

Striding towards Sola-Ui's room, I gently rapped the door and then took a step back, waiting for her to answer.

When she opened the door, I looked into her eyes and hit her with a blast of hypnosis, knocking her out. I then quickly moved to catch her before she could hit the ground.

Walking outside, I opened a Path back to the Nasuverse. It was strange how I could open Paths to any place I had been before, even if they were in different universes.

I knew that the NeverNever connected the multiverse and that somebody could theoretically travel to other worlds by crossing it. I assumed that almost nobody did it as, from what I knew, the NeverNever was highly dangerous.

I had been lucky enough to run across a fae willing to make a deal, and I dreaded what she would want, but I doubted others would be so lucky. It would explain why multiversal travel was so difficult, as the only effective method was to use a shortcut.

Walking out of the Path into the docks where I had derailed canon for Fate/Zero, I set Sola-Ui up against the wall and snapped my fingers, waking her up.

As she blinked and looked around, I hit her with another blast of hypnotism to stun her. I then sat across from her and got to work removing the memories of our time together.

It would have been tricky and possibly beyond my skill; however, she was still brainwashed, which meant that her mind accepted all of my spells.

That meant that the hypnosis was incredibly easy, and soon enough, all that she remembered was that I had attacked Kayneth and Lancer. I had killed both of them and knocked her out, and she woke up here.

I then removed the brainwashing and stood up. While it sucked to lose an expert at spiritual surgery, I was trying to be better, and that did not come cheap.

I had also made her world-class at it, which should help her get back on her feet. Ensuring she would wake up in a few minutes, I opened another Path and flew back to my house.

Landing, I saw Komainu standing outside with a confused look on her face. Walking up to her, she tilted her head and asked a question. "Why did Sola-Ui leave?"

My shoulders slumped as I reached out and pulled her inside to the table. Sitting down, I looked her in the eyes and spoke to her.

"I did terrible things; Sola-Ui was not here willingly." Raising a hand to forestall any questions, I continued to speak. "I twisted her mind so that she would serve me. However, when I traveled back home, I realized that I was fairly far down the path of evil."

Sighing, I rubbed where my nose would be acutely aware that I no longer had a proper nose. "I decided to do my best to be at least somewhat better, so I'm going to be taking a break. I need to stop being in high-stress situations, or I will keep making awful choices."

Nodding, Komainu grinned before speaking happily. "That's great! Maybe we could head to Gensokyo. It's mostly peaceful as long as you keep her head down and aren't human."

As she finished, my heart tightened at the reminder that I was no longer human. I knew I was a Monster made up of magic and dust. My soul was inside a gem, and I would never grow old so long as I had HoPe.

Standing up, I gave her a wry smile as I reached over to give her a hug before replying. "That sounds wonderful." Realizing the hug to look into her eyes, I took on a teasing tone. "You sure you aren't just homesick?"

Looking offended, she spluttered for a few moments before catching on and pouting and speaking. "I mean, I met a few people after I was created. The scary lady said I should know how to interact with people, and I want to meet them again."

Chuckling, I rubbed her head before letting go. "That sounds great; I need to drop Miss Militia off, then we can head to Gensokyo."

Nodding rapidly, Komainu's smile grew larger before she bounded back to her room. Walking outside, I carefully disabled Miss Miltia's containment circle and opened a Path back to the Brockton Bay warehouse I had stayed in.

Setting her form down, I looked around. The place had been ransacked. However, I could still see the blood stains where I had fought Armsmaster. I hoped he survived, as while he was an ass, he could do great things.

Squatting above Miss Militia, I snapped my fingers, waking her up. Ignoring her sputters, I hit her with a blast of hypnosis and got to work. I had very little to change, but it would be better to smooth away any rough patches.

Standing back up, I let her head gently fall to the concrete floor. Looking around where I had arrived in this world, I stopped a sigh from exiting my body. It wouldn't do to be melancholic; I was heading to a new world and could meet whoever created Komainu.

No matter how terrifying they were, I doubted they could hold a candle to Gilgamesh as he unleashed Ea. I would also be approaching this peacefully, which would help.

Walking back on a Path I opened, I decided that a few precautions before I started my vacation wouldn't go amiss even if it were safe. The main one would be to make the empty Gate of Babylon useful.

I knew that Gilgamesh had a Noble Phantasm that would recall his spent weapons. I didn't have that, and creating a Noble Phantasm would take mystical materials I couldn't get right now.

I would have just had to dump as many weapons as possible inside the Gate. I had Unlimted Blade Works, which meant so long as I had mana, I could conjure blades and ape a half-decent spread of weapons.

I felt an item fall into my hand as I walked towards my house. Hefting the object, I saw that it was a parasol that looked like a flower. Flipping open the Grimoire, I read about the new thing I had gained and chuckled.

It appeared I had gained a new potent item. As I twirled the parasol around, I saw the pocket dimension I call home shudder. As it twisted, I saw the boundary of the forest expand and move back.

Spreading from my feet, I saw massive sunflowers coming up to my chest, and in a matter of moments, I was surrounded by flowers. Chuckling, I floated above the flowers and headed toward my house. I saw that the flowers had left a small circle around my home alone, allowing me to land on the grass.

Running a hand on the massive sunflower, I looked back over the Grimoire and grinned. I may not be a massive flower person, but I could appreciate the comedic timing of my new power.

I also liked the aesthetic of a small home surrounded by a forest and sunflowers only accessible by an ever-changing path. So I decided to leave it be and return to examine my new item.

The Grimoire said that it could deflect strong attacks with ease and allow one to manipulate flowers as if they were second nature. Twirling the parasol in my hand, I flicked it in the air and commanded the sunflowers to part.

The sunflowers twisted and bent as if springing to follow my commands, leaving me a path out of my pocket dimension. Grinning, I lowered the parasol and allowed the flowers to return to their natural form.

Turning back to the Grimoire, I saw that the last power allowed one to travel to a pocket dimension and that it defaulted to a field of sunflowers. Looking around, I surmised that it had combined with my other pocket dimension.

Nevertheless, it was still incredibly useful; the ability to travel instantaneously to my home was fabulous but being able to block most attacks was even better. The only issue was that carrying it could be awkward. Frowning for a moment, I decided to test something out.

I knew that I could combine armor into my robes, and they would provide all the benefits of the armor while appearing like the robes. Would that prove true for my staff?

Summoning my staff, I held them next to each other and attempted to push them together while focusing on their combining. With a grin, the parasol vanished inside the staff. The remaining issue was that while the staff retained the parasol's properties, blocking an attack would be much more difficult with a thin stick.

Holding the staff, I thought about bringing the parasol back up, and the staff did just that. Strolling inside, I rested the closed parasol on my shoulder and looked for a mirror.

Standing in front of the mirror, I called upon one of Liam's best innvocations, Master of Myriad Forms. It allowed one to cast Alter Self at will, which provided an hour of being in a different form. The difference from Disguise Self was that it was physical and could hold up to physical force.

I saw as flesh crawled over my skull and flickering green eye sockets. Grinning, I looked myself up and down, admiring how I had nailed it even if my mental image was a few years out of date.

I had bushy brown hair descending to the middle of my back. My eyes were storm grey, and I could see the faintest flicker of green in my pupils. I had shrunk slightly, and my body was around fourteen. I could also see my rosy red cheeks that I could never get rid of even as I grew older.

Chuckling, I spun around, parasol over my shoulder and robes flaring out. I remembered how I could be mistaken for a girl like this, and the frilly robe with parasol only amplified that.

Casting Alter Self again, I grew taller, and my hair lessened in length, if not in the craziness. My rosy-red cheeks stayed as well as my storm blue eyes. Frowning, I looked myself over with a critical eye. I wasn't the biggest fan of myself in this time frame.

I had hit seventeen, and reality smacked me upside the head, demanding I prepare for life. I got a job and started working on preparing for college; I doubled down on school and left my childish fantasies of magic and adventure behind. Even DnD, my last refugee, had crumbled under the weight of life, and the sessions grew farther apart.

Shaking my head, I changed back to my younger form. I was here on vacation, and if I wanted to change myself, I could. Turning on my heel, I walked back outside, musing about why I was so excited.

I supposed it because I didn't have any plans for Gensokyo, nor did I know much about it. I had only played the first game, and that was several months before this journey.

That meant I could meet the people and experience it without prior expectations or an ulterior motive. That was what I had hoped when I learned I was in the multiverse, exploring distant worlds, learning, and meeting new people.

I also knew that showing up without a gift would be rude. Calling out to Komainu, I waited. "Komainu, what do people in Gensokyo like to drink?" I settled on drinks because I could easily get them, and everybody had a drink they liked.

Trotting outside, Komainu hummed while tapping her chin before speaking. "I know that tea and sake are two big things people drink." Frowning, she stuck out her tongue in disgust at the mention of sake. "I don't like sake."

Humming slightly, I let my mind sift through what I could make as a gift. It wouldn't do to bring store-bought gifts. As I was thinking up what I could bring, I remembered something; I felt the Grimoire grow as I was thinking.

I knew how to make Lunarian technology which was explicitly post-scarcity. Bringing up the blueprints for Lunarian tech mentally, I frowned. The vast majority of it required purity, and while I could set aside an area to purify, it would be a pain.

Shrugging, I decided to get on with it. The Lunarians had such fantastic technology, and getting started now was better than constantly pushing it off. Striding towards the back corner of my pocket dimension, I brought up the schematics of a Purity Generator and then got to work.

Powers Gained

Yuuka's Parasol

Kazami Yuuka has been said to be one of the strongest class of Youkai, that even with a relatively unimpressive power of being able to manipulate flowers, she is able to stand her ground against reality warping Youkai with far more potent powers on paper. She carries with her a parasol made form a flower that would never wilt, one of the only examples of such in all of Gensokyo. And now, you have a copy of it. This parasol can cut through the sun's rays of the harshest summers, never falter through even the heaviest rainstorm, and is strong enough to deflect attacks with ease. It seems like this parasol has embodied some of Yuuka's powers, and will allow the wielder to manipulate flowers as if it were their second nature. However, its most impressive feat is the ability to allow the user to travel to a pocket dimension of their design, defaulting to a sunflower garden for their relaxation. Though, that can be changed permanently if the user wills so.
