
Vow For Revenge


The crowd nods and gives unified nods as the murmuring continues. Some of them even look offended at the claim that Sasha proves I have his mark. I'm glad that even though I'm sailing in a sea of rogues, some of them still have basic decency.  The majority of them however see no harm in forcing me to show the mark.

Sasha holds up a hand and the crowd goes silent. "If seeing the mark on my omega's neck is what it will take for all of you to feel reassured then so be it." He then turns to me. My chest feels tight.

When Sasha hesitates, Angelo cackles.

A shiver runs through me at his horrid laugh. Even though I have my alpha's mark, I'm still nervous and my nerves jangle as Sasha holds my shoulders. I look into his eyes and my pulse races wildly. My legs feel wobbly and I'm struggling to pull air into my lungs.

"It's okay," Sasha whispers as he stares into my soul.
