
McGonagall's Bewildered Rescue

Hermione was struggling to contain her laughter at Harry's praise, knowing full well her husband had orchestrated the entire thing using his wandless magic.

Minerva was at a loss to explain what had just happened, neither Potter currently had a wand and she severely doubted if the Slytherins had done it to themselves. She was delighted that the Potter's trusted her with this task tonight. Minerva never asked how they came upon the information, she just assumed one of their friends in Slytherin had forewarned them.

Draco was lying dazed on the floor with blood once again pouring out his broken nose. He kept wondering what went wrong with his perfect plan and why was it always his nose that got hit?

"Mr and Mrs Potter, could you please make your way back to your quarters. I shall clean up here."

Harry bent down to recover their wands and managed to break Draco's with his foot at the same time. That the wand was still in Draco's hand and Harry heard more than one crack helped to make his night. The general noise emanating from the other four Slytherins drowned out Draco's new cries while McGonagall was speaking with a house elf about warning Madam Pomfrey and getting some assistance in moving these students to the infirmary.

Harry and Hermione managed to make it back to their quarters before collapsing into each other's arms and howling with laughter. Hermione wasn't sure what was the funniest, McGonagall's expression as her spell went awry or the five Slytherins getting their comeuppance. It was close but the sight of Ronald in pain was always going to get her vote.

They had laughed themselves silly before Charles knock signified there was someone at their door, they managed to pull themselves together before going to see who was calling.

Neville and Millie were waiting patiently outside their door, the rumour mill was already in high gear as five Slytherins were spotted being levitated toward the infirmary. Hermione invited them in and had barely got the door shut when Millie could contain herself no longer.

"What happened? There's rumours flying around of a massacre, didn't McGonagall appear on time?"

Hermione was trying to tell the story with a straight face but the image of a bewildered McGonagall kept threatening to crack her up. "Yes, the professor was there in her cat form. She heard everything and appeared the instant we were in any danger. She cast a summoning charm on the gruesome twosome's beater bats but apparently Draco didn't trust them not to lose the bats on their way to the ambush. The bats were tied to their wrists and swung back against the spell, smacking them in the face before they battered into each other in a comedy of errors. It was hysterical!"

Harry was now laughing along with his wife, "You could just tell Draco was desperate to say 'wait until my father hears about this'. Not being able to probably hurt him more than getting smacked in the face by Goyle's beater bat. I know it's wrong to laugh at other people's misfortune but after what Draco had planned tonight, he got off lightly. Tell Pansy thanks from us Millie and explain what happened. Had we not been expecting it, there's no way those spells would have hit. Madam Pomfrey would currently be trying to remove the bat I stuffed down Malfoy's throat!"

"I'll tell her Harry, she'll understand. Do you think they'll be expelled?"

"I doubt it will go that far but you can bet McGonagall will punish them. We went to her for help, if she doesn't deal with them then people will start taking care of their problems by themselves."

Neville glanced at his watch, "Millie, we need to get you back to your house before curfew. The prefect rounds will be extra vigilant tonight, we'll see you guys for breakfast and then we're off to the ministry."

With them gone, Harry headed for his much needed shower.


Minerva was listening to Poppy give her report while running punishments through her head, that none of these first years would now be going to the ministry tomorrow was a given. Letters home wouldn't do much good since Crabbe and Goyle were the only ones with a parent still at home. She was considering Weasley when Poppy mentioned his name.

"Minerva, I'm seriously concerned about that boy, since term started he's had three injuries of increasing severity to his groin. His body is hardly getting time to heal and he didn't have a lot of magical reserve in the first place. Between the attack on Miss Granger, the accident with the broom and his participation tonight, I don't think the lad could sustain another hit to that spot in the near future without losing his ability to reproduce. I'm going to insist he wears a protective cup but his parents should be informed of this development in case they want to withdraw him from Hogwarts. Malfoy is in much the same position with his nose, a squinty snout though is hardly as serious a condition."

Minerva was aware Poppy didn't raise issues like this unless they were serious, a pureblood being unable to reproduce due to injuries he received in Hogwarts was very serious. "Very well Poppy, I'll write that letter. Spending all their free time between now and Halloween in detention might keep them out of trouble."

Minerva would write to Charlie Weasley tonight, she didn't think he would withdraw his youngest brother as there was no where else for him to go.


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