
Chapter Twenty-Five: The So-Called Atmosphere

"Hey, I remember that Shi Yi Zhong is a key high school, right?"

Chen Ze pinched the bridge of his nose, a bit unclear on the situation.

"Yeah, a key high school. Otherwise, why would our parents have let me transfer?"

Chen Xingchen picked up a piece of braised pork and ate it with rice.

Chen Ze gave Chen Xingchen a glance, now even more confused about the situation.

"So why would you... say something like that?" After all, Chen Xingchen's earlier comment could essentially be translated to mean their class was full of perverts.

"Well... how should I put it, they are indeed pretty weird, especially a few of the boys." Chen Xingchen took a sip of Coca Cola.

"Oh? What, do you have gentlemen in your class who claim to be members of the Diving Society, but are actually part of a drinking group?" Chen Ze had no opinion about his sister drinking Coca Cola, as he quite liked it himself.

"Bro, you've probably been watching too much anime," Chen Xingchen rolled her eyes.
