
first day of cleaning the continent.

<General perspective>

Since Ava got her new ability, she was trying to study and master it. After 2 days of study, Ava found that she could open portals anywhere in both worlds if she had been there before.

After the spaceships were completed, Ava opened a portal to the wooden cabin house, where Helen was staying. As the portal opened and Ava passed through it, she saw Helen and Dylan holding guns at her.

Their eyes widened when they saw Ava. Ava put her hands up and smiled warily, saying, "Hey, guys, I messaged you at 11:25 AM that I would be visiting you around 2 PM."

Dylan replied, "But you never said you would teleport here with this kind of alien portal."

Ava thought, 'It looks like my calculations were a little off, as the portal opened directly inside the house.'

Ava replied, "Well, my bad. I want you guys to take care of these two." As Beau and Zach appeared from the portal.

Helen nodded while looking at Beau and Zach, "How old are..."

Dylan closed Helen's mouth and shouted, "You're now kidnapping kids."

Ava's mouth twitched, and she sighed, saying, "Their parents are currently working for me, and you guys only have to take care of them for today. I'll pick them up tomorrow."

Before Dylan could say anything, Ava left through the portal.

Dylan just sighed and said, "Now I have to take care of kids. I've never had this kind of mission in my whole career."

Helen chuckled at Dylan while she patted Beau and Zach's heads and shouted, "Lucia, I got you some friends to play with." As Lucia came to the living room, hearing Helen's voice.

Lucia saw the new friends and smiled, starting to play with them.


On the other side, Ava looked at Lee and Evelyn and asked, "Do you really want them to do it?"

Lee and Evelyn glanced at each other and nodded. Lee said, "Yeah, I can't just let them hide behind me, and Beau and Zach are still too young for it. But Marcus and Regan are 12 and 13, respectively."

Ava nodded and said, "Okay, you both can take each of your children with your respective teams, but be careful even when Andy and Queenie are with you."

Ava looked at Andy and Queenie, who nodded in response.

Ava then took out two handguns and gave them to Lee. "I can't give them energy rifles; they are still too young to handle something that powerful."

Lee nodded. Ava then gave Lee a red injection and said, "Here is your reward."

Lee looked at Ava, his eyes wide with surprise. He hadn't expected Ava to give it to him after just one day.

Ava saw Lee's expression and said with a smile, "Mr. Abbott, you have earned it. This is just a gift from me to Regan."

Lee smiled joyfully and took the injection, but then he turned to Ava and asked, scratching the back of his head, "How do I inject it?"

Ava chuckled and said, "Don't worry, I will do it." She took back the injection.

Ava looked at Regan and said, "Can you sit on the chair and relax?"

Regan nodded, wearing the hearing aids that Ava had repaired for her.

Regan sat relaxed on the chair while Ava said, "After I inject you, you might feel a little pain and a burning sensation inside your body, but don't worry, it won't last long."

As Ava said that, Evelyn and Lee held Regan's hands. Evelyn said, "Don't worry, we are here for you."

Ava smiled at them and injected Regan. To Regan's surprise, she didn't feel any pain, but after a few seconds, she felt a slight burning sensation inside her ear. After a minute, it stopped, and Regan felt different from before.

Ava took out Regan's hearing aids and said, "Can you hear me now?"

Regan looked at Ava with surprise and nodded. Evelyn and Lee hugged Regan while Ava smiled and left the lab with the others.

Ava looked at Ares and said, "You can leave with Nora and Emmett. I will wait and leave after them."

Ares nodded and left with Emmett and Nora. Before leaving, Nora looked at Ava and said, "Thanks for taking care of Zach."

Ava nodded with a smile.

After a few minutes, Andy left with Lee and Regan, and Queenie left with Evelyn and Marcus in the spaceship. Then Ava also left with Elena in the plane.

After half an hour, Ava handed control to Katie and jumped out of the ship onto the top of a building in New York City. Elena also jumped and asked, "Why did we stop here?"

Ava said, "People don't usually stay in huge cities when they want to live without making any sound."

Ava spoke into her earphone, "Katie, did you find anything with the thermal scan?"

Katie replied, "There is no one alive in this city, miss. All I found were dead bodies."

Ava nodded and took out Calisto, attaching it to the ground. She said, "Katie, create a huge sound that can reach at least three to five miles from here."

Katie started creating a loud sound while Ava and Elena wore headphones.

After Katie stopped, Ava took off the headphones and heard the scream of an alien creature. Ava smiled, looked around, and saw a glass bottle. She took it and dropped it from the top floor to the ground floor.

As the creature approached the broken bottle, Ava shot it in both hands with the A3-Z. The alien creature screamed louder.

Ava then placed Calisto on the ground and said, "Calisto, create an EMP blast with a range of 1 km in 20 seconds."

As Calisto started counting, Ava and Elena jumped into the ship and got out of the blast range.

Because of the screams of the injured alien creature, others gathered near it. After 43 creatures had gathered, Calisto created an EMP blast that killed every single alien within the 1 km radius.

Ava looked at the thermal scan and saw that two more creatures remained as they were out of range when Calisto created the EMP blast.

Ava sighed as she and Elena equipped their armor, jumped out of the ship from 1,000 feet above the ground, and landed on the street, creating craters.

Because of the loud sound, the two remaining creatures started moving toward Ava and Elena. Ava and Elena targeted them and used the A3-Z to blast the creatures' heads with concentrated energy blasts.

To be Continued....

[Author's note: Please write a review; it motivates me to write.]

[Author's note: Please write a review; it motivates me to write.]

Alex_D_Lockecreators' thoughts