
More Important

Groaning, Alden straightened and looked around. 

Everything was the same. 

Tall, towering trees loomed above him. A thick canopy obscured the majority of the sun's rays. 

The only blemish to the natural scene was Charmy's discarded blade lying on the ground. 

…And Scar's unmoving corpse. 

Trying not to grimace, Alden searched for the last scout. 

As far as he recalled, the flame wielder had immediately disengaged after he had caught his sword. 

After that, it was as if the rapacious red-haired man had vanished.

Alden glanced towards the golden barrier in the distance on instinct. He squinted, wondering if his eyes were playing tricks on him. 

Had he imagined it, or did it suddenly ripple?

Extending his mana sense, Alden did not perceive anything to be amiss. There were no presences nearby either. 

He was sure the flame wielder was close enough to him in rank that sensing him would not prove too difficult. 

…Compared to an Expert or a Master, at least. 

Those he had no chance of picking out.

Unless they wanted to be found first, of course. 

Shaking his head slightly, Alden whistled. 

Ignia immediately flew down from her hiding spot and landed on his shoulder. 

The phoenix nuzzled her saviour's neck. 

Alden smiled, absently ruffling her feathers. 

Then, he sighed and quickly disposed of Scar's corpse.

As much as he did not like the idea of completely eradicating any sign of the scout's existence, Alden had to for two reasons. First, Scar's dead body was bound to attract a hungry abomination who sought some human flesh. 

Alden did not want to lure one of the Defiled back to the Sanctuary, even if the barrier would repel it. 

Second, and perhaps more importantly, erasing the corpse meant that the cause of death would not be traced back to him. Even though he had acted in self-defence, any person with an agenda could spin the story and frame him as the villain. 

Alden didn't want to deal with that hassle.

It was better to be safe than sorry. 

Though… if his suspicions turned out to be correct, he would have to cope with that unpleasant experience in the future, anyway. 

Shaking his head again, Alden tried to ignore the heavy burden of using his powers. 

However, it was unsuccessful. 

His thoughts strayed towards Charmy.

More specifically, towards how he had taken the winsome scout down.

Alden's primary reason for using such a gruesome tactic was to strike some fear into his enemies. He wanted them to be wary of him. 

He needed them to know he was not some weakling they could trample on whenever they pleased. 

There were consequences to their actions. 

His act of taking down two-thirds of the scouts was proof of that. 

Walking over to his pack, Alden stored the weapons of the deceased men inside. He quickly ensured that nothing had fallen out of the leather knapsack in the mad tumble he had sent it on after he threw it aside. 

Satisfied, Alden glanced at his surroundings one last time. 

Finding nothing amiss, the young man sighed and began moving towards the golden barrier. 

His thoughts were centred around two things. 


…and the scout who got away. 


Swifty dashed through the forest, his heart beating wildly. His face was pale with fear.

A shiver crawled down his spine every time he recalled the ruthless manner the young man had disposed of Charmy. 

Furthermore, that stranger could contend with, and even gain the upper hand against multiple foes. 

…A large fireball wasn't enough to eliminate him, either. 

All in all, that young man was a Demon. 



And most of all, a stark omen of dread. 

Swifty increased his pace as another bout of fear racked his body. 

Seizing the opportunity to flee - thanks to Scar keeping the young man occupied - the red-haired scout neared the golden glow of the Sanctuary's barrier. 

With great fervour, he dove into the soothing embrace of the magical boundary. 

Along the way, Swifty sensed a spine-chilling gaze lock onto his figure. 

That gaze… only reaffirmed the necessity of what he was about to do. 


Celeste paced anxiously inside the living room. 

She bit her lips, a large well of worry and angst hidden in her emerald eyes. 

Her father and mother were both staring at her with concerned expressions, but Celeste didn't have it in her to pay them any mind. 

After all, Alden was still out there. 


Unaccounted for. 


She almost let out a silent sob at the last word. 

Shaking her head, Celeste refused to let her thoughts head in that direction. 

Alden would survive. 

He had to. 

There was no way her childhood friend would kick the bucket. 

He was nothing if not tenacious. 

And she would miss him terribly if… 


Gritting her teeth, Celeste balled her skirt in her fist. 

It was unladylike, and people would frown if they saw a Chosen of the Divine Sovereign acting in such a wild manner. 

After all, they were the epitome of what everyone in the Sanctuary strived to be. 

Talented and blessed.

Furthermore, as future commanders of the human race, they were supposed to be aloof and calm, erecting an air of confidence and unshakeable composure. 

That had been put in place so that they could reassure the general populace and act as immutable pillars of strength in these trying times. 

Celeste, however, could not bring herself to care. 

Not one bit. 

Alden was more important. 

Thinking back to how they had been separated - an unexpected encounter with a horde of Defiled Djinn in the form of ravenous wolves - a pained expression appeared on the young lady's face. 

After all, her childhood friend would not have accompanied them if it wasn't for her insistence. 

Only after nagging her father day and night, did Alistair finally relent. 

Although Celeste had good intentions - she wanted to help Alden find a good quality beast core for him to awaken - if Alden did not return, the fault lay all with her as the one who had convinced him to come along. 

Not that his job as a mundane porter had been any less risky. He could have met his end in any of those expeditions. 

Still, Celeste wasn't sure she could handle the guilt of knowing that she caused her childhood friend and… crush's death. 

It would doubtless tear her apart. 

When the horde of wolves attacked, the Paladins swiftly moved to protect her. The thought of saving a lowly porter probably didn't even cross their minds. 

Unaware that that individual was the dearest person in Celeste's heart, aside from her mother and father. 

Biting her lips harder, Celeste sincerely prayed for Alden's safe return. 

She tried to gain her Sponsor's attention, but the Asteron did not respond. 

Celeste let out a deflated sigh. 

Suddenly, her legs felt very weak, as if they could no longer support her weight. 

Her mind also spun, causing her to feel dizzy. 

Two pairs of arms wrapped around her lithe frame, bringing a source of strength and warmth. 

Shifting her body, Celeste sobbed in her parent's arms.

"Don't cry my little girl, everything will be okay. He'll be back with us before you know it."

Alistair did his best to comfort his daughter, hiding his sorrow from his eyes. 

"Your father's right. I'm sure you'll both be reunited soon."

Elara rubbed her child's back, hoping to soothe her.

Her heart ached for her daughter and Alden. 

Surrounded by her parent's love and warmth, Celeste wept and wept, and wept still. 

As the tears continued to flow, she let all her grievances out. 

She recalled the warm smile Alden always gave her whenever they locked eyes. 

Celeste remembered the way other people would completely disregard his existence, their features secretly burning with envy and jealousy at his closeness with her. 

She envisioned his dashing and handsome figure, smiling as he focused on her, uncaring of what others thought. 

Then, she shuddered, a big sob escaping her throat.


What a sweet, painful and arduous thing it was.
