
13. She's The One.

She had seen how Damon had gotten ready hour after hour. Preparing himself for this. Mariella was wet already. Now she would see this. How Damon completely controlled Mimi and got such pleasure out of her as he could. There was more to all this than just pleasure. But this pleasure would belong solely to Damon, not Mimi. Damon wanted to test whether the alpha power would be any better purified if the alpha woman were properly controlled.

And this was Damon's ultimate show of strength. This would be followed by a cleansing of Mimi's alpha power, and Damon was surprised at how quickly Mimi had gotten herself a little stronger already. He had not gotten Mimi's alpha power's core, and Mariella had gotten this little morsel of information from her. She had grabbed Elena from Mimi's neck when Damon kept her flanked. Elena was so good at sharing again tips and tricks and also a few of Mimi's restaurant contacts. Mariella had gotten knowledge about some rare items, spices, and such from there. One had been a special spice blend, pretty much grown those plants organically, a safe way for Mimi, in Indonesia, by fleas, and she used it when she cooked, not told it about to Damon, or shown it to anyone. 

All of this information that she had gotten from Elena, had made Damon delve into Mimi's mind, and find more stuff, tuning him up, really well. He would transfer his own pancreas into Mimi as he would have fun, and then they would have to check on her from time to time about what would happen. Would the transplant be the answer and how long, would she destroy that pancreas too?

Damon went off to gather thick white towels, and Mariella watched as Damon placed a cruelly long dagger, a very sacrificial dagger, and a large machete on the table beside the bed. Mariella was silent and still. There was a palpable charge in the room now, and Mariella knew she was finally seeing another side of Damon again.

A side she might do well to learn to fear. She watched as he gathered the now unconscious Mimi into his arms, stripped his own upper body bare, and put the towels on his lap to protect his jeans, at least for a start.

Mimi was naked. Her bare body was pale, limp, and fully helpless. her breathing light and slow still, and Damon waited for her to start showing signs of waking up. He was feeling in her mind and then gave her a shot straight to the heart so that she was dazed and sleepy, but still conscious. She groaned, tried to move, tried to open her eyes a little better.

Mariella's eyes widened in horror as she witnessed the macabre scene unfolding before her. The sight made her scared, but there was something so dark and alluring in this too. The sight of Mimi's delicate wrists held effortlessly by Damon's hand sent chills down her spine. Restlessness consumed Mimi as Damon's sinister presence invaded her mind, filling it with fear and terror. Mariella could sense Mimi's growing agitation, her whimpering becoming more desperate.

A cruel smile played on Damon's lips as he paused for a moment, relishing the torment he was about to inflict. His fingers closed around a gleaming dagger on the table, and with a swift motion, he drove it straight through Mimi's body. The once pristine white towels beneath and behind her turned a horrifying shade of blood red. The metallic scent filled the air. A potent mixture of Damon's excitement and pleasure mingled with Mimi's fear, terror, and the coppery tang of her blood. The intoxicating aroma enveloped Mariella, holding her captive in a twisted fascination.

Damon's face contorted with raw pleasure as he thrust the dagger again and again, his sadistic actions accompanied by twisted whispers that made Mimi squirm and panic. Mariella could feel the cruelty and danger in his voice, sending shivers down her spine. The torment continued, Damon's relentless assault turning Mimi into a mere puppet, her body trembling under his touch.

Finally, Damon ceased his assault and stood up, assisting Mimi to her feet. With a sickening gentleness, he soothed her, drawing her closer, and Mariella could see the desperation in Mimi's eyes as she sought solace in Damon's presence. The dagger remained in his hand, a constant reminder of the pain he inflicted.

In a sudden, brutal motion, Damon struck once more, the dagger piercing through Mimi's back, a third of its length protruding from her side. He twisted the blade, causing Mimi to moan in agony. The scent of her fear filled the air once again, a haunting reminder of her suffering.

But Damon was not finished. Now it was the machete's turn. With a swift, merciless stroke, he sliced open Mimi's stomach, exposing her organs. Despite the grotesque sight, Mimi's hands instinctively reached to hold her own bowels, attempting to keep them from spilling out. Damon's soothing words continued a twisted lullaby amidst the brutality.

Mariella remained silent, trapped in a state of terror and disbelief. She observed the horrifying spectacle, her composure a facade as she felt like a helpless deer caught in the glare of headlights, uncertain of her own fate if Damon were to shift his attention toward her.

Damon was really quite different now, and Mariella knew she would dig that side out properly one day and start playing. Because if Damon could do the same to her and be so stunningly awesome at the same time, they could take bed play to a whole new sphere. She was wet, but she knew she would be literally playing with fire. But that was what made it so perfect. Oh, when she would have a perfect chance. She thought just for fun that what if there was this side inside all the Damons and if there was, oh number two would be so good a victim for her too? 

Then Damon put down the machete and resumed his stroking and soon, sliced Mimi's carotid artery open with his nail, holding it there so that Mimi almost bled to dry. Mariella sniffed another layer of Mimi's fear. As soon as Mimi had made more blood, Damon repeated. His vampire side was out more now, as was Mimi's, but not too much. This was just part of Mimi's vampire side, enough so she would perfect prey for him.

Damon was really enjoying as Mimi desperately wriggled in his grip, trying to get her neck closed. Damon controlled Mimi's hands, still speaking low and quietly to her so that Mariella couldn't hear. That voice was pure danger, it made Mariella wet but scared almost same time.

Then it was soon Damon's turn to use the dagger again to slit Mimi's throat. He always let the wound heal at the very last moment so that Mimi would be conscious for a long time. Mimi's fear got stronger, this scent of fear was almost a thick stench now and Mariella could see Damon's nostrils flickering as he took the scent. 

He'd injected her with a blood-forming agent, and the toy had more power, but then he had to drain her slowly, talking to her all the time. Mariella was still frozen. The stench was thicker, Damon was crueler, and Mimi was more scared, more desperate, but much weaker. When Mimi finally collapsed and her heart stopped beating, Damon laid her down on the bed for a moment. He straightened up and looked at Mariella as he had never looked before.

Something inside Mariella knew that Damon now saw her as a victim too, someone he could do that to, but the thought of being subjected to that treatment scared Mariella as much as it excited her. She didn't know what he was thinking. She was not used to being seen as the victim and somehow she knew she could take this but then again, this stench of fear...There was no love in this creature's gaze as he looked at her, smiling so cruelly, so damn cruelly. 

Damon smiled, but the smile didn't reach his eyes where there was a treachery and cruelty Mariella had never thought she'd find in Damon.

Damon spoke, his voice dark with excitement and pleasure, "Well, darlin, do you like what you see?"

Damon's speech was different, too. His voice was a quiet, dangerous whisper. He spoke with a softer tone to everything. It wasn't like Damon's normal speech, which was carefully considered and sharp, and Damon usually pronounced everything very clearly. He spoke almost like an Englishman, but not now. This was pleasurable and soft, and there was also a sense of his deception in his speech.

Mariella cleared her throat and said, "I'm not quite sure yet. It now depends on what you're going to do on your wedding night. Maybe this is just between you and Mimi. Your special thing."

Damon chuckled and raised an eyebrow. He took the dagger in his hand and walked softly lazily over to Mariella, holding the dagger in his hand as he appraised her as his wife. His passionfruit was sharper than ever and some instinct on Mariella's mind screamed for her to run away, yet she was frozen in her place.

He walked right up to Mariella and placed the tip of the dagger on her neck, looking her in the eye, and said, "What do you think, darlin? Is it just for me and Mimi?"

Mariella could feel a sharp tip and bite of steel in her skin and she was unable to act. The tip of the dagger was right against her windpipe, very near an artery.

He pressed the tip of the dagger right through Mariella's skin, but didn't puncture her windpipe. He let the wound bleed for a moment and pulled the dagger out, walking over to Mimi. He glanced at Mariella, who was silent and still clutching her neck.

Mariella was completely silent. That force, the power Damon had threatened when he'd come to her. That presence. She'd had a phrase, but she hadn't said it. She didn't doubt that Damon hadn't snatched the phrase from her head. He had almost sliced her artery open, and she had not been able to move at all.

But Mimi was starting to wake up again and Damon kept going, but every time he bled Mimi dry, he would come to Mariella, dagger in his hand, ready, and cut her somewhere, always leaving the dagger in the wound for a moment so that Mariella could feel her blood draining too. Hot blood running rivulets in her body, soaking her clothes and smelling in the air. And she didn't move to defend herself, and she didn't understand why. Her fear was also starting to smell and she could see when Damon inhaled near her that he smelled it, and enjoyed it. Her true, unadulterated fear. 

Damon enjoyed her uncertainty, and cut after cut began to be deeper, harder. And still, Mariella was frozen in place. Eventually, Mimi began to take for quite a while before she always woke up.

Damon walked over to Mariella and said, ever so softly, dangerously with a dagger in his hand, "Looks like my little fling is getting over, but then again, I have you, I could probably go on with you for a while, couldn't I Darlin?"

Mariella was silent and swallowed. She tried to come up with some reason for him not to slash her. 

Then she said, " We need to cleanse Mimi's alpha power and plan a wedding. Then we'll have a wedding night."

Damon laughed darkly and slashed a dagger across Mariella's neck, but let it heal.

He said as he walked away from Mariella. " Darlin', what's the matter? No more sentences? Tomorrow is a power cleanse, then. Now you can go while I still allow you to leave."

For some reason, Mariella walked quickly out of the room. She could get her legs to work and her instincts were all over the place, but first and foremost was needed to flee.

She knew she could have annoyed Damon into going over the edge right then and there. That need was starting to rear its head again when Damon was such a damn good victim. She would have a few sentences, but she had kept them in her room, not let them be in her mind so Damon could not find them. If she would have to stay and call Damon a slash-a-tore. it had been one name for Damon in her mind, but then what would have happened to her?

She would also have asked him, "Damon, don't your hands hurt when you use just one hand? Are you unable to work on your left?" 

She knew him well enough to make him explode and when he had been in that mood, well; she had excellent sentences and the right tone to go with them. Well, when she looked into the future, she was surprised and pleased that she walked away.

She would have lost her straps, but slowly. Damon would have literally tortured her into being strapless and taken her into his head for two weeks. And he wouldn't have regretted it. Damon regretted rarely his crueler side. This was one damn good lesson for Mariella to remember it. He might regret something that he said, but not so much what he did. 

What he was doing to Mimi, he was not regretting it, ever, and he would have done very much worse for her. With no regrets. Mariella was getting the idea that Damon had grown out of his puppy-eye love for her and he was ready to show her his might, too. He had also learned that she was truly immortal and she could take quite a lot of damage, and he liked, loved the smell of her genuine fear.
