
18- A path found to be followed

Akane had entered a swamp, right?

She was sure of it, and I believe you were too, dear reader.

Although now she wasn't so sure anymore, she couldn't feel despair, even if she tried.


She couldn't feel anger or frustration. It seemed that the little cat had given her a good gift, so good that she felt nothing as she noticed each protest her body made.


In other words, it was as if all her emotions and thoughts had been anesthetized, leaving only her heart, which fought to keep beating, guiding her body and her thoughts.



And there was such vast serenity that Akane only hoped it would last until she found the way out of that labyrinth.



But the landscape of the labyrinth seemed to change with every step she took. Everything changed little by little, imperceptibly in the moment but visible minutes later and no matter which direction she went, it all seemed to lead to the same destination.


The trees, with their robust and twisted trunks, were turning white and smooth. Water was flooding where there had once been land. The air, once humid, had become… "empty"? Even she didn't understand that.



But she had found a path.



She could feel the water becoming "solid," but not like ice — rather as if it were condensing. Almost like it was solid ground, yet wet, but not slippery. As if the water itself was rejecting her.


In the sky, the three suns were visible. Beside them, there were other stars, much more distant. She thought it strange to see that during the day, but somehow, it was intriguing.


Stars flooded the sky, forming constellations, galaxies, universes. It was strange to think that perhaps there was some being on another planet looking at the sky and maybe watching her planet.


Perhaps, because of the distance, that being could be seeing a time from eras past, maybe witnessing things even they didn't know existed.


Like a story lost in time. Her was heart directing such thoughts toward her, forcing her to be "philosophical", irritated her.


Ignoring her heart, Akane filled her head with more important thoughts: the moment when she could finally sleep.


Continuing her dull walk, the trees became thinner and more sparse. Over time, even the vegetation was reduced, leaving only small patches of land floating over a vast, crystalline ocean.


Akane could only see a mirrored surface when she looked at the water, but she didn't look for long, nor did she try to see through it.


She wouldn't admit it, but she was afraid of seeing something she wasn't supposed to if she could see what lay on the other side.




She had caught a glimpse of a sea full of blood, and there was a monster in her reflection... That couldn't be her. It wasn't her.




Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, she resumed walking, now a little faster.


Slowly, the patches of land disappeared more and more, leaving only the vast, pristine, empty crystalline ocean.


Deep in her mind, she felt terror and calm: terror from the depths of the sea and calm from her heart.


Suddenly, she noticed a small, yet elegant, Japanese structure. It was a bonshō, made of red wood, with a white roof, and its large bell was silver with golden details.


Something was calling her toward the bell, and, well... it wasn't like she had another choice.


It was either go or stay, and she didn't want to stay.


With slight instability in her legs, she climbed the red wooden platform. She could see that there were golden drawings on the bell.


They were instructions, instructions on what to do. They said to ring the bell.


"Just ring the bell, and the sound will show a path?" Akane thought that was really strange. But it wasn't as if she had any other choice.



And that's what she did. Feeling even more tired after using all her remaining strength, what she heard was a deep sound that made the sea tremble and reverberate far beyond.



But soon after, silence returned, lighter, and continued for a few more seconds.


Until some stones appeared, forming a long path over the waters.



This was the path that would lead Akane to whom Mrs. Mahal's heart desired.




Good morning, dear reader, how are you?

I was doing some research to be able to write this chapter and I found the Bonshō, or as they can also be called, tsurigane or ōgane.

From what I saw, they are bells used in Buddhist temples, used to call monks to prayer, and to mark periods of time, but logically there are many other things that I could not see about these beautiful bells.

But, I would like to clarify that I do not want to offend any religion, this Bonshō will probably be the only one that will be used in this novel, and its role is only to guide; but now as to who, how or what guides, you all will find out in the future ^-^.

Anyway, remember to drink water and take good care of yourselves. I hope to see you again tomorrow.

With love.

- Author

Taylor_Daydreamcreators' thoughts