
26. I'd Do Anything For Love.

Damon was in the medbay putting things in order a bit when Mariella came in. She went to wrap her arms around Damon and said, "Mimi said nothing when I told her what was going on, but Missy sure is a fine breed. She's fertile when you keep her in line. Are you going to fetch her yourself, or shall I?"

Damon looked at his wife for a moment, saw the satisfaction in her eyes, and said, "I'll get the lady, and we'll cut her up and get on with things."

Damon took off like a panther, and Mariella knew that soon, one little mini Mimi would be properly reined in and reprimanded once again. Oh, how she loved to see how Mimi would be bred and pregnant again, and again, helpless and doing her duty as an alpha female should. 

The door opened as I was dozing, and I opened my eyes. My energy levels weren't too high at that moment, as it had been a while since Charles had given me energy transfer. Oh, Damon.

He came up to me and said, " Oh, you're full, no baby, we're leaving here for medbay, and I'm going to operate on you. That's right. I'm going to breed you as soon as you wake up and give you enough energy shots so that the puppies will be the equivalent of three weeks old and the next two weeks. I haven't decided how many litters I'm going to have but more, I can tell you that. And there's nothing you can't do. Not even if you were innocent of that pheromone and it was unintentional. It doesn't matter, baby."

I was too tired to reply, as it had been an intentional pheromone. I was not just too sure will I be pregnant anymore. Time would tell me.

Damon came over to me, grabbed me, and teleported me to the medbay bed. I figured I wouldn't mind lying in bed, unable to do anything, because that's what happens. I knew I would not be empty after the surgery, and I wasn't sure what or how much I could contribute to the care of my puppies. But I guess that's part of the punishment. Fine, yes, I suffered.

Damon got the cannulation supplies and made a cocktail so Mimi could see. This was always the best place. For some reason, even Mariella didn't want to watch while he made her an anesthetic cocktail. Strange women. he enjoyed his power over them. 

This came with eight different drugs, six of which were strong large animal anesthetics. One was a velvet derivative, and one was a very strong muscle relaxant. It would be better to operate when all the muscles were paralyzed.

He went to his wife and cannulated her. He was firm, but a subtle smug smile played on his lips as he thought of her waking up and being bred. 

Mimi was completely innocent and wide-eyed. She had said nothing, but he had caught little thought of her knowing what she had been doing with that pheromone. Oh, how it gave him a boost. Then he pleasurably inserted the syringe into the cannula and pressed the plunger steadily, saying, "Sleepy time, baby."

Mimi's eyes closed, and she went completely limp. Damon had now made it a point to remember to call Mimi the baby, too, as much as possible, so that Damien's phrase wouldn't ring true.

He set up the operating room just how he wanted it. The right instruments, and the table in the right place, the light in the right place, everything just as it should be. Then Mariella brought Mimi to the bed, and they moved her to the operating table. Adam and Charles came in, too.

Damon didn't like the outcome of the surgery at all but knew there was nothing he could do about it. Mimi had to have both wombs cut out, or there would have been bleeding as Mimi's blood vessels would not have held, and Mimi did not make a new uterus that could have been inseminated.

The uterus that grew was small and insignificant, and even though Damon removed it, it did not get any better after 25 uteruses. No breeding womb was formed. Mimi would not reproduce anymore. her hormones were way down. Damon moved Mimi to sleep in one bedroom and left to join Mariella and her puppies. There went his plan to breed her and he forgot her. 

Mimi was now not his priority and would be left to fend for herself. He had three females that were fertile and good at reproducing. Not one of those stubborn, obstinate alpha bitches who didn't want to obey the alpha male. His alpha side was disappointed, and he had let it affect him, too. It was wrong for Mimi, but he had the right to his feelings. 

Mariella had gotten some babysitting help from the magic house and needed it when she was trying to vent Damon's spite against Mimi. For all that, neither was two any the more taken with the lady. Mariella didn't know yet, and she didn't have to wonder if Mimi had known about this herself or if it was just pure coincidence.

Why was there no more reproductive womb? Mariella did not know that either. She just let Damon fuck her brains out, and it didn't matter because Mariella's considerable libido was much, much more considerable during pregnancy. They had their life, and she was still pregnant, but she knew that there would not be any more litters as Mimi had ended this breeding season. But they had still time to carry their litters. 

When I woke up, Charles explained the whole thing. He was actually very pleased, and my balance wasn't that low now. All 12543 puppies were out and people from the magic house helped. I had done quite several thousand very strong cubs, and it had left me in quite a weak state, but damon had forgotten me and he was angry with me when there had not been a new womb. It was an excellent lesson for me again. I was nothing to Damon, nothing more than a womb, and when there was none, I was air to him. But not to Charles. 

Charles described that when Damon opened my womb, it was like a spawn, and when the cubs came out, they had grown to the right size in the operating theatre in just minutes, so they had had a busy time because now I had given birth to winged lions that took flight.

They'd had a time with Adam catching each cub. I was certainly ready to help take care of my cubs and was already thinking about the frenzy that would ensue when that bunch went out. I was not overwhelmed by the sheer number of these cubs they had been put in a few rooms and there were a lot of magic house folk to help us feed and tend to them. 

I helped with my pups and the wolf pups. Mariella had two more litters, but neither of them had even a thousand pups. Shadow had two litters, and Mimosa did the same. For the rest of the puppy season, neither Damon spoke to me at all. It was quickly eaten if I came into the kitchen when they were in the middle of a meal. mariella looked at me like I was trash and I was nothing when I did not let Damon breed me. it was not my mind, it was my body that had enough. 

I do understand that Damon wants to breed and make puppies, but I made the most puppies this time in terms of numbers. He couldn't say I didn't make puppies or breed. I was 29 kilos postpartum, and I took care of my puppies completely. I was putting myself in shape again while I was doing it and it took time because, well, if you have over 12,000 puppies; they take time no matter what you do with them.

They were lovely, and I was a wonderful mom to them. I did not shove them into the magic house because I needed to get fucked or I was bored to care for them. No, I was an exemplary mother, and I did what my instincts told me to do.

I just got another really stinging, bitter lesson that my alpha male doesn't really care about me. When I don't have wombs to breed, I'm nothing. I'm nothing at all.

Luckily, I had Charles to take me to Medbay almost every day for sugar infusions and hydration when I passed out now and then. And at least three times, one Damon or another saw me losing consciousness and did nothing about it. Damon's priority was the wolves and Mariella. Because they were pregnant and they were obeying him, let him breed them. 

I heard quite a few times almost every day when Mariella once said, " Honey, don't you think it's perfect when you have females that do what you say or wish? What more could you wish for?"

They were in love and Damon would profess his love for her and swore to her that she was all that he needed. He even promised it to her. It was like he was trying his very best to break my heart and there was nothing to break. It was already shattered.

Damon looked at Mariella and said, "I promise you, Mariella, I don't need anyone else but you three to be happy. This way, my life is just perfect. I don't need anyone else or anything else, I promise, darling, always and forever. "

Luckily, I had put myself in a rational mood long ago, or else that sentence would have shattered me to pieces. Damon rarely promises, and he always keeps his promises, always. And this was number one. So he doesn't miss, want, or even need me. By this time, when puppy time would be over for the rest of us, I was already aware of where we were going.

Charles was there for me when he heard that promise. He had been there with me when I had cried myself to sleep after noticing that Damon really did not care for me, that I was nothing more to him than my womb. I had been hormonal, and tired, and I just could not take it. It was time for me to pull myself back together and as I did hear that promise, knew that he meant it, I knew I was finished with him. I would love him, no matter what, till the rest of the time, but he did not love me and I needed to remember that. 

Fortunately, I had learned not to trust and had kept my emotions in check. An excellent lesson, a perfect lesson. At that point, Damon's scent was banished from my scent. I let my strawberry just flow in the air to let them know I had heard the whole promise.

I had let him go and he could be with Mariella for all I care. I had Adam and Charles and I swore to myself that they were mine, just mine. There would not be any wedding soon. I felt my vortex waking up, so it was soon time for me to get my special treatment from two of these. 

Fine, let them be. I told my resolution to Charles and Adam. They were shocked, but Charles, being what he is, wanted to give back properly, and now even Mariella was fair game. We went into the hallway, knowing they were having dinner and could hear us for sure. I told them about my vortex and both of them were ready to help me unload, but first, it was time to show the pack leader our relationship so he could understand the situation fully. 

We kissed passionately and pledged our love to each other, and Charles said, "You know what, honey? I don't feel like there's any rush to get married yet, because I don't know if I want to marry Mariella. If only because I know she doesn't love me. She just sees me as something she has to have, honey. You know. And I'm not at all sure I'm gonna let you marry Mariella either. If I'm Mariella's protector, you are and always will be my priority. And besides, Salvatore wants to keep Mariella pregnant just to be her protector. Feel free. I don't mind. I always have time to be with you. We are. I am so happy that you are in my arms and in my heart and my heart does not need anyone else. "

Then Adam came to me. He too was quite nervous, but over the years, he had learned a few tricks from Charles, and he knew them too. I had no time to reply to Charles when Adam wanted to say his piece, too. 

Adam wrapped his arms around me and said, " Did you know, Mimi, that this pack would be nothing if you weren't here? You're a fucking great alpha female, you bred wildly, and you made the most pups in terms of numbers. Think about it. Mariella did the least, and she gets the alpha males for herself, well she is nothing more than a greedy little pussy but we're with you. And your pups, how fucking powerful they were. Again, almost the strongest of all. And darling, look how fucking fit you are. At the moment, we've got you up to 41 kilos, and congratulations, you haven't fainted for two days now. Maybe we'll get you back in shape. You are feeding yourself to your pups, sacrificing your health for your offspring. No one, dear, no one can say you're not an exemplary mother. "

Adam really ripped. He kissed me, holding me close, and he was shaking. He was so angry at salvatores, both of them, and the same with Mariella. She had really lost her point in the eyes of these two. They saw her only as a manipulative bitch who wanted all the men. 

I understood Adam's point of view. He couldn't understand the behavior of Damon or Mariella. The wolves were mostly apologetic, and I assured them I had no problem with it. Then nothing. Even though my pups were already out, I had to be with them. There were pups from my first litter now grown to guide these little ones.

Lepard was great. I mean bigger than his dad and gorgeous looking, but he was fucking great with the pups and let them run around on him and play with the pups. The most fun of all the kittens was chasing me, so I got to change into some cat form and run away, lepard in the lead chasing me. And then he would always take the victory sign.

I was with my cubs; I was telling them stuff, and I was their mother. When they asked about what there was father, well I let lepard tell them daddy stuff, damon did not come forward not even once to talk to his cubs, so they were more of mine than his, Lepard was such a role model for cubs and he told cubs that their, daddy, well he had just made mommy have them but he was not around. 

We had fun while he was chasing me; he was the one who caught me and got the cubs their prize. He'd bite my tail off, so I'd always grow a new one. Mariella and Damon always sat in the shade for a couple of hours and watched like parents of their children.

When they had little ones inside, they didn't have time to fool around, and besides they fucked and lot. I heard from magic house folks telling each other that those three did not tend to their cubs than each other. Some of their cubs were already outside. But there were their previous cubs to help those, too.

Mariella was happy. She had had many litters. She and both Damons were close together, and Damon did his duty to the other females. Number two had been calmed down and he could be really beast in bed and not hurt her. And then she heard how Charles or Adam didn't want her. How they only want Mimi. And then all of Mimi came into her mind, and she rewound the past four weeks. Mimi had been all by her own after the operation and damon had thrown her out of his life more or less. 

There was a little whoopie-daisy going on. Mariella didn't know what to do. She could ask Damon if he had been aware of Mimi's situation all along. And that strange promise Damon had made. Mariella remembered how she'd smelled a strawberry. And now she didn't blame Mimi at all.

She decided to ask Damon, wrapping her arms around him and slipping her hands under his shirt. "Damon, honey. Did you know Mimi was in such terrible shape? Why on earth did you make that promise so that Mimi could hear it? You know she's not wearing your scent anymore, right? What on earth was so bad about Mimi not making more puppies when she was making the most puppies in terms of numbers? Why?"

Damon turned around and said, "I don't have time to explain it to you right now. Just be happy, and let's move on, okay? I knew what condition Mimi was in, but frankly, darling, I don't give a shit. "

Mariella was confused. Again, she didn't understand what on earth had happened? She could say nothing and she was left to ponder things in her mind. 

Damon knew it was for the best. He finally understood it and got it through his head. When he'd operated on Mimi and realized how much of his wife's body weight was puppies, he was shocked on top of 10,000 puppies. His alpha side hadn't understood why Mimi wasn't breeding more, but he had seen it himself. Her body could not cope. 

He had told Mimi not to interfere with the number of puppies, and this was the result. Mimi is 29 kilos and in the middle of an enormous sea of puppies. He realized that if he started limiting Mimi's ability to protect herself and her health by limiting the number of puppies, he would put her in a bad way, time after time. His alpha side again demanded that he would make sure that Mimi did not limit those litters. but he did not want to hurt her. And he couldn't go near Mimi when it was better than Mimi is with those for whom Mimi was a priority.

It was better that Mimi didn't get close to him because then she would be safe. He had torn his own heart to pieces with that promise, and he couldn't tell Mariella about it. A wedding might be on the cards someday, but they could go to the registry office with number two, and he would be married to Mariella then.

Damon watched outside as Mimi, thin as a rail, still managed to be with her puppies and play, guiding. He did not speak to those cubs, not even as he wanted. He had released a pheromone that bound Mariella and the wolves to him better, but he didn't give that pheromone to Mimi. 

By the time the next breeding season came around, Damon had already decided that he would inseminate Mimi. Maybe. He might let her choose if she wanted to breed and not force her. Not that, even though Mimi was an alpha female, Damon realized that even though Mimi loved two and just as much, he couldn't do the same.

He had feelings for Mimi, strong, intense feelings, but Mariella was number one, and what Mimi understood, how he had chosen sex and Mariella when once he would have been wrapped up in Mimi, had finally made him realize it would not work. This would not be right for Mimi. He had to make a choice and let her go. 

Sometimes, you just have to bury your feelings deep and go with the flow toward a new future. And he couldn't tell Mariella everything because it was a year. It still had an effect, and Damon didn't know how long it would continue to have an effect in the future. But he knew that he and the entire pack owed Mimi and that debt would probably never be paid.

Damon looked at Mariella and said, " Just let it go. Forget about Mimi and focus on us. Soon, puppyhood will be over, and we can go to the Azores, just the three of us. But we'll probably go to the registry office to marry you two. You darling, don't you worry about Adam and Charles. A good fucking holiday will do them good too, and when we get back together at some point, they'll be in love with you when Mimi is well. Mimi has a way of making these two care for themselves."

Mariella knew Damon had some deeper trauma that had made him suddenly decide to throw Mimi out of his life, but she didn't dwell on it yet. He was not ready to talk about it and number two was not aware of it. They moved on with their puppyhood. However, it would be two months since the last litter had been born, and now Mimosa's last litter just went out—one more month to go.

The yard was emptier as Mimi's mega litter had already moved on to the magic house. Mimi had now got herself in better shape. After all, it had been two months since she had made her mega litter. She was up to something with Adam and Charles, but Mariella did not know what. she just sensed it and since Damon did not want Mimi anymore, she did not mention that to Damon. 

I had got myself up to 45 kilos, and now the litter had left. There was still a month to go, and other people's puppies would leave in the meantime. Mimosa's last batch of cats came out, and I was enjoying myself inside. I had my suspicions about Damon's behavior, and if he wanted this to be our relationship from now on, then so be it.

I had the first little unloading scheduled with Adam and Charles and I was inside, looking at little flea jobs, when Charles came at me and struck a dagger in my belly.

It burned, and he whispered to me. "Hyssop burns, right, little bitch?"

I could feel the power getting more out and I let it go. Soon Adam was joining us and I had gotten us into the private room where we had quite damn intense five days. Then they had again done it. Got that vortex settled down, and they had also loaded themselves right up. I do not know what this force was that I pushed out, but these two grasped it. And we had a wonderful time while doing it.

After my unloading, I felt so goddamn free. But I was so tuned in to the whole puppyhood and everything. I did some flea work on the side, and there was a pretty awesome mission list. We had a new system now, so we had a rotating list of planners, and everyone did their missions in their own way, so we weren't predictable.

I had already made plans to do missions on holiday, and I would not advertise it. The fleas were still mine, and I was also responsible for them. I felt neither of the Damons was in my head, and I also knew that I had no protector at the moment. And I wasn't sure if Mariela's radar was open, either. I didn't need any kind of guarding or protection right now. Nothing at all. I was in my power and now I had a few plans of my own and this time, I would be the one having fun.

After the last puppies had left, Damon announced the start of a holiday, the duration of which he did not yet know. He also announced that Two and Mariella had already been to the registry office and were now married.

He, too, had a new identity, and that was why he had then remarried Mariella. Our marriage, well, what's the difference, would still be valid for a year, and if we didn't confirm it, I mean, I married Damon because of that new identity, then our marriage would be dissolved. And the prenup would remain in effect.

But I'm not thinking about it now; I'll think about it tomorrow. Now I was ready for the missions, and we'd had such a perfect time again with Adam and Charles that it was hard to let them go, but as beings of energy, they needed a good fuck-fest. And me being someone who had supernatural white-hot rage in her mind, a lot of scores to be to settle with, I needed to do some minor work on myself too.
