"This is unreasonable!" Omari said excitedly, "If Michael renews his contract with the team, then he is a member of the Wizards, and the team has the right to use his name and image to promote to the market!"
Falk retorted sharply, "Of course, that is one of Michael's obligations, but don't you think you are going a bit too far? You've promised the fans many things Michael has never said, and you are already selling next season's season tickets at a high price in his name before he has decided to renew. Is that reasonable? If Michael doesn't come back, wouldn't those fans who bought season tickets because of him feel deceived? How do you intend to compensate for the damage to Michael's reputation caused by this?"
This remark silenced Omari.
The most powerful woman in the history of professional basketball only felt frustrated and outraged.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: