

"I won!" Jungkook cheered as he won yet another game.

"Oh, please you only won because I went easy on you", Taehyung huffed but he couldn't deny seeing the bunny smile every time Jungkook won was the best gift he could win. So, he may or may not cheated at losing for that.

"Suck up you're lose like a man, hyung", the bunny model stuck his tongue out at the elder who was busy staring at it. F*ck that pretty mouth.

"Hmm, I can suck and be a man in many more things than this you know", Taehyung said lowly, his eyes dark as he stared at the younger's lips.

"W-What? I- Look there's another game", Jungkook shuttered, flustered as he tried to not think about his hyung 'sucking and being a man in other things'. He immediately walked away from the chuckling elder and stood in front of a game shop. "How many tries can I get with these tickets", he asked handing the shop keeper some of his tickets he won in other games.

"Five", the man said as he gave the model five rings and stood aside.

"Okay", Jungkook bit his lip in concentration and tried to ignore the black-haired man who now stood beside him and threw the ring, hoping it would fall in any of the bottles.

Four tries and nothing. Now Jungkook was super d@mn frustrated.

"Come on", he whined as the fourth ring landed somewhere on the ground. He then took his fifth ring, pouting a bit but suddenly he felt a hand on his which held the ring and a chest against his back. With parted lips he looked to his side to come face to face with Taehyung's cheek, his lips brushing against the soft tan skin. Right now, he was sure the penguins in the Antarctica could also hear his heart beat and see his flushed cheeks. Kim f*cking Taehyung was pressed up against him, his hand on his, cheeks brushing, how is he still alive? The fact that the elder's other hand was wrapped around his waist and pulled their bodies tightly together wasn't keeping his thoughts PG.

"Concentrate on the goal if you wanna win Kookie", flustered he looked back to the goal, but his concentration was on anything but the body pressed up against him. In a slow move, Taehyung swinged their hands and threw the ring. Unlike last times, it actually fell around the bottle.

"Yes!" Jungkook squealed while the older just laughed.

"See Kook, I'm way better than you", Taehyung teased while the younger rolled his eyes muttering a 'whatever' and eyeing the gifts the shop keeper offered. Both of them still in the same position but either they didn't realise or decided to ignore and just enjoy the warmth of each other in this cold night.

"What do you think I should take?" Jungkook asked as he looked at the elder, his lips brushing against the elder's cheek causing his cheeks to turn red, not that they were already red.

"It's your choice Kookie", Taehyung said looking ahead and knowing if he turned their lips would brush and also knowing his self-control was slipping by just holding the bunny boy flush against his body, he knew he shouldn't risk it.

"I want that pink bunny", Jungkook muttered shyly making Taehyung smile.

"And that bunny is what you get", he held the younger boy tightly in his arms as he swayed them a little while talking to the shop keeper. "Can we have the pink bunny please?" the shop keeper just nodded and handed them their gift. Jungkook took the plushie in his hand and nuzzled his head into it as Taehyung watched him fondly.

Soon enough it was time to leave, both sat in the car in a comfortable silence that spoke about the loving day and the young night that shone upon their intertwined hands as the older drove them to the café.

"I must admit, today I had a great time with you. I hope we can continue this in the future", Jungkook said as he hugged the elder who nuzzled his head in the crook of the younger's neck.

"Me too Kook, and don't worry we'll have even more dates in the future", Taehyung winked to a wide eyed Jungkook as he went back into the café.

"D-Date?" Jungkook mumbled under his breath, he bit his lip and quickly got into his car. Once he was sure he locked the door and windows, he squealed so high that the windows could've shattered. A big smile stretching his lips as he hid his face in his hands, cheeks wearing a permanent blush. Clearly unaware of the back-haired who was watching him go bonkers with a cheeky smile.

"So nice of you to ditch your sister. But I won't complain cause because of that I got the sunshine's number", Y/N squealed as she waved her phone at Jungkook's face the moment he walked in with a big grin and a pink bunny plushie. "But you aren't going anywhere without giving me the details", and that how both of them ended up on the couch with Jungkook explaining his date to Y/N informing on how she settled for friend title with Hoseok.

"He said it was a date", Jungkook muttered again as if he was in a daze.

"Yup, got it the third time you said it so stop", Y/N said as she switched on the TV.

"I had a date with my crush", and the younger ignored her again.

"Next time I'm definitely meeting this guy who turned my brother into an idiot", Y/N muttered under her breath but a chirping sound from her phone showed a notification. She looked at the message and gasped, quickly grabbing her phone and tossing the remote at the younger who shut his mouth and watched his sister go crazy, not the first time though.

"What is it?" he asked curiously, trying to peak at her phone.

"It's Hobi", his sister bit her lip. "He asked me if I'm free tomorrow", she mumbled unconsciously before typing a 'yes'. Jungkook pursued his lips, normally if some dude texted his sister, he would try to beat the sh*t out of them but now? Hoseok is a literal sunshine, he had to admit, that man was a catch and he was Taehyung's friend so he let it slide. Maybe finally his sister can stop jumping at people and settle with one for a while.

"Well, I'll leave you two to yourselves", and with that Jungkook went to his room, took shower, ate the pizza his sister had ordered and went to bed with a huge smile and childish wishes.

But his dreams were anything but childish. That explained the semi-hard boner he had when he woke up in slight sweat and pink cheeks. If he spent only one day in the black-haired man's presence and already has a wet dream then how could he manage every day, not that he minded having a dream of the elder thrusting into him from back. A phone ringing brought him out of his daze. "Hello?"

"Hey Kook", and the cause of his boner is talking to him while his thoughts weren't exactly holy about the elder. "Got up early I see", d@mn that deep voice.

"Did you call just to check that?" Jungkook asked annoyed but he couldn't help but rub his thighs together.

"Not really", the elder purred, curse him for that. "Just wondering how your night was", there was a teasing end to it.

"Good", Jungkook bit his lip, trying to stop some seriously not necessary thoughts.

"You don't sound good though. Do you need my help with anything?" and this sh*t knew just the words. Jungkook shut his eyes, trying not to imagine Taehyung 'helping' with something.

"No, I'll be there at 6, my sister wants to meet you. Bye", he needed to end the conversation quick cause his pants were getting tight.

"Can't wait, bye", the call finally cut.

And Jungkook is fully hard. Fantastic.

Taehyung smirked to himself as he cut the call, the younger was so easy to read and he really wouldn't mind helping him.

"Appa!" Eunji opened his bedroom door, still wearing her PJs.

"Yes sweetie", he asked curiously as she walked to him and took his phone before pouting.

"You spoke to Kookie Oppa without me", her pout was too cute making Taehyung feel a little guilty but he knew if the younger talked to the little girl, then, let's keep these thoughts PG for the little angel.

"Well, Kookie was in a hurry so he had to cut the call", and he was sure the younger wouldn't pick his call for the next fifteen minutes or so. He ushered the pouting girl out by promising to let her meet Jungkook this evening and went to his bathroom. He bit his lip as he looked down at his sweatpants. Good thing Eunji didn't notice them being wet or he wouldn't live that down. Okay, he may or may not had a wet dream and had to fix his problem before his baby woke up cause that would've been an interesting story to explain. But can you blame him? He had the golden opportunity of feeling Jungkook's @ss on him yesterday, okay, maybe he was the actual one to blame but he ain't complaining. "Won't be soon before you are actually begging me to help Kook", he smirked as he thought of the younger.

From high school, Taehyung knew just how to get the younger boy into a blushing mess. He also knew the younger had a crush on him, but was too shy to confess. He waited though, for whole three years of schooling he waited for the boy to confess. And when they were graduating from high school, Taehyung finally had enough waiting and planned to confess his feelings but the younger already had to leave for Seoul, so being the supportive best friend he was, he let the younger slip from his fingers and for the next one year he was busy with his sister and her new born baby. He let the younger go once, but not again.

He couldn't bear the pain again, he's too weak.

"Cotton candy!" Eunji yelled as she ran to the pink-haired man who laughed and hugged her.

"Hey angel", he pinched her cheeks before holding her hand and going to the counter where Hoseok smiled at them two.

"Hi Jimin", the sunshine greeted with a big smile.

"Hi hyung", Jimin smiled back, ever since Jungkook introduced this café to him he's been a regular customer in the morning. Coming for coffee and sometimes breakfast. "The regular please", he said to the man who nodded and went to the seat in the corner where he and his friend sat before. They didn't really bother with masks since most of the people here were older adults or little children, and the spot where they sat concealed them from anyone watching.

He and Eunji sat there chatting, him already knowing the girl wasn't the real daughter of Taehyung after he confronted the young model about his run away with the black-haired.

"Here's your order hyung", Beomgyu placed the strawberry tart in front of Jimin, the young waiter and model already growing comfortable in each other's company since Beomgyu was his regular server.

"Thanks, Beomgyu", the waiter bowed and walked off as Jimin and Eunji continued their chat. Soon enough it was time to leave, giving the little girl a peck on her cheeks he went to the counter where Hoseok handed him his daily parcel.

"I'm seriously thinking you are buying this parcel for a crush", Hoseok stated as he handed him the vanilla cake slice and coffee.

"Maybe", Jimin winked at him and waved as he walked out.
