
What efficiency means, this is what efficiency is

The oppressive and suffocating aura made Xia Xue breathless. Her slender legs trembled slightly at the sight of the terrifying creatures walking up and down behind the imposing iron gate. Through the art of recognition, the characteristics of the enhanced elite monsters were revealed so that nothing remained hidden. They differed fundamentally from the creatures found in ordinary dungeons, both in terms of their characteristics and their appearance.

Xia Xue stared at Lin Moyu in horror, "This is a nightmare difficulty level, did you make a mistake in your choice?"

Lin Moyu remained unfazed: "I did not make a mistake."

No mistake... Could it be that this human was planning to tackle nightmare level dungeons by relying only on the two of them? Just the sight of the terrifying monsters made Xia Xue's teeth chatter. "Have you lost your mind? We will find death," Xia Xue shouted.

Lin Moyu paid no attention to her words and did not pay any attention to Xia Xue. "Later, you will go with me."

Go where? Xia Xue was at a loss for a moment. The terrifying, enhanced elite monster had already fixed its gaze on her. Xia Xue felt the fear of death creeping in. If she had not been afraid of being mocked by Lin Moyu, she would have escaped from the dungeon at that moment.

A large number of skeleton warriors appeared in the room. While Lin Moyu released the skeleton warriors, he also summoned new ones. Within the blink of an eye, eighty Skeleton Warriors had filled more than half of the room. Then, under the shocked gaze of Xia Xue, Lin Moyu opened the doors to the dungeon.

The Skeleton Warriors rushed forward like a legion on a conquest, frantically charging towards the tunnel. This was a task that Lin Moyu had mastered with practiced ease. The armored elite monster behind the iron gate chased after the skeleton warriors and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Follow me." Lin Moyu began to sprint. Xia Xue was stunned, what kind of situation was this? Was it really possible to approach a dungeon like this?

"Quick, you are not afraid now, are you?" Lin Moyu's voice echoed from the corridor.

Xia Xue stamped her foot, "I, as a lady, am not afraid. I will not be outdone by you." Full of defiance, she quickly caught up with Lin Moyu.

A huge array of monsters charged through the dungeon. The Skeleton Warriors led the charge, followed by a large group of enhanced elite monsters. Bringing up the rear were Lin Moyu and Xia Xue.

Xia Xue asked as they continued, "What exactly are you guys up to?"

Lin Moyu replied calmly, "Cleaning the dungeon." His answer was so natural that Xia Xue was speechless.

After passing through the long mine tunnel, they encountered the King of Mine Wolves, a Nightmare difficulty boss that was much bigger than its counterpart in normal dungeons. Xia Xue did not need to use any detection techniques to know that this creature was exceptionally terrifying.

The skeleton warriors reached him first. Despite the Mine Wolf King's relentless attacks, the Skeleton Warriors kept running without fighting back. "Why are not they fighting back?" Xia Xue was amazed at the Skeleton Warriors' resilience, but also confused.

Lin Moyu instructed the Skeleton Warriors, "Now." As all the monsters caught up behind them, several Skeleton Warriors used their skills at the same time. They immediately slew an enhanced elite monster. The corpse of the enhanced elite monster was then thrown into the air.

At the same time, Lin Moyu raised his hand. The corpse exploded! A detonation! A booming roar startled Xia Xue.

The experience quickly rose, and various reports came in. In the blink of an eye, Xia Xue's experience had increased by 30%. Xia Xue was stunned. Was it really possible to overcome dungeons like this? What kind of technique was this?

Boom! Boom! Several loud noises sounded one after the other. The once fearsome king of the mine wolves whimpered and sank to the ground. "Dead."

"Killed so effortlessly?" She remembered how the three of them had taken on the Minewolf King on normal difficulty, how they had meticulously assigned tasks and used various tactics, only daring to act after careful consideration. It had been a grueling battle that had lasted more than twenty minutes. But now, in front of Lin Moyu, it was only a matter of seconds.

Xia Xue felt numb all over her body. She realized that this was not an ordinary difficulty level, but a nightmare difficulty level. The same boss, but the nightmare difficulty was many times more difficult than the normal one. Nevertheless, it was easy to defeat in the face of Lin Moyu.

A tingling sensation rose from her feet to her head, and Xia Xue trembled as if she had been electrified. Was this really a dungeon clearing? It felt more like a leisurely stroll in her own backyard.

Lin Moyu paid no attention to their behavior and waved his hand, "Let us go." The skeleton warriors had already rushed into the corridor and were moving towards the pit under the mine. It was only then that Xia Xue woke up from her daze and hurriedly followed them.

"Do you... do you want to face a nightmare level dungeon alone?" It was hard for her to ask this question. If she had not seen it with her own eyes, Xia Xue would never have believed it. Who would believe that someone with only ten levels could conquer a nightmare level dungeon on their own? In all of history, no one had ever accomplished such a feat.

Lin Moyu remained calm: "Indeed."

Xia Xue continued, "From level ten?"

"Correct." With Lin Moyu's confirmation, Xia Xue finally understood why Lin Moyu had ascended so quickly. When she had just left the beginner dungeons, Lin Moyu had probably already single-handedly mastered the mine dungeons. And that too on the Nightmare difficulty level. If it were not for the restrictions imposed by the cooldown times in the dungeons, Lin Moyu might already be at level 20.

Such efficiency, far too fast. Only about ten minutes had passed from entering the dungeon until now, and they were already facing the final boss. In the past, when she had teamed up with others to tackle the normal difficulty level, it had taken at least an hour or more to reach this point.

The colossal goblin king exerted enormous pressure. Then the skeleton warriors, accompanied by a horde of monsters, charged forward like wild hornets. After a dozen deafening screams, everything calmed down again. Lin Moyu's body radiated the glow of level advancement.
