We were currently on a train that was going to bring us near long island, and from there we would take a car that would bring us to "Delphi Strawberry Services." That was the cover name for camp half blood.

Along the way, Bill had been informing me on all the current events that have been happening in the demigod world. And I'll just say that judging from the first couple of events that happened in the last year, this is not going to be fun.

First, the "big 3" ( Hades, Poseidon, and Zeus) broke an oath and gave birth to two demigods, Thaila and Percy. When Zeus broke the oath and had Thaila, Hades didn't like that and sent many monsters to kill her. And just when she was about to make it to camp half blood, she was slayed. And her father, Zeus, turned her into a pine tree.

That pine tree provided a barrier around camp that allowed demigods to go in but blocked out mortals and monsters.

And Percy Jackson, the son of Poseidon, was also in a pretty big scandal last year. You see Zeus lightning bolt was stolen. Zeus blamed it on Poseidon who in return fought with Zeus. And if the lightning bolt wasn't returned soon, it would be an all out war between Zeus and Poseidon, which was bad.

So Poseidon claimed Percy, who went on a quest with Grover underwood and Annabeth Chase to find the lightning bolt. And it turns out that one of the most important figures at camp, the head counselor of the Hermes cabin, Luke Castellan, stole the lightning bolt in order to start a war. 

But that wasn't the end of it, Luke was working with Kronos. The king of the titans Milena ago. Kronos was plotting to destroy Olympus and Luke was like his right hand man or something. And Bill said that he suspected that Luke poisoned Thaila's tree which was causing the magical border to weaken drastically. 

He also told me about the cabins. There's 12 in total. Hades is not included for some reason. Most kids there were undetermined. Which meant their godly parent was "too busy" to claim them. Heck even some are claimed but they are still stuck in Hermes cabin. Oh and all unclaimed or "unimportant gods" are placed in the Hermes cabin. I personally find this really confusing. Like I can see why Luke wants to destroy Olympus. Your parents just don't claim you, so you are constantly wondering who your godly parent is and even if you are claimed, you're viewed as unimportant. 

So the Hermes cabin is the biggest cabin at camp and I would be staying there unless I get claimed, if I get claimed by one of the 12 gods. Apparently life there was overall ok besides the cabin situation. Though some kids didn't like getting ignored by their parents. Which I agree with. 

I did sometimes wonder what happened to my parents, when I was at the orphanage. And if I go to camp, where my people are, I still might wonder who my parent was. It seems that the gods seem like claiming their kids is like a chore.

"Here is our stop. Come on only a quick car ride through." Bill said dripping with enthusiasm. He was wearing jeans to cover up his hairy legs and a red cap to cover his ears. He also had on a orange "Camp Half-Blood" T-shirt. While I had on black cargo pants with a black T-shirt. My white hair was just a mop right now but I had plans to change it. Maybe a mohawk.

"Yo how do you feel if we steal a car?" I smirked and turned to face Bill, who had a smirk that matched my own.

"From the store?" Bill nodded his head at that. "Then HELL YEAH" 

1 Hour Later

"TAKE A RIGHT!" I shouted as Bill narrowly avoided crashing into a tree.

You see even though Bill was actually 24, he did not know how to drive that well. We barley avoided being on a news headline for "Teens crash into trees".

I crane my head outside the window of the car we stol-borrowed. A pretty nice ford mustang. Though the car dealer wasn't that happy with our borrowing of his car.

"HOW IS IT STILL FOLLOWING US!" I screamed as the cyclopes ran towards us. Oh right there's also a cyclops that had been following us after we robbed the car dealership. Heck he might have been a mechanic at the dealership.

"First Kampe then a cyclopes. JUST WHO IS YOUR GODLY PARENT!" Bill shouted at me while he narrowly turned the car to the left, avoiding a tree that the cyclops threw at us.


"If only I had brought celestial bronze then we would be able to fight back. But it is a good thing we are out running it." I still think that it kind of dumb that you need celestial bronze to really do damage to monsters. I mean you still can kill them but celestial bronze is like a hot knife to butter.

"Yeah it is good that we are not being impaled by a tree. So how long out are we from camp?" I felt as if we were driving for hours. It was already night so that didn't help me thinking that we actually were driving for hours. 

"Eh we are actually here." Bill said as he takes a right. " On 3 get out and start running to that hill." Bill points towards a hill with a tree on it. "Isn't the tree poisoned?"

"It should be able to hold it. I also called my "grandpa"" Bill says while making air quotes when he said grandpa which also nearly made him drive into a ditch.

"So who did you call?" Bill told me that he had two bosses at camp. One was THE Chiron. Yeah the one that trained many of the great Greek Heroes. And the other was Dionysus the god of wine and madness. 


"Makes sense." I said while nodding my head.

"Alright you ready?" 

"Yep" I said as I leaned on the door with my hand on the door and prepared to jump from a speeding car. Same with Bill, he was ready to book it just like me.




"GO" We both pulled the handles and hopped off as Bill sent the car cashing into a tree. We both ran like bats out of hell towards the hill.

"DEMIGODS, YOU'LL TASTE YUMMY IN MY TUMMY." The cyclopes yelled from behind us but either of us looked behind us.

We were dead set on making it past the border. We would make it there shortly which was good because the cyclops seemed to lose interest once he saw that we were 75% of the way to the hill and he was only 20%. If he was to continue he would either be blocked out or killed by border patrol. "Woah" I peered over the hill and saw just amazement.

"Welcome to Camp Half Blood" Bill seemed to take pride in my amazement of "his" camp. Which I cant argue this place looks beautiful. I saw strawberry fields, cabins shaped into a U shape, and just more. 

"Welp I think we need to see Chiron." Bill started walking towards a big house. "This is the big house." 

"Great naming sense." The big house is called the Big House.

On the way to the Big house we didn't see many people but Bill informed me that only a few people will be here not in the summer. He also said that I might be a year rounder too. I can't disagree with that since I would love to stay here year round. Bill might have noticed that I looked around at everything and that I was on cloud 9.

"Don't stick you head that high unless you want Zeus to strike it down." Bill joked.

"Oh screw you."

"We here now."

I looked towards the big house and indeed it was big. That's what she said. But aside from jokes I heard the door open and out walked a half man half horse. Hopefully Chiron. He wasn't director but he was leaving in a week or so. So he was still here. Even through he wasn't acting director, most people still go to him. Bill also told me that Chiron would know how to help us since he whole heartedly believed that if Kampe came, she could break through the borders and would cause massive damage. Anyways back to the horse at the porch. Chiron had brown hair that reaches his shoulders. He had on #1 Centaur T-shirt. His body was brown, the horse body.

"Bill I have gotten your Iris message. Lets talk about this in the big room." He lead us into a room with 2 couches and a table in the meddle of it. There also was a wheel chair which Chiron promptly sat in. You may ask how the ever living hell a 7 foot horse man could sit in a wheel chair. Well his back legs disappeared and was replaced by fake legs. He now looked like a crippled man in a wheel chair. Me and Bill sat on the couch. While Bill was sitting still, my legs kept going up and down. The pains of ADHD.

"So Atem, Bill tells me that your 7th grade history teacher, Mrs. Darci, was one of the most feared monsters, Kampe?" Chiron looked at me with a quizlike look plaster on his bearded face.

"Uhh I am pretty sure it was Kampe. Lower body like yours but instead of a horse it was like a dragon. She also had vipers on her head and green scales completely covering her body with the waist having a lion and a bear and something else... that I don't remember..." I began to describe Kampe waist while running on a dead end, lucky Billy goat Bill came to the rescue.

"bear, boar, wombat, tiger, crocodile, wolf. Her dragon side was black while her skin on her human part was green. She should also have leathery bat wings on her back but she didn't reveal them. It is very bad that she had reformed. In the heat of the moment our brains didn't recognize the horror of her, now that we are away it's true horror showed. It will be chaos if she comes to camp and can break the border before it is fixed." 

"That is true." Chiron nods his head. "It will be one of the worst things that could happen in this camp history. Kampe was the jailer for the titans back in the old days. She held and toutred the 100 handed ones and cyclopes before Zeus, Hades and Poseidon came and killed her, as a result freeing them." This rang a question in my head.

"Well if she's the jailer for the titans why would they kill her and free the titans?"

"No she was a jailer for the titan's prisoners. The cyclopes, not the titans." Chiron said this like he was a teacher and teaching a class. Well I guess he was the teacher here.

I nod my head when someone came to the room. He had black hair and black eyes. He was tanned and had on shorts and a orange camp half blood t-shirt. I wondered when I would get one. I saw Chiron look up and nod his head. "Matthew can you show Atem here around and show him where he will be staying."

"Sure thing Chiron." Matthew turned to look at me. "Come on I'll show ya where you'll be bunking here." Me and Matthew left the big house. He began to lead me around.

Bill's POV

"This is bad Chiron. Why would the jailer of the titans, one of the most fearsome monsters come after Atem. Before he knew he was a half blood. And when she was going to kill him, his smell increased and she was stunned. Her face showed that she was first confused then was fearful then again into confusion." This was really bad. If Atem attracted that kind of monsters as his first, then just what will be attract. "That's not all, he doesn't smell like a normal demigod." 

"Explain on that" Chiron asks while his brain was probably running rampant trying to work this out.

"You know that I can smell demigods like monsters but more efficient." Chiron nodded his head at that. "His smell... It smells like a monster. Not monster smell but... It smelled of dread and destruction. It only lasted a second but that was long enough to send shivers down my spine." Once I finished Chiron breathed in and looked at me. 

"I sense that this will only be the beginning..."

Atem POV

Matthew showed me around camp. He showed me the lake. Which naiads were making baskets. He also told me that they were terrible flirts but once they saw me they went back into the water. Strange... But anyways, he showed me the area and began to direct me into where the cabins were held. "You'll be staying in the Hermes cabin until you get claimed." Matthew turned to face me. 

"When does that usually happen?"

"If you're lucky maybe this year or the next. But some times some don't get claimed."

"Oh.. Ok." So most of the time gods just ignore us... Who cares... yeah never mind now that I am here, I can see why some would resent the gods.

Matthew sighed and continued until we reached a worn-torn cabin with chipped paint. Yeah not 5/5 stars. When he opened the door, there were just about 5 kids there. One piped up when he saw us. "determined or undetermined." Matthew responded with "Undetermined." There was a sigh that left 3 of the people there.

Matthew turned and left with me standing in the door way. Until one of the other boys there said that I could have the corner and gave me a sleeping bag. I didn't have much besides a backpack that Bill and I had after we got out of the train and bought. It had just some toothpaste, tooth brush, toilet paper, a extra cargo pants, towel, and a notebook with a pen.

I land down since it was already night and was not allowed to leave unless you wanted to be "Harpies chow" . Which meant there were harpies. Meh can't get much weirder than Kampe.


Thanks for reading and sorry if this was posted late since I went fishing with my dad and fell asleep. Remember leave a review and there will be an extra chapter. 

If you enjoying so far drop some powerstones and comments. Reviews are also welcomed. Have a pleasnt day

Juiptcreators' thoughts