
Chapter 297 Endless Hatred


Yu Fei remembered that on previous visits, there were always huge posters of Yao Ming, but now, those promotions had become less frequent.

Was it because they no longer loved Yao? Not at all. They might even love him more than before, but they no longer saw him as "the next big thing."

This prompted Yu Fei to think of an inappropriate comparison—that of the future Zion Williamson, who, before even entering the league, had been offered a $90 million endorsement by Nike. Despite limited appearances in his rookie season, he clearly had All-Star level talent, but what about the following years? He was constantly battling his weight and making limited progress. After being exposed by an older female star from the dark side of the industry while playing mother-son role-playing games during his injury recovery, he visibly lost everything beyond his NBA status at a rapid pace.


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