
Fried Eggs

Four days had passed since Lucas had the curse removed.

He slept for two entire days, realizing how tired his body must have been.

On the third day, he decided to stay in his room with Luna, not going to his classes.

Seraphina and Sylviette both came up to check on him on the third day.

Sylviette became worried as she heard from Seraphina about the curse mark that was placed on him, but both became relieved at seeing him.

"I still feel like sleeping..."

Lucas muttered as he wore his uniform and fixed the watch on his left wrist.

Finally done, he glanced at Luna, who was sleeping peacefully on the bed.

'Just how can she sleep so much... I guess I should let her sleep in,' he thought.

As he left his room and silently closed his door not to wake her up, the door next to his room opened.

Emerging from the room, Lucas saw for the first time who his neighbor was.

