
| 043 | Aftermath Cleansing Operation

"I don't really consider myself as better than anyone else." Abraham softly smiled while gazing at the seemingly saddened dragoness. Perhaps her past was hindering her future, and maybe he could help her from it.

He understood being lost. Not knowing where you should go or where you should end up in this long yet short life. It wasn't until he was transmigrated after his death that Abraham found his calling.

And he didn't want his friend to die to find hers.

"Even I sometimes doubt my choices, whether they'll be the best for me or for those around me. But regardless of their results, I can only learn from them and move forward."

"You know… There are no bad choices in this world. One you might perceive as a bad choice might be a good one to the other. It all depends on the situation you find yourself in. And whether such a choice benefits you or not."
