
The Potter-Black Reunion

The adults began laughing when Harry and Hermione turned a shade of red that would do any Weasley proud.

Sirius decided to speak up while everyone was still laughing. The nervousness in his voice was palpable when he spoke, "Harry, I have something important to discuss with you." Seeing that he had Harry's undivided attention he continued, "You already know that I am your legal guardian in the Wizarding World, right?"

Harry nodded and slowly said, "Yes." He was confused about the direction the conversation was headed and it shown on his face.

Giving his confused godson a smile, Sirius said hesitantly, "The Dursley's are no longer your legal non-magical guardians; the Grangers have agreed to fill that role from now on."

Both teen's snapped their gazes over to Hermione's parents and they were relieved to see large smiles on their faces.

Annabelle spoke softly, her words were from the heart, "Harry, we know that we can't replace your parents but would you be okay with calling us mum and dad since you are our son-in-law now?"

With tears in his eyes, Harry smiled up at the Grangers and said softly, "Thanks… mum. Thank you, dad."

Hermione had pulled Harry into a hug and was silently crying happy tears. Her fears that her parents wouldn't accept Harry now that they were married were put to rest. Looking up at her parents, she gave them a thousand watt smile that warmed their hearts.

Clearing his throat, Sirius nervously said, "Harry, I would like to adopt you formally into the Black family as my son if that's okay with you." He had never been so nervous in his entire life and his heart was hammering in his chest.

Harry was overcome by the emotion of it all. Turning to look at Hermione, he could feel the happiness and love radiating through their bond. She was beaming at him and crying at the same time. He reached a hand up and lightly brushed away a few of the tears on her cheeks. His voice was just above a whisper as he asked, "These are more of those good tears aren't they?"

Unable to stop crying, or speak, Hermione just nodded yes and hugged Harry.

Looking over the top of Hermione's head at Sirius, Harry smiled at his soon to be father and said, "That would be wonderful." Tears had started to flow unbidden down Harry's cheeks after he answered the question.

The rest of the adults were all misty eyed and a touch shocked. They hadn't seen how deep the bond went between Harry and Hermione until that moment and it warmed their hearts to see how deeply in love the two teens were.

Sirius stood up from his spot at the table and approached Harry. When Harry was standing in front of him, they embraced. After a few moments, he pulled back and held Harry at arms length, and said, "You have made me a very happy man today, Harry."

Harry smiled back at his soon to be father and said, "Me too, dad, me too."

Formally, Sirius said, "I, Sirius Black, adopt Harry James Potter into the Black family as my son and heir." Looking over at Harry, he nodded once with a smile on his face.

Understanding washed over him and he knew what he had to do to complete the ritual. Happily, he said, "I, Harry James Potter, accept Sirius Black as my father."

The discharge of magic flared briefly and the ritual was complete. Sirius pulled Harry into another embrace and whispered into his son's ear, "I know I can't replace your parents either, but you shall never want for anything ever again. You have made me the happiest person alive right now, I always wanted a son, and I'm proud that it's you. I love you, Harry."

Harry was too choked up to speak, so he just hugged his father harder and wept. As he relished the loving embrace, he finally understood what Hermione meant when she said that there were happy tears.


Albus Dumbledore, the reputed Greatest Headmaster Hogwarts had ever seen, was confused. It was a feeling that he didn't like at all. Two students were missing from the castle and he had been unsuccessful in trying to locate them. Wherever they were, they were under some very heavy wards.

When Professor McGonagall had removed the Monitoring Charm from Harry, he had discreetly put a Tracking Charm on Ms. Granger instead since they were so inseparable. He figured that they must be with Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and perhaps Hermione's parents. Based upon the events of last night, he didn't feel like he could do much to impress upon them their guilt for leaving the school without permission.

Realizing that there was nothing that he could do now, Dumbledore sighed again and stepped over to the golden perch in the corner of the room where Fawkes was watching him intently. He was rubbing the bird's neck absentmindedly while he thought about which part of his plans needed to be set in motion.

Coming to a decision, he walked over to his writing table, pulled out a quill and parchment, and began penning letters to a few people that he would need in the upcoming months.

Ron Weasley was sitting in the common room of Gryffindor Tower waiting for his sister and Neville Longbottom to go down to breakfast. He was mulling over how unhappy he had been without Harry and Hermione's friendship. Since Neville and Ginny were both friends with them, he hoped to apologize to them first before talking with Harry and Hermione.

About ten minutes later, Ginny came down the steps and saw Ron sitting on the couch by the fire, which was a highly unusual occurrence early in the morning. Plopping down on the couch across from her brother, Ginny asked, "What's wrong?"

Ron looked over at his sister, apprehensive, and a bit nervous about how she would respond to his apology. Blushing slightly and looking down at the hearthrug, he said in a shaky voice, "Ginny, I would like to apologize for the way that I've been acting this year."

Neville had been coming down the steps from the boy's tower and he saw, and heard, Ron's apology to the rug on the floor. Shaking his head in disappointment, he walked over and sat down next to his girlfriend and gave her a quick peck on the cheek while saying, "Morning, Gin."

Ron felt like an intruder and his sister being kissed by a boy made him squirm uncomfortably in his seat.


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