

The doors opened and the noise from the party hit them like a wall.

Everybody was obviously in a good mood and it was audible and visible.

Josh spotted Burt rather quickly and walked towards him with Nyoto in tow.

Just before he reached him, Burt saw him approaching and grinned wickedly.

"Hey Josh or should I say master?" he jested.

"Josh will do Burt, thanks for your vouching for me if a bit unexpected."

"I told you, you protected Melody, made Danni really laugh and relax for the first time in god knows how long so you are okay in my book."

"Well, thanks anyway" Josh said "could you do me another favor?"

"Sure sport, what is it?" Burt said, motioning a gorgeous Japanese girl over.

"By your muscle tone, you work out, I need to find a good gym, got any suggestions?"

Burt looked at Josh and started to laugh deeply and loud.

"Man, you are something aren't you?" Burt snickered when his laughter died down. "I own one of the best gyms in town, it will be my pleasure to make you an honorary member."

Moving a bit closer to Josh he said more softly "it's also the place where most of Danni's girls work out and quite a few of Sarah's as well, a good place to meet women sport."

"Thanks Burt, I appreciate it."

The Japanese girl was dressed in a similar gown as the one Danni had worn, she was small even for Japanese standards but compensated with huge heels.

Josh heard Nyoto gasp softly when she arrived and reminded himself to ask her about it later.

"Lady Kiko, would you be so kind as to escort my friend Josh to the second ring for the show?"

Burt asked the girl politely.

"My pleasure" she said in a highly accented voice.

"Please follow me"

Josh and Nyoto followed her past a line with a few celebrities in it.

Grinning, he thought they must be wondering who the hell we are, getting this treatment.

The theater was layered in several floors, each floor containing circular areas for the guests.

Kiko led them to a smaller area close to the stage.

She removed the reserved sign and gave Josh a list with names.

"Please choose an adult movie star as your table companion, the ones marked with a star are prize winners and the ones with a dot are already chosen, '' Kiko said.

Josh looked at the list and asked Kiko "who else will be joining us here?"

"This area is reserved for Lady Danni and guests."

Taking a moment to see if he recognized any of the names, he came up empty.

"Nyoto, do you have a favorite?" he asked her.

Her face lit up when he gave her the list and she immediately said "Ashley."

"Very well," Kiko said and left.

Josh looked around and saw that the theater was slowly filling up.

The other areas on this floor were still empty save one.

"I am not a very good master to you, am I?" Josh asked Nyoto when he noticed she sat straight up and awaiting his commands.

"I order you to relax and flirt a bit with me as if you had the hots for me" Josh whispered in her ear.

She eased up her position at once and smiled, crossing her legs playfully and leaning a bit more back so Josh had a better view of her cleavage.

Pleased with the result of his command Josh hoped the rest of his mastership would be as easy.

"You know, men with boots make me really horny" she whispered in his ear.

"Sometimes, when they talk dirty to me, I cum, just because of the boots"

Nyoto leaned closer to him, her breasts pressing against his shoulder and her hand on his thigh.

"Would you like to hear me cum" she breathed in his ear "Master?"

Josh had only eyes for the sexual predator that leaned over him so he was startled when he heard a woman say "Am I interrupting something?"

They both turned and Nyoto slid back, her hand sliding over his semi hard cock.

When he saw her face, Josh recognized her, he just didn't know her name.

Dressed in a satin white bodysuit with a cleavage that went all the way to the top of her pussy and a transparent white gown over it, Ashley stood in front of the table.

"Maybe" Josh said playfully.

Ashley laughed and shook her head, causing her long brown hair to hide her face.

"Kiko said you were a strange one, she forgot to mention horny I suppose."

"Please have a seat" Josh said with a grin and indicated a place next to him on the circular couch.

She sat gracefully down and Josh noticed that Nyoto was biting her lip in an aroused way, her eyes glued to Ashley's body.

"Getting a good view?" Josh joked to Nyoto.

"Yes master I …" she started to say before realizing her mistake.

"Master?" Ashley said, looking at Josh with curious eyes before turning her attention to Nyoto.

Josh hadn't even realized Nyoto had made a mistake until Ashley jumped on it.

"Whose stable are you from?" Ashley asked before turning to Josh and half smirking said "with your permission of course."

Josh just nodded, feeling his cheeks flush and out of his depth.

"Mistress Rose of the secret garden" Nyoto replied timidly.

Ashley clearly knew Rose or of her because she looked Nyoto over with new interest.

"That is some quality slave you have there .. " her voice trailed off and Josh realized that he hadn't introduced himself.

"Josh, and this is Nyoto," he quickly said, introducing them to her.

"Pleased to meet you Josh, slave" Ashley said with a naughty grin at the slave part.

"I am almost sorry I came to join you, but eh, guilty pleasures and all."

"So please don't mind me, I am used to quite a lot so continue if you wish, I won't mind."

Josh smiled a bit shy at Ashley but felt the tension he had built up leave his body.

He quickly called a waiter and ordered a magnum of Crystal, the smile on Ashley's face told him he had chosen well.

When the waiter left, he turned to Nyoto and said "You may continue to flirt with me with your body, not too obvious and will remain silent until I say otherwise understood?"

Nyoto nodded and placed an arm around Josh, moved in a bit closer so her breasts were in contact with him and draped a leg over his, her free arm on his thigh again.

"You really don't need to be polite to me, I won't take offense if you order her to suck you beneath the table Josh or anything else for that matter" Ashley said with a grin.

"Why do I get the idea that that would be just the kind of thing you would like to see Ashley dear" Josh said boldly.

"Touch?osh " she grinned "it has been a boring evening so far for me, my date is stuck in Europe and most of my friends went to a private party here so I have been wandering around and beating porn addicts away, not much fun yet."

"My evening has been quite the opposite" Josh said just before a moan escaped his lips as Nyoto licked and sucked his neck ever so gently.

"Tell me, I could use some fun, even if it is second hand" Ashley said moving closer to Josh until their shoulders almost met.

At that moment a high hat was placed next to them with a huge bottle of Crystal, the waiter placed a tray of crystal champagne glasses on the table and served three glasses.

Josh had nodded to Nyoto and she sat back next to him, her leg still over his, anxious to continue.

When the waiter left, Josh reached for two glasses and gave one to Ashley and the other to Nyoto before taking the last one for himself.

"Lets toast to a wonderful evening" Josh said and raised his glass, the women following suit.

After a sip, Nyoto continued with her order and Ashley said looking over her glass at Josh "you were about to tell me about your evening."

"Ah yes" Josh said and he told in broad strokes how he had made out with Sondra, he rescued Melody and met Danni, participated in a fantasy sex session with Sarah and how he got Nyoto.

Josh noticed that Nyoto had gotten a little wilder and warmer during his story and he saw that Ashley, who was used to quite a lot, was flushed and her nipples quite hard.

"God I am so jealous," she laughed when he finished.

"It almost makes me want to jump you right here and now just to be a part of your story."

"I agree, master, it has made so horny as well, I am very happy you said yes to me" Nyoto painted on his neck.

"Oh, she spoke against your order" Ashley said with glee "make her suck you under the table."

Josh turned to Nyoto and saw the sparkle in her eyes. He knew she had done it on purpose so he would punish her.

"Very well, if it pleases you Ashley dear, I shall make my slave perform oral sex on me, hidden from view, except ours."

"It would be Josh, it would please me a lot," Ashley said and pulled her legs sideways onto the couch, leaning against Josh's shoulder for a better view.
