
Chapter 530: Ascension to the Throne_2

"The Washington Post" began revisiting Yu Fei's rookie season in D.C.

They were "surprised" to find that signs of Yu Fei's greatness had been evident early on.

At that time, however, no one could realize it.

"Frye could have led D.C. to win seven championships," said one insider, "how long will it take us to recover from the loss of that trade?"

"Sports Illustrated" was the most direct of the media outlets, selecting Yu Fei as the cover person for the final issue of June, with the cover boldly proclaiming: THE GREATEST OF ALL TIME.

Moreover, they sent out Gary Smith, who made Yu Fei a household name with his article "The Chosen One" nine years prior, to write another feature article on Yu Fei.

For this, Smith contacted Yu Fei to conduct an exclusive interview.

Yu Fei readily agreed.


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