
Solving a Mother's Plight

Chapter 8. Solving a Mother's Plight

I step out of the portal cautiously. I'm glad it didn't drop me into a sizzling volcano or a raging sea. Those would've been difficult situations to get out of, even with my magical and gamer powers.

Thankfully, the portal safely deposited me on a rusty, metal staircase attached to the exterior of some old, crumbling building. This must be what the Yanks call a fire escape. We don't have these back at home. A whiff of sweet, rotting stench makes me gag, and I glance down at the trash heap piled right beneath the lower rungs of the fire escape.

Pinching my nostrils, I look forward, towards the sights and sounds of the bustling city twenty metres away, at the end of this abandoned, shadowy alley.

Where am I?

This can be anywhere in the multiverse, and I would be none the wiser. Perhaps I shouldn't have let Heather goad me into walking through the wormhole. Then again, I was looking for an excuse to use the knife. So I can't blame her entirely. At least this is a modern world filled with humans, from what little I can see. My first world hop could have been way more weird and outlandish.

I'm not given much time to muse about my intriguing situation.

A blood-curdling roar pulls me out of my head as a humongous dog rushes into the alley, following a woman and child.

The black dog looks like a giantified version of an English mastiff. And it's not only the queer size that petrifies me. It's also the eyes. They are red, glowing like flames. Not to mention its powerful maw lined with two rows of dagger-like teeth.

This is not a normal world, I realise.

I know there are terrifying monsters even in my homeworld, but I have never seen them in person myself. So looking down at a bear-sized dog is enough to make my heart thunder.

I can only wince when the monster sends the two humans flying with a single swipe.

My throat dries up, and my hands start to shake as it prowls towards its downed victims.

What should I do? Should I intervene and gain the monster's attention, or should I simply let these strangers die? It's not like I'm here to be a hero. No, I came here just to test my mythical knife. And the experiment is done. It's time to get back home fast.

Dammit, my legs aren't moving. Am I that frightened?

I swiftly blank my mind and suppress my crippling fear. Now is not the right time to panic and become dog food. And I am relatively safe since I'm on the third floor of the fire escape. The dog won't come up here. Probably.

Without wasting another moment, I use [See] on the monster.


Level: 25

Beauty Tier: Null

Seduction: Null

Points Available: Null

Not a very dangerous beast. I should be able to take it.

I whip out my wand as it towers over the duo. Just to be on the safer side, I put the Invisibility spell on myself first. No need to give away my location if I can help it.

Aiming down, I use one of the most powerful spells I know.

"Glacius Telum!" I whisper, keeping my voice low.

A five-foot-long, lethal icicle rushes down and blasts against the side of the hellhound, shattering at first contact.

The beast yelps in pain and spins around, its glowing red eyes darting feverishly to find me.

Hidden under the spell, I grimace at the ineffectiveness of my attack. It should have pierced through. The beast should be dead. But it didn't even leave a scratch.

I'm taken aback when the woman struggles to her feet and jumps on the beast, probably trying to get its attention and save the young boy cowering behind her. It's both brave and fatally stupid.

The beast simply shakes her off, and its cruel paw sends her soaring in my direction.

The small boy screams in despair, "Mom!" and sprints after her.

"Arresto Momentum!" I hiss, and she slows down and drops directly onto the garbage pile beneath the fire escape.

She is panting; her chest is inflating and deflating. There's a large gash running from her shoulder to her belly. And blood is gushing out from the wound, colouring her blue flannel shirt and the plastic bags underneath her red.

It doesn't look good for her. And before I can think of healing her, the hellhound growls and looks up directly at me, warning me not to interfere. There's a glint of intelligence in its eyes.

Seems like it can see through my Invisibility spell.

You know, I think I should head home. This is not my problem. I got my peek at this new world. And it's time to return.

Shooting a semi-apologetic look at the dying mother and the sobbing child, I summon my [Subtle Knife] and cut open a door in the fabric of the world. Or at least I attempt to.

Nothing happens. No portal opens up. Instead, a text box pops into the centre of my vision.

Cannot be used due to the cooldown period. Time before it can be used again: 7 days.

My lips twitch, and I let out a humourless chuckle.


I'm in quite a pickle. I didn't think there would be a limitation on the knife. Now I'm stuck in this world for seven days. I definitely shouldn't have let Heather encourage me into world-hopping without thorough preparation.

Another text box pops over the previous one.

Quest Alert!

— Save Sally Jackson and Percy Jackson.


— 3 Minor Love-Passes

— XP points

I guess I have to take it seriously. I've finally gotten my first quest.


Sally Jackson

Her view is blurred, and it's not only due to tears.

Darkness is encroaching the edges of her vision, like ink spreading through water. And the more she blinks, the more visibility she loses.

She can hear it. The heart-wrenching cries of her son as he grips her sleeve and begs her not to die.

This time, it is the tears that blind her.

Her face contorts from pain and helplessness—from utter hopelessness.

She doesn't want to die. She doesn't want to leave her boy all alone. He has no one other than her. He won't survive without her. He's barely seven. He's too young to face this.

What will happen to him without her? Will Poseidon look after him and bring him to Camp Half-Blood? Will Percy find safety and family among his fellow demigods? Will he even survive this incident?

The monstrous visage of the hellhound provides a pretty clear answer to that.

… Percy will most probably die.

Her heart breaks into infinitesimal pieces.

She wants to scream at him to run as the monster ambles towards them. She needs to leap at it and herd it off. But the icy, hot pain flaring around the mortal cut on her chest leaves her paralysed. She can't even move her fingertips. All her damaged body can do is suck in air in a desperate attempt to prolong this torture. All it can do is fill her ruined lungs so she can watch her son die right before her eyes.

'Poseidon, help Percy. Save him. Please.' Tears trickle down her cheeks as the monster reaches them, its ominous red eyes promising a messy end.

Percy hugs her and hides his face in her neck, not caring about all the blood splattering his clothes and face.

She too pinches her eyes close, giving herself to the darkness, giving up, hating herself for not being able to protect him, for being unable to even hug him back while they waited for their deaths.

The pained howl makes her strain her eyelids open.

Percy gasps beside her.

Through her watery vision, she can make out a man straddling the neck of the hellhound, his knife buried in the monster's one eye.

Did that man just jump from above to help them?

Hope blossoms in her chest, and a relieved smile makes its way to her face.

She closes her eyes again and accepts her fate.

Percy will be alright. That was all the assurance she needed to die peacefully.

Death doesn't come for her, as she had expected.

A warm, golden light envelopes her entire body instead, and the deathly wound vanishes in an instant.

She is speechless as she sits up, realising she has been lying on a garbage pile. Ignoring the stench and rotting waste, she examines herself with disbelieving eyes. While her flannel shirt and bra are torn and bloody, her flesh itself is smooth and unmarred, as if it had never been cut open by a claw before. And she feels great too, full of energy, as if she hadn't been running from the monster for the last ten minutes.

How… stupefying.

The sound of yelling and grunting draws her attention.

Getting to her feet, she grabs Percy's hand and drags him up the fire escape and on to the first landing.

She should run away, really. She should take Percy and flee. But her conscience roots her in her place. Her chest constricts when she realises the man's attack hasn't done much damage. It cannot. Because this hellhound isn't a normal beast.

"Steel cannot kill it!" she yells, watching the man struggle to not fall off the monster's back. "You need celestial bronze to destroy them! Get off and run!"

Her suggestion comes too late. The man slips off and falls down.

With a single bite, the hellhound chomps off his head, spraying blood everywhere. The headless body convulses on the ground, making her sick.

She freezes, her eyes wide with horror.

It's Percy's shriek that jolts her into action.

She picks him up and runs up the rusty, metal stairs.

'I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry…' she chants, devastated that the man died because of her. If only he hadn't aided them. If only he had left them to their fate.

It's when she reaches the third floor that a voice forces her to halt. "You're going to bring this excuse of a fire escape down. Stop running."

She stumbles back, shocked to see the very man—no, not a man, but a teenager—leaning forward on the railing and looking down at the hellhound, who is engaged in a strange fight with another doppelganger.

"Is he using magic?" Percy utters meekly, scared but filled with unbound curiosity.

And sure enough, the doppelganger of the teenager is shooting strange beams of light at the monster after having made some space between them.

"Yes. It's magic." The boy beside her nods, focused on the fight happening on the ground.

Suddenly, the doppelganger disappears into thin air, and the wand flies back into the supposed original's hand, leaving the monster to them. "Let me show you something more powerful."

The boy fixes the hellhound with a glower and opens his mouth. Then he lets out an earth-shaking shout, "FUS RO DAH!"

She can only gape as an invisible force slams against the monster, shooting it out of the alley and across the street, making it collide with vehicles before it bursts into golden dust. It's something she can never forget. The hellhound was simply batted away like an insect in a hurricane. The surrounding buildings shake and tremble as some of the periphery force transfers into them. Even they themselves are not safe, as the rusty fire escape creaks and shifts.

Clutching Percy against her chest, she stares at the growing crowd around the road, outside the alley.

"That was awesome!" Percy wiggles free from her arms and jumps down to his feet, staring up at the teenager with awe. "Are you a superhero?"

"Percy!" Sally yanks him back, shushing his whining protests.

Turning towards the stranger, she asks stiffly, knowing he is some god in disguise. And when gods give aid, it comes with a hefty price. "Who are you? Are you a god?"

The teenager frowns at her tone and shrugs, answering sarcastically. "I'm an interdimensional traveller stranded in your world. Am I God? Well, not yet. But maybe in the future. We will see. For now, I'm known as Harry Evans. Pleased to meet you. Perhaps we can keep the questions for later. Some people are looking in this direction. And I don't think we want their attention."

She stares at him wide-eyed, not knowing if he is joking or not. Interdimensional traveller? What's that?

Still, the least she can do is offer him hospitality. "Follow me."

"Here, let me fix your clothes. Half-torn and bloodied shirt will only draw suspicion."

She is mortified, realising how exposed she is. The hellhound's strike has torn off her shirt and bra, and they are barely clinging to her body, covering only the essentials.

With a wave of his wand, her shirt and bra are as good as new. Percy's face and clothes are cleaned next.

"Thank you. Come, we better make ourselves scarce."


"Why were there three of you?"

"Those two were my clones."

"Why're you talking weird?"

"That's how I talk, or that's how the people in my country talk. Perhaps it's you who is talking weirdly."

"No, I'm good. You are weird. Are you a magician?"

"In a way."

"Can you pull a cat out of a hat?"

"I would rather not."

"I want a cat!"

"Ask your mum."

"Are you my brother? Our eyes and hair match! We are brothers."

I blink at Percy's wide, excited grin. Well, yes, we have superfluous similarities. But it's strange that it's enough for him to declare that we are related. Then again, he is just a dumb kid.

I'm currently in Sally's apartment, waiting for her while she freshens up and changes into fresh clothes. Apparently, even after my cleaning spell, she felt gross wearing the once-bloody shirt. So she is taking a shower right now.

"We are not brothers." I roll my eyes, ignoring his disappointed pout.

The boy's restlessness is something extraordinary, asking questions every second while looking around to find new interests. I don't know whether to be impressed or alarmed by his short attention span.

It says something that I don't even bat an eye when he simply does a cartwheel out of the blue.

His expectant look is cute enough that I can't help but smile grudgingly and give him his fill of praise and a head pat, making him puff out his chest.

Kids are weird.

Percy throws himself on the sofa beside me and stares at the TV, suddenly falling silent and getting thoroughly engrossed in the cartoon.

I repeat, kids are weird.

Or maybe it's just Percy.

Quest Alert!

— Save Sally Jackson and Percy Jackson.


— 3 Minor Love-Passes

— XP points

The quest went fine, I guess. Though it gave me many ideas on how to improve.

It seems my magical abilities don't work that well against the monsters of this world.

Is that because of my low levels, or is it because they have some sort of immunity? I don't know. I wonder if Dumbledore's spells would have worked better.

Then there is my average stamina. My clones are my copies, so their strengths depend on mine. I need to enhance my physicality if I want them to be faster and stronger. The image of my tired clone falling off the beast's back and getting his head bitten off will forever haunt me.

Although the biggest revelation after this fight was something I already knew.

The lack of offensive skills.

I only have one in the form of 'Unrelenting Force'. And I need more of them to increase my versatility. I can't survive without them.

I'll have to work on all these shortcomings once I get back home. And seven days is not that long of a time, to be honest. It will pass in a jiffy. A short vacation, if you will.

Now, onto my quest rewards.

[Minor Love Pass]

— Can be used to instantly increase the target's seduction by 20%.

And I have three of these. Yes, a great quest reward indeed. Something I sorely needed. I can use these to progress with my mum, since no matter what I do, her seduction remains stuck at 1%. Though this new pass makes the entire seduction system redundant. If I can simply spam these on a person and have them in my bed, I'd just do quests and collect these passes instead.

Wait, can I spam these love passes on a single person, though?


No, you cannot. Only one love pass—either minor, major, or epic—can be used on a person.

Of course. I should have known better than to think I would get such a game-breaking cheat. Still, it's a powerful item when used at the right time. It can certainly be used to rouse my mum's interest in me, to make her see me as more than a son, and to give me a starting boost.

Now, onto an important question. Why now? Why did I get a quest right after getting into this world?

Your homeworld is your safe haven, your green zone. You won't ever be given quests while you stay there. But once you jump to other worlds, the system will pull you into conflicts and nudge you to act, to grow. You can ignore these quests, but the system will keep giving them to you anyway.

I see. So it's sort of a safety system. I'm free to grow at my own pace at home. But once I leave, the system will try to rope me into quests. Some of which may be deadly.

Good. Now that I know this, I can plan ahead. And I won't be doing any further multiversal travel once I get back. I have to become strong enough on my own first. I need to gather a variety of powerful skills before I jump into the deep end.

Though I do understand how one can become addicted to these quests.

Harry Evans

Level: 21

Points: 0

Perks: 6






[God of Small Things]

I'm promoted directly to level 21 from 19 after only a single quest. I'm sure I can quicken the process of becoming stronger if I keep completing quests. A part of me wants to do just that. It wants me to jump to another world once I can use the knife instead of going home. To keep finishing quests and increasing my levels. But it was this same recklessness that left me stranded in this world. And I'm afraid not all quests will be this simple. No, my decision to train myself first and obtain more skills before engaging in quests is the right step forward.

Sally's arrival puts a stop to my thoughts. Her long, brown hair is slightly wet from the shower. She has put on an unbuttoned shirt over white tank top and shorts. And if those bumpy impressions in the top are what I think they are, then she is not wearing a bra.

How bold. Then again, this is her home.

Sally Jackson

Level: 12

Beauty Tier: A

Seduction: 50%

Points Available: 5

Sally is a beautiful woman in mid-twenties, her body delectable with plentiful curves around her chest and bottom. Her tits are easily d-cup, round and pillowy, straining against her top.

As she sits down beside me, I catch a faint smell of tangy body wash.

I want to seduce her, obviously. I want her under me, writhing and moaning my name. And it's not just her beauty that is so striking; those 5 points are also quite tempting, more so because her seduction is already at 50%, making it slightly easier to get her in bed. I should be productive on this small vacation, after all. Who knows, I may finally get a batch of offensive skills from Gacha Wheel.

"Sweetie, go to your room. Mommy needs to talk with Harry alone."

Percy shakes his head. "I wanna be with Harry some more."

"Perce." She fixes him with a stern, motherly look. "Go play in your room."

The boy groans and slouches away.

"He is taking it quite well. I'd have thought he'd be traumatised after what he saw and experienced." I lean back into the armrest and cross my leg over the knee, facing her, fighting against the urge to peek at the impressions of her nipples.

She mirrors my position and folds her arms into her lap. "He is too young, only seven years old. I think he doesn't know how to process it."

"I see. So, will you tell me what it was all about?"

She takes a deep breath before bowing her head. "First, thank you for saving me and my son. I don't even want to think about what would've happened if you weren't there. And I'm sorry if I came out rude earlier. I was just too stressed."

"It's alright."

"Was it you again who healed my injuries?"


"Then I can never repay this debt," she murmurs.

I don't say anything, imagining all the ways she can pay her debt.

"Please be honest, are you a god?"

This is the second time she has asked me this. Then it must mean she has run into gods before. A world with gods and monsters, interesting.

"I'm not."

"Then are you a demigod?" She asks, her brows furrowed.

"No. Haven't I already stated that I'm an interdimensional traveller?" I say with an amused smirk, revealing the truth in a way she wouldn't believe.

And sure enough, she rolls her eyes. "Fine, keep hiding your identity."

"Believe what you will. Anyways, I have many questions. Would you mind answering them?"

She accepts and answers all my questions, all the while shooting me deadpan looks, as if I should already know these, as if it's an elaborate ploy to seem like a clueless world hopper.

The more I learn, the more I realise this world is fucked up. Apparently, it is divided into two categories: normal and supernatural, kept separate by some magical phenomenon called mist. And Greek gods are real. Yes, that means the Sun outside the window is Apollo's chariot. That means the sky is being held by Atlas. It also means that Zeus—the same bloke who raped his way through ancient Greece, not sparing even his own family—reigns supreme up there.

I'm also told that these gods fall in love with humans and 'gift' them demigods. Then they disappear, barely ever making contact with either the parent or the demigods.

My father would have surely felt at home here. He too 'gifted' my mum three children before abandoning us.

If that's not enough, a demigod's life is full of hardships, chief among them is being killed by monsters. As if an absentee parent wasn't a headache already. That's why the hellhound was yapping at Sally's and Percy's heels earlier. Supposedly, demigods give off a certain type of smell that allows the monsters to track them down. And today it was bad luck for Sally that she came across such a monster. Apparently, these monsters roam through every city to hunt down demigods, because why not.

I shake my head. "Are you saying that there's no safe place for Percy?"

"There is Camp Half-Blood, where all demigods are trained to adapt to this lifestyle. Poseidon has told me to send Percy there, because while most demigod children won't be hounded by strong monsters until they are older, Percy's blood is too strong, and he is exempt from this protection."

"Then why not send him there?" I ask, confused by her decision to not choose the obvious solution.

Her face falls, and she mumbles, "Percy's too young. I want to spend more time with him before giving him up. I'll let him go... eventually."

"That selfishness could have killed him today, you know."

She flinches as if struck. Guilt and anger shimmer in her eyes. "You don't understand. You're not a mother. He is my son. I am supposed to take care of him. have to protect him. I don't want him to think he is unwanted. I want to give him happy memories. An anchor to the mortal world."

"So it's not only selfishness but also pride. You're right. I don't understand."

She remains quiet and glares at me.

"At least tell me you have a plan to keep him safe."

"I actually do," she reveals with reluctance. "I just have to take care of Percy's 'smell'. That should keep the monsters away."

"And how would you do that?"

"I have consulted the people from the Camp and have found a person who can mask Percy's scent. I plan to marry him, allowing Percy to live with me longer."

Well, that's a good plan, so why is she so hesitant? "You don't look so happy about it."

She grimaces, rubbing her face. "Gabe is not the best man. He is rude, aggressive, and slothful. And there are rumours that he was abusive towards his previous wife. I guess that's why he has such a smell."

"Then there goes your plan." I snort, annoyed at all the complexities she is adding where there is no need.

She regards me with a stubborn look. "I'll go through with it if it will give me more time with Percy. And it's only rumours."

"You're a moron, you know." I smile mirthlessly. "Becoming self-sacrificial, condemning yourself to unhappiness. Have you ever considered that this Gabe may or may not abuse Percy? His track record certainly doesn't show him in a good light."

The stricken expression on her face says it all. "He won't. I will kill him if he does."

I cannot help but laugh because her words are less intense than her icy blue eyes. It's not the words that send a shiver down my spine; it's the look. She means it. She will murder him if that happens.

"Fine, Sally Jackson," I begin, my voice cold and formal. "What do you wish for? Ask, and I shall give it."

She has guts, and her determination reminds me of my mum. I may not understand her feelings, but I do understand what Percy may feel in the future if he realises the reason Sally Jackson shackled herself to an abusive marriage was because of him.

For example, how would I feel if my mum married some Death Eater to protect me? I would be crushed, and my mind would forever be riddled with guilt. And I do not want that for Percy. I don't go running around doing good deeds, but I will make an exception here, just because I have a soft spot for single mothers… and because this will help me increase her seduction. As I've said earlier, just because I feel sympathy doesn't mean I won't use it for my own gain.

Sally's eyes widen as she straightens up and meets my gaze. She must know that this is an important moment, no doubt falsely assuming me a god in disguise giving her a boon.

"I want a way to mask Percy's scent."

My [God of Small Things] perk thrums in acknowledgment, and a bottle of perfume materialises on the sofa between us. Ah, since my perk cannot create something that doesn't exist, this means that there is a perfume to mask a demigod's scent. I wonder why no one has given it to Sally already.

"Use this on Percy. No monsters will track him. Mind you, it is not limitless. It will become empty after some years."

She crashes into me, tears dripping down her cheeks. "Thank you."

I wrap my own arms around her back, turning on my [Touch] skill, feeling her shiver in pleasure. "I'm doing it for Percy, not you."

She doesn't say anything, opting to slide onto my lap and clutch me with all her might.

"I wanna hug too." Percy jumps at us, taking us by surprise.

Sally gets embarrassed, swiftly climbing off my lap and pulling Percy into her arms. "Now you've done it. You've woken up the hug monster."

The boy giggles as she playfully wrestles with him.

This is wholesome, and yet annoyance is at the forefront of my mind. There goes my plan to inflame her lust.

Kids are annoying; I'm never fathering one.

Sally Jackson

Level: 12

Beauty Tier: A

Seduction: 90%

Points Available: 5

At least her seduction percentage gives me hope that we can continue this afterwards.


When I announce that I don't have a place to live since I'm from another world, Percy and Sally have different reactions. The boy rains questions at me faster than I can answer, while his mother simply rolls her eyes, muttering 'role-playing god'. But both of them are happy to have me.

I'm given the couch, at least officially. But once dinner ends and Percy and Sally retire to their rooms, I make my way to hers.

The door is unlocked and the lamplight is on, casting shadows on her pale skin, causing it to seem mesmerisingly dark.

Sally is lying on her back, wearing the same white top and cotton shorts, her legs bare and alluring.

"Harry? What are you doing here?" She asks, not too surprised, with a knowing glint in her eyes.

"I wanted your company tonight. I've been stranded in this unknown world, you know. I thought you wouldn't mind letting me sleep beside you, to hold you, to feel some warmth and human connection," I drone on with a bored expression, not even trying to make my words emotionally compelling.

She raises her eyebrows, her mouth twitching. "I think you're fine."

"That's what I want you to think. But inside, I'm a broken mess." I climb on the bed and lay on my side.

She rolls over to her own side to face me, her eyes narrowed. "You're insistent on sleeping with me, aren't you?"

"Sleeping beside you. It's just harmless cuddling." I smile unapologetically.

"Fine, this is the least I can do for all your help." She turns away, hiding her blushing red face, angling her arse towards my pelvis but not pushing it.

Offering it but not giving it. Willing but not acting.

I scoot closer, taking charge, taking the responsibility from her, and throw my arm around, resting it on her stomach and pressing myself on her soft, plump bottom—spooning her from behind.

She shivers, but doesn't protest.

I bury my face in her hair and tug her closer, so close that our bodies are flushed tight, so close that I can feel her heat and suppleness.

"Aren't you holding me a little too tight?" She gasps, her round rear squashed against my thighs, the layers of clothes not enough to stop us from enjoying the heat of each other's skins.

"Are you uncomfortable?" I kiss her slender neck, my hand moving from her belly and creeping up her flimsy white top.

She sighs and shakes her head. "You sure this is 'just' harmless cuddling?"

"I am." I bite back a smirk as she scoffs when my hand finally reaches her chest, gently cupping a breast, squeezing it lightly in my grasp.

So soft and squishy.

"You all Greek gods are the same."

I don't even try to correct her misconception, knowing she is rolling her eyes as I fondle her large, pillowy breasts.

She moans and rubs her arse harder against my crotch when I pinch her stiff nipple through the top.

I slide the straps off her shoulders and pull down her tank top, letting her soft tits spill out.

She shudders, groaning, no doubt because of my [Touch] enhanced fingers sinking into the wide expanse of her bare flesh.

My erection throbs against her shorts, and I grind it on her butt.

I gently pull her onto her back and sit up, ogling at her big, voluptuous breasts. They are pale and shapely, like perfect domes topped with coin-sized, brown areolas.

This reminds me of a skill I have yet to use.

She looks away when I spread her thighs and lay atop her.

She audibly gulps when I bury my face in her motherly bosom and slip my hands between her back and the mattress, into her cotton shorts.

I squeeze them, her arse cheeks. And I rub my face on her pillowy breasts. So pleasantly warm and soft.

So cosy and hot.

Her legs snake around my back as she grabs my hair and holds my face near her chest.

Her pale brown, erect nipples call me, and I give them a lick before latching onto her teat.

She quakes beneath me, shuddering and moaning as I suck on it, as I wet it with my tongue and attack it languidly.

I finally activate the skill.


"Wha—" She gasps, pulling my hair, feeling her breasts fill with milk, sensing it dribble into my mouth.

I ignore her shock and suckle on, my hands still inside her shorts, clawing at her thick, bubbly arse.

The natural milk makes me tingle all over, causing goosebumps all over my body. My erection aches, begging me to feed it some hot, tight wetness.

Experimenting further, I change the flavour, and I'm delighted that it works.

I'm enthralled by her chocolate milk.

Unclasping my mouth from her stiff nub, I slide upwards and mash my mouth over hers.

She stills as our lips lock, as my tongue tastes of chocolate.

Shoving my face away, she stares at me dumbfounded. "Did you just make me lactate chocolate milk?"

Instead of answering, I smooch her, nibbling on her bottom lip.

Sally slips her hand in my boxers and takes my pulsing member in her grasp, squeezing it lightly, stroking it unhurriedly, making me gasp and tremble, making me thrust into her fist.

Pulling away, I sit up, her legs still wound around my waist.

Our burning eyes meet, and she nods jerkily, uncrossing her legs and dropping them on either side.

I push down my boxers and let my aroused cock spring free. I grip the band of her underwear and drag it down—along with her shorts—to her knees.

Her nether lips—her labia—are puffed up, crowned with sparse pubic hair.

"The condom is in the bedside drawer," she says, staring at my cock, grazing her fingers along the edge of her glistening core.

"No need. I know contraceptive charms." I summon my wand from the table and apply it on her with a flourish.

Throwing it back, I grab my shaft and line it up with her pink hole.

She has her eyes closed, and her thighs twitch when I rub my bulbous glans on her hot folds.

Slowly, I slip in the head, ignoring her keen gasp. Then I hold the curves of her waist and bury myself to the hilt.

"Ahhh." She moans, folding her legs around me.

Bracing myself, clutching her soft, arse cheeks, I pull out halfway and thrust in with a grunt.

"Ahhh." Her tits oscillate from the impact, drawing my gaze.

With a couple of more thrusts, I find my rhythm, and I lower my face in her heavenly breasts and start nursing again.

Her moans ring in my ears as I clutch her waist and pound away.

This may become my favourite position: missionary style with the added bonus of drinking flavoured milk.

Her inner heat churns more lust within me, and her chocolaty taste only seems to arouse me further.

My cock slips in and out, driving itself into the depths of her hot, silky cavern.

The sound of our clapping flesh is an aphrodisiac that burns us hotter and hotter, and sooner than we'd have liked, we spend ourselves. I press the side of my face on her soft chest and hold her arse cheeks, giving the last erratic thrusts, pinching my eyes close and grunting as the pressure builds up and erupts.

I gasp, panting, my parted lips near her areola as my spunk gushes into her, as the pressure in my cock ebbs away, as I fill her up.

I pull out and roll off her, lying on my back, staring at the ceiling, my chest heaving.

"Was that enough human connection?" She lays on her side, her head propped over her elbow, her brown hair framing her face, a sheen of sweat adorning her skin.

"I was able to make a deep connection with you and find familiarity in this unknown world," I reply, not even trying to hide my mirth. "But it can grow deeper still."

And that's what we did all night.


In the morning, I wake up alone.

I shower and transfigure myself a set of new clothes.

Finding Sally in the kitchen, I give her sensuous butt a spank in greeting. "Good morning."

"Not outside the bedroom." She shoots me a dirty look, her hands busy with the dough. "I don't want Percy to see us in that way."

Just to annoy her a little, I press myself behind her, my pelvis pressed against her pear-shaped arse, her ankle-length skirt thin enough that I can feel the silk of her knickers on my boner.

Embracing her from behind, I plant a wet kiss on the side of her neck, weighing her massive mammaries in my hands. "Is that so?"

"Yes." Her voice quivers, her tone begging. "Please."

Smiling at her request, I step away, giving her butt a parting squeeze. "Alright. I'll be in your room. Find me if you want some morning entertainment."

She nods gratefully and returns to her task.

Already knowing what I'll find, I use [See] on her.

Sally Jackson

Level: 12

Beauty Tier: A

Seduction: 100%

Points Available: 0

Yes, now I have five points to use.

Finally, it's time to get some offensive skills.

I retrace my steps and slip inside Sally's room.

Sitting on the bed, I open up the menu screen.



[Gacha Wheel]


'Gacha Wheel.'

A white circle pops in the centre of my vision.

I click on the [Roll] button beneath it.

Item Obtained: [Enhancer Gem] (Rarity: Uncommon)

— It can be used to upgrade certain skills or perks. One use only.

Good. Very good. I can see so many possibilities with this. Maybe I can use it to upgrade my [Unrelenting Force] skill. The very thought of a more powerful version of it makes me nearly salivate.

Let's see what I get next.

Item Obtained: [Enhancer Gem] (Rarity: Uncommon)

— It can be used to upgrade certain skills or perks. One use only.

A second gem, alright, can't say I don't like it. But is it really uncommon if I can pull two of them in a row?

Whatever, next.

Item Obtained: [Vial of Duralumin] (Rarity: Legendary)

— A vial of solution containing metal shavings from an aluminium alloy. Grants user the ability to amplify any skill by 100x after drinking it, at the cost of making that skill non-usable for a month. Refills every week, so don't throw away the vial, chump. This is a very useful item.

I can't believe it. Amplifying my skills by 100x? That's… too powerful. With it amplifying my [Unrelenting Force] skill, I can destroy a town in one shout. With it, I can have a hundred clones, a mini army by myself. With it, I don't even know what my [See] skill will show.

This is a most precious treasure. Something game-changing, something to put me on top, however temporarily.

I am shaking from barely concealed excitement. This is my trump card. Something that can give me monstrous attack power.

I hope my next pull will be just as good.

Perk Obtained: [Wings of Angel] (Rarity: Common)

— You have white, angelic wings. It can be used to fly. That's it. It has no other purpose.

Hmm, a useful ability, I guess. But it will be too conspicuous to fly with such wings. A more subtle way would've been better. Still, it may come in handy during emergencies.

And now, the last point. The last pull.

Skill Obtained: [Bolt] (Rarity: Common)

— Grants user the ability to attack an enemy with a lightning bolt. The strength of these bolts depends on your magical power. The more power you use, the mightier it will be, and vice versa.

I'm not really disappointed, to be honest. Yes, I can do this even with my wand using the 'Fulmen' spell, so this brings nothing new to the table.

But, with the [Vial of Duralumin] this simple bolt can become the most destructive lightning in existence, capable of killing anyone.

Not to mention that this is the first time I have a skill that depends on my own magical power rather than the system's. How unusual.

Shelving these thoughts for some other time, I leave the room, Sally's call for breakfast reminding me that I'm starving.

During breakfast, she asks me how long I'm planning to stay with them. My answer of six more days seems to both relieve and sadden her.

Percy badgers me to remain with them forever, which I simply decline.

To earn his forgiveness, I wave my wand and multiply his two cookies into twelve, which, while giving me his eternal adoration, also got me in trouble with Sally. Apparently, sugar-high Percy is a demon, which I got to see and suffer myself. I roll my eyes when she drags me into the kitchen and asks me to multiply other food items.

I happily do so.

After that, Percy leaves for school and Sally for work, leaving the apartment to me.

Usually, I would want to summon Heather or Hardwin for company, but this is a world filled with gods whose strength I'm unaware of. There's a very real possibility that someone is watching me and keeping track of me.

I'm an interdimensional traveller, of course. They would be curious.

So, I hide my abilities in case they missed it when I killed that hellhound, in case they are observing me right now.

It's both because I don't want to give away the extent of my true powers and not seem aggressive.

I'll remain here for six more days without causing any trouble. Let them know that I'm not some mad conqueror from another dimension.

It seems to work. The next six days pass peacefully, where I either laze around on the couch, play with Percy, or rail Sally's sexy arse in her bedroom.

Soon, the day for the parting arrives.

Expectedly, Percy is silent and pouty, not wanting me to go. And even Sally is crestfallen, who I thought would be happy to see the back of 'god'.

"Please visit when you can." Sally pulls me into her arms.

I give her a squeeze and step back. "I will."

It's a lie. This is a world full of real gods. I'm not coming back unless I become an all-powerful immortal.

She nods and presses a lingering kiss on my cheek.

I ruffle Percy's hair and kneel down before him. "How about a farewell gift? Tell me what you want."

The idea of getting a gift makes him stare at me wide-eyed. "Wolverine action figure!"

My [God of Small Things] perk grants him his wish, and a model of feral-looking superhero with blades coming out of its knuckles drops into his hand, making him yell in pure joy.

I stare at him with an exasperated look as he runs around with a bright grin.

Kids are dumb, I conclude.

After exchanging a few more hugs, I leave their apartment.

Then I find the closest dark, desolate alley and take out my knife.

Just as I finish opening a portal, someone clears their throats from behind me.

I spin around with my wand in hand.

The man before me is garbed in a green tracksuit, looking like just another jogger. But it's his unfazed facial expression that tells me he is more than he appears.

A normal person would be screaming or at least gaping at the portal.


Level: 753

Beauty Tier: SSS

Seduction: 0%

Points Available: 20

"Who are you?" I ask calmly, even though I already know his identity.

He smiles in a disarming manner, eyeing the portal with curiosity. "I'm Hermes, the messenger of gods. And I come with an invitation, outlander."

"Go on."

"We Olympians have been watching you since the moment you came here. And while Poseidon is angry that you ntr'd him," he cracks a grin, "we have collectively decided to invite you to Olympus, to talk and share information. It's not every day that we receive guests from other worlds."

Quest Alert!

— Survive your meeting with the Olympians.


— 10 Epic Love-Passes

— XP points

If I hadn't already opened the portal, I might have allowed myself to humour this dangerous proposition—this deathly quest.

But I'm not wasting another seven days here.

"I apologise, but I'm in a hurry. Maybe some other time."

Hermes frowns, but gives a reluctant nod. "I see. I will relay your message to them."

I'm glad that he doesn't try to force me, because that will get messy real quick.

Still facing him, I step backwards, right into the portal.

The portal snaps shut before me.

I'm back in my office at Hogwarts.

I slump in my chair at the desk.

Level 753. I don't even want to think about how powerful Zeus or his brothers will be.

The multiverse is really a big place. A terrifying place. And I'm not powerful enough to go on adventures just yet.

But soon, soon, I will be able to.

It's just a matter of time.
