
Chapter 361 Beginning to Sway Lifetime Oklahoman

The first week of the new NBA season had just begun, but Clay Bennett had already received the financial report since July.

Bennett faced the report with complex emotions. He hoped it would concretely reflect Yu Fei's business value, or prove, inevitably, that even Yu Fei couldn't save Seattle's market—as if to provide feedback for their deliberate estrangement of local fans over the past year.

Before opening the financial report, Bennett remembered the reproachful gaze Herb Kohl, the owner of the Bucks, had cast at him not so long ago during the NBA owners' summit.

Kohl made Bennett feel like a scoundrel who had stolen someone's wife.

But could he be blamed? He didn't want this either...

However, when Bennett opened the financial report, all errant thoughts vanished. The numbers seemed alien to him.

This couldn't be real.
