
Chapter 160. Sif enslaves Agent Carter (SLAVES OF SIF)

Sharon Carter had been trained by the best of the best SHIELD had to offer. That meant first and foremost her Aunt Peggy, one of the founders of SHIELD and her personal idol. God, Sharon was so glad that her Aunt wasn't around to see what had become of SHIELD, and more importantly wouldn't have to suffer the same fate as the other women who she had idolised, and had a hand in her training, like Melinda May, Natasha Romanoff and Maria Hill.

They, and the organisation Peggy Carter had fought so hard to build, were worse than dead. They were broken and perverted into something unrecognisable, all thanks to the twisted Amazon goddess known as Sif.

While it was the hardest thing she'd ever had to do Sharon had run and hide, hoping to rebuild SHIELD in secret so she could preserve at least something of Auntie Peggy's legacy. Alas while her training kept her safe for a while eventually she was caught and taken right back to one of the headquarters of SHIELD. The worst part?

It wasn't by Sif, or her little Witch Wanda Maximoff. No, it was by her own people and mentors, Melinda May, Natasha Romanoff and even Maria Hill. She tried, but against all three of them Sharon hadn't stood a chance, and she was soon hogtied and being stuffed into a Quinjet, unable to do anything but thrash around and dish out idle threats.

In response her former allies just laughed at her, and had the audacity to tell her they were doing her a favour. That soon she would blush at the thought of not immediately dropping to her knees in front of their Mistress Sif and begging her to enslave her. That she couldn't possibly imagine just how good Mistress Sif's pussy tasted, or what it was like to have Mistress Sif inside her ass.

But she would. Because as soon as they got back Mistress Sif was going to break her in front of all of them. Spank her. Feed her pussy. Gape her ass hole. Then Sharon truly would be one of them, just another slave of Sif, a mindless fuck hole who lived to please her Mistress. Which was horrifying, especially as the thought undeniably turned Sharon on.

Once they landed Sharon was carried out of the Quinjet, where Sif and her slaves were waiting, along with seemingly every female member of SHIELD, all of them naked to show that they were now nothing but broken bitches. Some even taunted her by displaying their gaped butt holes, the way that Romanoff, May and Hill had done throughout the journey.

She was then wordlessly tied to some kind of BDSM device, forcing her into the doggy style position, before all of her clothes were removed with scissors. Sharon desperately wanted to fight back during this, but there was no point. Even if she could get free there were too many of them to fight. Better to save her energy on remaining defiant for as long as she could, before she too inevitably succumb to Sif's magic, and admittedly her own desires.

"Agent Carter." Sif purred wickedly, "It's so great to meet you."

"Sif." Sharon said flatly, rudely staring ahead of her instead of at her host.

This annoyed Sif, pushing her to taunt, "You know, it's fitting that this would be how SHIELD ends. After all, it was the beginning of the end for your precious organisation when I strapped my darling Natasha to that very device and started the surprisingly challenging process of breaking her. Isn't that right Natasha?"

"Yes Mistress Sif." Natasha quickly agreed, unable to stop herself from sucking up by adding, "Thank you so much for being patient with me and putting me in my rightful place."

"Mmmmm, it was so worth it." Sif practically purred with delight, turning back to her latest pray, "I'm sure it will be the same with you. Then, SHIELD will be mine. All the men have left to find jobs in other organisations, and the women, they're all here, ready and willing to serve me however I want."

There was a chorus of agreement from the broken slaves, and then Sharon boldly told her captor, "You can do whatever you want to me. It doesn't matter. You cannot destroy the legacy of SHIELD. And someday someone will take you down.

"We'll see about that." Sif grinned wickedly, pausing for a moment to move behind Sharon, "Mmmmm, oh yes, we will find if someone can truly challenge me, but much sooner we will find out exactly what it takes to break you, and rebuild SHIELD in my glorious image."

Sif gleefully grabbed Sharon's beautiful bottom before beginning to massage the cheeks while she was speaking. She then continued groping that ass for a few long minutes, building up the anticipation for her latest conquest, her watching slaves, and most importantly herself. After all, this was the last piece of her conquest of SHIELD. Why shouldn't she savour it?

Of course she could only wait so long before delivering the first strike, in this case quickly lifting up both her hands and then just as quickly bringing them down again in a hard double smack, Sif using a great deal of her strength in that first blow to show Agent 13 that she meant business.

As a result she got a loud and satisfying cry out of Sharon, which was almost enough to make Sif continue at that pace. But again, she wanted to savour this, not give Sharon everything she had right from the get go and risk breaking her too soon.

So instead she merely went back to her lustful groping of that cute little ass, massaging the pain away and even cooing before delivering the next spank, which was far more gentle than the one that had come it before. Hell, Sif barely put any force into it at all. And yet, it got a little cry out of Sharon. Although from the sounds of it that was because of humiliation more than pain.

Either way it was delightful, although maybe a little disappointing. After all, her favourite SHIELD sluts, Maria and Natasha, had been so difficult to beat. Especially Natasha. Ever since then Sif had actually been hoping to find someone who could be a challenge for her, and yet even the descendant of Peggy Carter wasn't proving to be that difficult.

Indeed, by the time Sif got to the hard spanking the young Agent Carter was doing her Aunt a disservice by bawling like a baby from what appeared to be both pain and humiliation. Which in some way was thrilling, especially in front of what was left of SHIELD, but Sif couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

Mostly though Sif just felt joy as she watched those full cheeks jiggle with every blow she gave them, quickly turning pink under the force of her assault, then a light red, then finally a dark and angry red, that butt bruising so becomingly.

It would never be Sif's favourite form of dominance, especially not in this position, but it was definitely proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that she was the dominant one here, and Sharon Carter, the last hope for SHIELD, was being reduced to just another whimpering fuck toy, as Sif's already broken slaves watched on, some of them even being bold enough to cheer Sif on, especially as she started giving her latest conquest all she had.

Sharon tried to remain strong, but it was just so humiliating. She had been physically beaten, restrained, stripped and spanked in front of her former colleagues. Hell, some of that was by her former work friends, all of who were now staring at her with a mixture of lust and jealousy, or staring at their Mistress Sif with total devotion, and maybe even love.

And Sharon had to wonder, was that really the fate that awaited her? Was she really going to become just a mindless sex slave? Yet another notch on Sif's bedpost? Or would she find a way to somehow resist someone who had taken down the likes of Maria Hill and Natasha Romanoff?

The chances that she would survive with her mind, and her dignity, intact from an encounter with Sif was always a long shot, but right now it seemed like an impossibility. It was bad enough when Sif was groping her naked ass in between each gentle strike, but as the spanking continued and the groping was slowly phased out and replaced with continuous blows which were unbearable Sharon just couldn't stop herself from breaking down and crying.

She'd always tried so hard to live up to her Aunt's reputation, even when she was calling herself Agent 13 to try and disguise who she really was. But the truth was she had limited field experience, and this was by far the worst pain she'd ever experienced.

It was certainly the worst humiliation, and the worst part of it was that some twisted part of her enjoyed it. Sharon tried to deny that fact at first, but when this turn from gentle bottom smacking to a brutal butt beating Sharon could feel herself getting wet, destroying the very last ounce of dignity that she had.

It caused her to break down completely, her sobs and squeals of pain and humiliation almost as loud as the sounds of Sif's hand connecting with the soft flesh of her ass. Which made her think about how powerful Sif was. How strong. How she was so effortlessly dominating her, and had easily dismantled both The Avengers and SHIELD and turned it's female members into her mindless sluts. So really, what was wrong with succumbing to the inevitable?

Just as that worrying thought echoed in Sharon's head Sif suddenly stopped, leaving Sharon to relax against the BDSM device and try to get herself under control. It took longer than she would have liked, but after about a minute she was able to come herself down to just gently sob, Sif staring at her handiwork the entire time with what Sharon imagined was a look of glee, similar to the looks glued the faces of the sex slaves surrounding her.

Then Sif very slowly walked around Sharon until she was standing in front of her, and then with a predictably wicked grin on her face Sif undid her pants, slowly pulled them and her panties down, and then slipped out of them before approaching her.

"You took that very well. Your Aunt would be proud." Sif said mockingly, getting up onto the device so that her cunt was pressed up against Sharon's face, "And I think you should be rewarded for it. Come on, don't be shy, there is no point in oooooooh yesssssssss, mmmmmmm, oh Agent Carter! Oh fuck."

Sif was just about to tell Sharon there was no point in resisting when Agent Carter opened her mouth and began eagerly licking her pussy, taking her by surprise. Sif would have thought Sharon would be more reluctant to do this, or at least try and pretend she was. Was her magic working already? Or had the spanking been more effective than she thought?

Or maybe Sharon Carter was secretly a lesbian, and the first time there was a pussy in front of her Sharon's natural instincts took over? Whatever the case it was very, very distracting, and very wonderful, Sif closing her eyes, tilting her head back and letting out several long cries of pleasure as she gently encouraged Sharon to continue what she was doing.

It didn't seem like Sharon needed any encouragement though, as her licks only became more eager as the seconds ticked by. They also became more effective, especially when Sharon started concentrating on Sif's clit, only giving it a break to duck her head down to greedily lick up the results of her labour before going right back to it, mass-producing more pussy cream for her to gobble up.

If she continued like that she would probably make Sif cum quickly and powerfully, and give her the excuse to move onto the final stage. Her favourite stage. The one which would allow her to break Sharon completely. But no, Sif reluctantly thought. She had promised herself she would savour this twisted act, and that was exactly what she was going to do.

"Slow down, mmmmmm, what's your rush? You'll be tasting my cum soon enough, I promise." Sif moaned with a wicked smile, adding once she got what she wanted, "Ohhhhhh yessssss, that's it Agent Carter, nice and slow. Lick my pussy nice and slow in front of the rest of SHIELD. Let us savour this moment together. Mmmmmm, not so much work on my clit you naughty girl. I don't want to cum in your mouth just yet. Ooooooh yeahhhhhh, no I don't, mmmmmm, I want to take my time and enjoy your hot little mouth, oooooooh, and that wonderful little tongue. Ohhhhhhh yessssss, lick me just like that, oooooooh God, ohhhhhhhh fuckkkkkkk yeeeeesssss, lick me bitch!"

Again it only took a little encouragement to get Agent Carter to do what she wanted, Sif gleefully rewarding her, first with her words and then with her hand as she gently stroked those long blonde locks which were now in between her legs.

Oh yes, Sif had Agent Carter in between her legs, and while it wasn't quite the same as having the original there it still basically had the same effect of putting SHIELD in it's place once and for all, crushing whatever tiny bit of rebellion might be left in the minds of her slaves as they watched her do this to the descendant of their founder.

Although rebellion seemed to be the last thing on their minds as they watched. No, it seemed they were far too busy looking jealous. And not of her, but of Sharon. Just as it should be.

While it was true she had supernatural help Sif prided herself on training sluts, and was convinced that at most the magic she was cursed with was 40% the reason the others looked at Sharon with such jealousy, and Sif with such love and devotion. Perhaps that was merely wishful thinking, but at times like this it was hard for Sif to truly care.

Or even pay that much attention to those around her. No, her focus was far more on the woman in between her legs, even as some of her favourite slaves suddenly started providing commentary, sometimes even earning themselves a wicked smile of approval from her before she returned her focus to the pussy licker in between her legs.

"That's it Sharon, eat that cunt!" Maria was the first to break the silence, "Ohhhhhh yeah, eat Mistress Sif's yummy little cunt you lucky bitch!"

"Yeahhhhhhh, eat it good!" Darcy happily chimed in, "Make our owner feel good."

"Make the superior woman feel good." Wanda eagerly added, "Worship our goddess with your tongue."

"Tease her clit." Natasha suggested helpfully, quickly adding, "Not too much, just enough to make her cry out extra loudly. Oooooooh yes, that's it Sharon. Isn't that wonderful? Don't you love hearing our Mistress crying out for you? Yeahhhhh, you like that, huh? Yes, you love pleasing your Mistress, just like the rest of us. You're one of us now Sharon. Just another slave of Sif."

This wonderful commentary was strictly for Sif's benefit, there was no doubt about that, but while it may have been unintentional it seemed to inspire Sharon to lick pussy even more passionately than before, without it getting dangerously close to making Sif cum like before. Which was yet another reason that Sif happily rewarded her sluts.

Although again, her curse played a role. Most of all, Sif just like to believe it was natural. That when given the gift of her cunt any woman would quickly become a complete slut for her yummy pussy. And then, there was always a chance that Sharon was just a natural lesbian bottom, just waiting for a top to put her in her place.

Determined to do just that Sif allowed Sharon the privilege of licking her pussy for what felt like hours, and almost certainly was at least one, which was a glorious heaven for all involved. Well, at least for Sharon and Sif, as they both spent the entire time moaning, gasping, whimpering and in Sif's case crying out with joy as she received the worship she so richly deserved, while again her other slaves had to be satisfied by pleasing her verbally.

Of course there was a limit to even Sif's impressive stamina, and inevitably she interrupted her other slaves to give Sharon the permission that she had been so desperately waiting for. And that Sif had become so desperate to give her.

"Make me cum!" Sif growled loudly, quickly adding with a high-pitched squeal, "OH YES, MMMMmmmm, fuck me! Aaaaaaahhhhhhh fuckkkkkkkk, fuck me with your tongue, ohhhhhhhh, good girl! Good little slave of Sif. Oooooooooh yessssssss, tongue fuck my cunt you dyke whore! Ooooooohhhhhhhhhhh Gooooooooddddddd yeahhhhhhhhh, FUCK YEAH!"

Instantly obeying Sharon latched onto Sif's clit and sucked on it with gradually increasing speed and force until the goddess was on the verge of cumming already. Then as soon as she had permission she shoved her tongue inside her and instantly triggered a powerful orgasm for the mighty Sif.

It was quickly followed by another and another and another as without needing to be told Sharon proved herself a true lesbian slut. In fact just to be clear Wanda whispered in Sif's head that she wasn't helping her out. Not that Sif truly cared at that moment. Now she was far too lost in the ecstasy she was feeling as she once again turned another woman into her pussy pleaser.

There had been no doubt that Sharon would be hers by the end of the night, but this only confirmed it in the most delightful way possible. Oh yes, Sharon Carter would be amongst Sif's favourite additions to her collection, a collection which was growing by the day now that she had her pick of anyone she wanted on Earth, the thought only making her cum harder.

Of course this was special. This was the last hope for SHIELD becoming completely lost in making Sif cum with her eager mouth and tongue, and a matter of minutes Sharon's ass would be full of cock, which would make Sif's conquest truly complete. Oh yes, Sif was looking forward to that.

Sharon was still pretty wary of it, however while she had constantly been thinking about it throughout the pussy licking, at least after she got used to just how good it tasted, now her mind was just blissfully turned off as Mistress Sif's was, or any of the little fuck toys standing around witnessing Sharon's humiliation. Yes, all she was in that moment was Mistress Sif's pussy pleaser.

And in that moment, that was all Sharon wanted to be. Oh yes, she wanted to spend eternity in between these thighs, worshipping at the altar of the goddess known as Mistress Sif, pleasing her with her unworthy mouth and tongue and drinking deep of the heaven in liquid form that was Mistress Sif's girl cum.

One of the things that kept her licking pussy without complaint, despite all the verbal humiliation and the fact that she was betraying her aunt's legacy, was the desperate need to find out of Mistress Sif's cum was even better than her regular cunt cream. Wanda telepathically told her it was, and while she was hardly the most reliable source of information deep down Sharon had known it was true.

She just didn't know how true it was. Didn't know it was literally so life changing she would do anything, suffer any humiliation, just for the privilege of being able to swallow that heavenly liquid again. Which was the last coherent thought she had for quite a while.

Luckily either because of some natural talent or because of Wanda, or even Mistress Sif, controlling her Sharon was able to continue pleasing this goddess. She was even able to swallow the majority of Mistress Sif's cum during that first life changing orgasm. She wasn't so lucky with the following climaxes, but a good amount was shot directly down her throat and into her belly.

Some of it even hit her tongue first, Sharon liking that the best, as it was her making a conscious decision to swallow Mistress Sif's cum. Or as conscious as she could get right now. Most importantly of all, she could taste it. And she didn't need to be told that the cum that ended up on her face was almost just as good, because it was a sign that she was being marked as the only thing she now wanted to be, a slave of Sif.

As soon as each orgasm was over Sharon shoved her tongue as deep as it would go into the other woman and fucked her with it until she came again. Even in the beginning it didn't take much, but then Mistress Sif started to help. It meant that Sharon couldn't efficiently tongue fuck her anymore, but any sacrifice was worth making if it meant pleasing Mistress Sif. Even that.

Besides, it was an incredible privilege to have the mighty Mistress Sif using her face as a fuck pad. Then just as Sharon thought she was going to pass out from joy, and lack of oxygen, Mistress Sif pulled back, crouched down and smiled wickedly at her.

"So, are you ready to truly become mine?" Sif purred.

"Yes Mistress Sif." Sharon whimpered without hesitation, "Please make me yours."

"Good girl." Sif chuckled, before leaning forward and pressing a gentle kiss to Sharon's lips so she could taste herself. Then she ordered, "Maria, prepare Sharon's ass hole for me. Mmmmm yes, I want the former Director of SHIELD to rim the descendant of her organisations founder, and prepare her for me to butt fuck."

"Yes Mistress Sif." Maria replied, quickly doing as she was told.

"Can I please join her, Mistress?" Natasha asked hopefully, "You know how much me and Maria like to work together to prepare an ass for you."

Sif looked thoughtful for a second, before compromising, "I suppose you could, as a reward for preparing me first."

"Yes Mistress Sif, thank you Mistress Sif." Natasha replied briefly, before rushing to do as she was told.

Natasha couldn't help but give Wanda a cheeky grin, who normally got to prepare their Mistress with a flick of her wrist, and more importantly got the privilege of preparing an ass hole for Mistress Sif to fuck. Wanda got this privilege because she was Mistress Sif's favourite, and normally she got pouty when she didn't get it, but this time was different.

Maybe she knew something Natasha didn't, or she was just on her best behaviour for this special night, because even though she glared back at her The Scarlet Witch used her magic to make a large strap-on dildo appear in The Black Widow's hands. This made Natasha a little guilty for her taunting grin, but she quickly shrugged it off as she had something more important to worry about, namely pleasing their Mistress Sif.

While Natasha was tempted to glance at where Maria was beginning to do what she really wanted to do right now she concentrated on getting on her knees in front of Mistress Sif and holding out the harness, allowing her to step into it. Then she pulled the harness up her Mistress's long legs and then tightened it around her waist before taking the dildo firmly in hand and stroking it as if it were real.

Natasha then gave Mistress Sif a flirty little smile, before showing off by not only wrapping her lips around the head of the strap-on but shoving it straight down her throat in one quick bob of her head. She even kept it there for a few long seconds before beginning to bob her head up and down, much to the clear delight of her Mistress.

"Yesssssss, that's it Natasha, suck my cock! Suck it good. Make it nice and ready for Sharon Carter's virgin ass hole. Ohhhhhh yessssss, you and your little girlfriend are going to help me sodomise the infamous Agent Carter, or at least the one currently available to me, and when she is fully broken in all of SHIELD will be mine, all mine! Oh yes, take my cock deep down your throat, while Maria shoves her tongue up Sharon's ass! Ooooooh yeeeeeesssss, earned the right to join your little girlfriend in eating ass, you twisted little bitch! Oh fuck, The Black Widow is such an amazing cock sucker! Mmmmm, but I'm sure everybody knew that before I exposed you for the submissive slut you truly are. Oooooh fuck yeah, suck it Natasha! Suck it real good." Sif gleefully encouraged for several minutes, before ordering, "Okay, that's enough. You may join your little girlfriend now."

"Thank you Mistress Sif." Natasha replied after pulling the dildo out of her throat.

About a second later Natasha was directly behind Sharon, Maria immediately pulling her face out of the blonde's butt to give her girlfriend a turn. Natasha smiled lovingly at Maria for this and gave her a long, slow kiss in which she was able to taste Sharon's ass on Maria's lips and tongue, before finally taking her up on the offer and pushing her face into that pretty little bottom.

It was so thrilling to taste Maria's saliva on an ass hole, especially as Maria had been given just enough time to give Sharon a thorough rim job. But just to make certain Natasha went to town on Sharon's butt hole, not only sliding her tongue up and down but swirling it around and eventually shoving it inside that forbidden hole.

Just when it didn't feel it could get any better Maria pressed her face up against hers, and they started to share the rim job, practically kissing each other as their tongues slid all over Sharon's ass, each of them spreading an ass cheek so they could get all the access they needed. After a few glorious minutes of that they received a very special command from Mistress Sif, via their mental link with Wanda, which they were only too happy to obey.

Namely Natasha and Maria pressed one finger each together, briefly rubbed those fingers against Sharon's wet cunt, before sliding them up and into their friend's butt hole, making Sharon cry out in mostly pleasure. They then fingered Sharon's butt for another couple of minutes, before silently being instructed to move either side of Sharon and pull her butt cheeks apart, exposing her most private hole for Mistress Sif to fuck.

Sif grinned wickedly at this sight, briefly sliding her cock up and down Sharon's ass crack before honing in on her target, murmuring as she did so, "And now, you shall truly become mine."

Sharon whimpered pathetically as she finally felt the tip of Sif's strap-on pressing against her virgin ass hole and slowly starting to stretch it wider than it'd ever been stretched before. It was hard to relax because it was so overwhelmingly humiliating, but Sharon tried her best, which of course just made it more humiliating.

Because in the end she sacrificed her dignity for her own comfort, and didn't even do that much good because when her previously untouched anal ring stretched wide enough to allow the head of Sif's cock to slide through it and into her virgin butt Sharon cried out loudly in pain. Then she whimpered in humiliation as the bitches around her chuckled with delight, especially Mistress Sif. Sif! Oh God, she was so screwed. Figuratively and literally.

To make matters worse Sif sighed dreamily, "Ah, there is truly nothing like taking an inferior woman's anal cherry. Mmmmm yes, your ass is now mine Agent Carter. And the rest of you will soon follow."

Again Sharon's only response was to whimper pathetically, because Sif was right. She had won, and now whatever happened Sharon's anal cherry would be hers, and even if by some miracle they were interrupted right now Sharon would always remember this humiliating moment and feel like her ass hole literally belonged to Mistress Sif.

More to the point her ass hole was being owned in this moment, and it felt like the last few parts of her mind was hanging on by a thread and she was minutes away from becoming just another mindless sex slave. And of course, she was inferior to Sif. How could she not be? This was a woman conquering goddess, and right now Sharon was nothing but a fuck hole for her pleasure. Her most intimate hole was an orifice for Sif's enjoyment.

Just as Sharon was beginning to like the sound of that she found herself crying out again as Sif began slowly pushing forward, causing inch after inch of her big hard strap-on dick to slide through Sharon's vulnerable little ass hole and deep into her rectum.

Each of those inches stretched her anal walls wider than they'd ever been designed to stretch, which should have been pure agony, and yet there was a disturbing amount of pleasure to be had as places inside her she didn't know could be simulated were for the very first time, reminding Sharon that her breaking was inevitable. That either because of magic, or because of her body betraying her Sharon was about to become a slave of Sif.

It was almost kind of freeing. Sharon wasn't a massive lesbian anal slut, the deck was just impossibly stacked against her. Not even the likes of Maria Hill and Natasha Romanoff had been able to resist, so why had she ever thought that she stood a chance? Really, she should be proud of herself for lasting this long.

Perhaps even her Aunt Peggy would be proud of her. Yes, even now she was suffering the ultimate defeat, and the ultimate humiliation, Sharon had finally lived up to her Aunt's legacy and become worthy of the name Agent Carter, and now all that was left to do was let go and give her ass to Mistress Sif. To give all of herself to this wonderful goddess who decided she was worthy of being owned by her.

Sif grinned wickedly throughout the anal penetration, but especially when she officially took Sharon Carter's butt cherry. There was just always something special about watching another woman's forbidden hole stretching for a cock for the very first time, especially when the head slid in, officially adding another ass cherry to Sif's collection.

Well, arguably she needed to complete the ass fucking first, or at least the anal penetration, but as always Sif was in no hurry. No, she wanted to savour the precious moment of truly conquering another female warrior and turning her into just another notch on her belt, especially under these very special circumstances.

After all, this wasn't just about conquering one woman, but an entire organisation which had been a threat to her. Well, a very minor threat, and mostly only to her bitches, but it was the principle of the thing, and it was so wonderful to be surrounded by the conquered members of SHIELD while the descendant of their founder was sodomised into submission in front of them as they watched on with glee.

She even had their most recent leader and their most famous member standing either side of Sharon and spreading her cheeks, Sif occasionally rewarding them with a smile, although of course her main focus was on her big dick disappearing into Sharon's ass hole.

This was especially the case once her thighs came to rest against those cheeks, announcing every inch of her dick was fully embedded within Agent Carter's rectum, causing Sif to chuckle and announce, "Mmmmm, mmmmm, mmmmm yes, take every inch. Every single inch in your tight little ass! Oh fuck. Fuck yes, that's it every inch, ohhhhhhhhh yesssssss, every single inch of my big dick is in your ass now Agent Carter. I wonder, what would your precious Aunt think of you now?"

There was a long silence as Sif waited for Sharon to give her a response, then the tall brunette warrior just chuckled wickedly, prompting her slaves to join in. Sif then took a few seconds to savour her conquest before slowly pulling back until about half of the dildo was out of Sharon's butt hole before she pushed right back in and then repeated the process, establishing a steady rhythm and thus officially beginning to butt fuck the infamous Agent 13.

Instantly she got a sharp cry of disappointment out of the other woman when she started pulling out her dick, then a cry of mostly pleasure as she pushed it back in. Okay, it was mixed in with some discomfort and even pain, but that quickly faded in favour of pure pleasure.

Most of the other Agents of SHIELD had managed to hide those sounds from her, at least for a little while. Some in fact had lasted an impressive amount of time. But not Sharon. No, Sharon Carter once again proved herself a natural bottom, and perhaps even a natural anal loving sub, by not even trying to hide her cries, whimpers and moans of pure pleasure as a superior woman fucked her up the ass.

Which was a fact which didn't go unnoticed by the other slaves of Sif, who started ruthlessly taunting their fallen comrade, after one of the particularly brave ones spoke up. Perhaps Sif would use it as an excuse to spank them later, but for now she just enjoyed what was perfect commentary to this ass fucking.

"Fuck her! Fuck her ass..." Darcy mumbled without thinking, then blushed.

There was a brief moment of silence and then thinking Darcy would probably be punished for speaking up Jane happily joined in, both to take the heat off of her girlfriend and more importantly to get some of that punishment herself, "Yes, fuck her ass! Fuck her ass and make it yours Mistress Sif. Oh yes, it's yours rightfully, so take it. Take it and make it your fuck hole."

"Just like the rest of our ass holes are." Daisy happily agreed, also hoping to be punished, "We were always meant to be yours Mistress Sif. We just didn't know it. But you found us, took what was rightfully yours, and now our bodies are yours, all our holes orifices for your pleasure. Just like Agent Carter now is. Oh yes, Agent Sharon Carter is now your walking fuck hole Mistress Sif. Yours to use however you want."

"You hear that Sharon?" Natasha grinned, also hoping to be punished, but also hoping to humiliate her former co-worker and now fellow slave, "You're nothing but a fuck hole! Just like the rest of us. Oh yes, SHIELD has fallen, and now the legacy of your precious Aunt is nothing but a collection of lesbian sluts who all love it up our asses. Including you. Yeah, you're nothing but ass now Sharon. Agent Carter, bent over and taking it up the ass in the middle of SHIELD for her new owner. SHIELD'S new owner. Our owner. Mmmmm yessssss, you failed Sharon. You failed to protect your Aunt's legacy, and now look at you, getting fucked in the ass in front of us, the height of your failure, and you're absolutely loving it."

"Don't fight it Sharon. Embrace it." Maria happily chimed in, with the same hopes as her girlfriend, "We did. Bobbi Morse, Daisy Johnson, Melinda May, and even The Black Widow herself, Natasha Romanoff, have accepted the fact that we were born to serve Mistress Sif, and your Aunt's legacy is now nothing but lesbian anal sex slaves for a goddess. Even I, The Director of SHIELD, have taken my rightful place kneeling at her feet. So why shouldn't you? Oh yes, why shouldn't you accept the fact that you're nothing but an anal dyke slut? An butt sex whore? A slave of Sif? Come on Sharon, embrace your total failure and become what you were always meant to be."

"An anal whore!" Wanda gleefully clarified, only wishing to please her Mistress, which she knew for a fact she was, "Yes, you're an anal whore now Sharon. Our Mistress's anal whore! Nothing but an anal orifice for dyke dick. Oh yes you little anal dyke, take it! Take it like the bitch you are! Oh fuck, that's so hot! You look so good with a cock in your ass Sharon. So good, mmmmm, take it! Take it in the butt like the slut you are! Oooooh yeahhhhh, take it deep and hard! Beg for it, so you can cum like a bitch with a dick in your ass so you can be one of us. Just another slave of Sif. Ohhhhh yesssss, mmmmm, take it! Oh God, I can feel just how overwhelmed you are with pleasure. Oh how I love my power. Mmmmm, it allows me to experience being broken by my wonderful Mistress Sif over and over again as she takes little anal sluts like you and makes them her slaves. So embrace it Sharon. Embrace what you always meant to be, and become one of us."

Sharon's definition of humiliation had been constantly redefined throughout this process by Mistress Sif, but at least it was almost over. Not because she was holding out hope of her being rescued, or even fighting back, but because it was only a matter of time now before what little was left of her mind was broken completely and all that was left would be a mindless sex slave.

After all the mental and physical suffering she had been put through it was a miracle that her mind hadn't broken already, and that's only because being constantly reminded of her Aunt practically conjured the image of Peggy Carter standing over her humiliated niece with disgust.

At first Sharon could imagine her voice how it used to be, stern and full of confidence, telling her that she was an utter disgrace and didn't deserve to carry her second name. But as the slaves of Sif practically started talking over each other Peggy Carter's voice was drowned out, not that it mattered, as one look from her Aunt was worth a thousand words, and Agent 13 was being bombarded with them.

Though silent words were even more devastating than the words she could hear, but to her shame eventually they only added to the pleasure she was experiencing, to the point where Sharon was so desperate to cum she would have said anything to get it.

"Please, please make me cum! Oooooooh shit, fuck me and make me, oh fuck, make me cum! Please? I'll do anything. I promise." Sharon pathetically whimpered a few times, before becoming more graphic, "I'll be your slave! I'll be a slave of Sif! Please Mistress Sif, make me yours! I, ooooooh, I already am, but make it official. Destroy my butt, ohhhhhhh, gape it wide open so the rest of SHIELD knows it's yours! Ohhhhh yessssss, make my ass yours in front of the rest of SHIELD! Take me, break me, and make me yours in the middle of SHIELD headquarters, oooooh, in front of everyone so my submission to you is complete, ohhhhhhh, and so is your conquest of SHIELD! Please Mistress, fuck me, mmmmm, oh fuck me hard, fuck my ass hard and deep and make me cum, aaaaaaahhhhhhhh fuckkkkkkkkk yessssssss, just like that, more, more, MORE OOOOOOOOHHHHHHH GOOOOOODDDDDDDDD YEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSS!"

It took a torturously long time but eventually Mistress Sif gave her what she so desperately wanted, and even though it was only a small addition to her speed and strength it was enough to make it difficult for Sharon to stay coherent.

It then became completely impossible as Mistress Sif began giving her everything she had, or at least everything she dare to give her, and the sound of her thighs smacking against her cheeks became truly deafening. Almost as loud as Sharon's screams of pleasure as she was overwhelmed by the ecstasy she was feeling. And that was before she finally went over the edge of her first anally induced climax.

When she did she instantly broke completely and became nothing but a Slave of Sif. In fact, she became ashamed of herself for denying this clearly superior woman what was rightfully hers for so long just because of some sick old woman who was a shadow of her former self.

Oh yes, Mistress Sif's slaves shouldn't have needed to search her out, Sharon should have come willingly and accepted the fact that her most private hole, along with her other holes, were nothing but orifices for this goddess's pleasure. But that was okay, because she could spend the rest of her life making it up to the goddess who now owned every fibre of her being.

Sif smirked with smug satisfaction as Agent Carter became just another notch on her belt. Well, this Agent Carter, anyway. Which was perhaps not as momentous as if it was the more famous Agent Carter, but Sif had a plan in place for dealing with her. For now she fully intended to enjoy solidifying her dominance over the current roster of SHIELD by completely destroying Sharon Carter's ass hole.

Oh yes, she might genuinely desire for this woman to be her slave, but what was perhaps even more important was using the niece of the founder of SHIELD to send a message to everyone currently informally in SHIELD, and the rest of the world, that this entire organisation now belonged to Mistress Sif.

As Sharon was human Sif sadly couldn't give her everything she had, but she certainly gave her everything she dared to give to a human, which of course was more than enough to break this girl and sent her message.

Although she had arguably succeeded on both those tasks simply during the spanking, and definitely when Sharon had quickly swallowed her cum, but this was the perfect explanation point on that, especially as they were surrounded by the conquered SHIELD agents who were more than happy to continue verbally humiliating the now completely broken Sharon Carter. At least until Sif interrupted them.

"Mine! Mine, mine, mine, MINE!" Sif growled, "I fucking own you Agent Carter! I own your ass hole! It's my fuck hole, to use whenever I want. Just like the ass hole of every desirable woman in SHIELD! All of you are mine! Your Aunt's legacy? Mine! Your organisation? Mine! Your body? Mine! Even your most private hole is mine, mmmmm yesssssss, know this, inferior warrior, you and everything you care about is now the property of Mistress Sif, conqueror of SHIELD, The Avengers and the entire Earth! I own everything, but especially your shit hole, which just makes the perfect little fuck hole for my big dick! Oooooooh yesssssss, take it like a bitch Sharon! Take it like everyone else! Take it up the ass and cum like a little slut! Just take it! Take it, take it, ohhhhhhhh yeahhhhh, FUCKING TAKE IT!"

Ironically her own words combined with the stimulator bashing against her clit and the sheer joy of conquering it another woman became too much for Sif and she went over the edge of a powerful orgasm. It was quickly followed by another, and another, and another as Sif effortlessly pushed through her climaxes with well practised ease.

But still, it was the beginning of the end and Sif and her slaves all knew it. All that was left now was to see just how much pleasure she could squeeze out of the conquered fuck hole in front of her, Sif perhaps using a little more force than she should in the process just to make Sharon squeal extra loudly.

Oh well, Wanda could always fix Sharon if Sif literally ruined her butt hole. Although perhaps not right away. Oh yes, Sif loved the idea of making Agent Carter walk around with a ruined butt hole for a day or two, or at least a few hours, as punishment for being able to elude her for so long. So much so that Sif seriously considered giving Sharon everything she had.

Sadly it seemed the other woman had already passed out from the ecstasy Sif had given her, and Sif didn't enjoy fucking unconscious women, so reluctantly she stopped. Although then she received a reward as she quickly pulled her dick out of Sharon's butt, stepped back and admired just how widely gaped her latest conquest's ass hole was.

After a few long seconds of staring into Sharon's rectum via the gaping crater which used to be her virgin ass hole Sif ordered, "Wanda, release Sharon's restraints. Sharon, spread your cheeks for me and tell the whole world, and more importantly every member of SHIELD, what you truly are."

Sharon wasn't sure if it was Wanda's magic waking her up, or it was just hearing her Mistress's voice which returned her to something approaching consciousness. Or maybe just the incredible pain her ass was now in. Whatever the case the last thing Sharon remembered was incredible pleasure, and then she found herself awaking with a groan to find her most private hole completely destroyed.

Just like she had begged it to be. Oh God, she had actually begged for this humiliation, something Sharon would have been a lot more ashamed of, if it wasn't obviously pleasing Mistress Sif. But it was, so it was okay. As was the fact that as soon as she had enough energy, or more accurately adrenaline, Sharon reached back and pulled her butt cheeks wide apart, emphasising just how thoroughly fucked her butt had been.

Then Sharon proudly declared, "I'm a slave of Sif. I am one of the women in this world who are lucky enough to be owned by Mistress Sif. And you do, my Mistress. I'm yours. I swear it, mmmmm, you own every little part of me, including my butt hole, which is now yours to fuck. I'm your fuck hole Mistress Sif, please use me however you want."

"Oh don't worry, I will." Sif promised with a chuckle, and then adding while walking around Sharon's body, "Now suck my cock! Mmmmm yes, suck it clean of your butt cream like the filthy little ass to mouth whore you and the rest of the SHIELD women are. But don't take your hands off of your cheeks. Oh yes, keep spreading your cheeks like a good girl."

"Yes Mistress Sif." Sharon replied immediately, lifting her head up to suck some cock.

As Sharon did that she got a few long seconds to take a good look at the screen which was now in front of her displaying what had to be her ruined back hole, Wanda either further humiliating her of her own accord, or more likely acting on the orders of their Mistress. Either way Sharon couldn't believe how widely stretched her butt hole was, or what a total ass wrecking stud her Mistress was. God, she was so lucky.

All the slaves of Sif were, Sharon now feeling very honoured to be amongst their number, especially as her owner appeared in front of her and beamed down at her, before pressing the tip of the dildo which had just been used to rob Sharon of her anal cherry against Sharon's lips.

Immediately Sharon wrapped her lips around the head of that cock and moaned happily at the taste, instantly loving it, either because of the magic of Wanda or Mistress Sif, or she just really was a natural ATM whore. Whatever the case Sharon revelled in her new role, greedily cleaning the head of the dildo before beginning to slide her lips further down it, taking almost half of it before she began bobbing her head up and down.

Which of course triggered a series of giggles around her, most noticeably from her Mistress, who also began stroking her hair affectionately and offering up her signature verbal encouragement. Both of which did their job of making Sharon suck that ass flavoured cock even more enthusiastically.

"Yessssss mmmmm, that's it! Good girl, suck my cock! Suck your Mistress's cock! Suck it good! Oh fuck." Sif moaned happily, before chuckling with delight as she continued, "Suck your own ass off my dick, just like all the other ATM whores in SHIELD! Oh yes, the entire organisation is filled with nothing but submissive lesbian sluts who adore getting their back doors pounded and fed to them, making you ripe for me to conquer. And I have. Ohhhhhh yessssss, I finally have the completed set, mmmmm, including The Agent Carter sucking my cock! Mmmmm yeahhhhhh, sucking it right after I've made her ass mine! You hear me, Agent Carter? You're mine! I own you! You and the rest of SHIELD are my property! Ooooooh fuck yeah, now prove it by deep throating every inch of that dick you little whore! Yeeeeeesssssss, prove your mine Agent Carter. Prove SHIELD is mine. Prove..."

Initially Sharon was way too preoccupied with getting every inch of that cock down her throat so she could get every drop of her butt cream to worry too much why Mistress Sif had trailed off. Especially as she wasn't exactly experienced in sucking cock, and especially towards the end she was choking and gagging something fierce. But still, she persevered, and with tears in her eyes Sharon just about succeeded in her mission.

Then with blurry eyes she looked up, and then followed her Mistress's gaze to the picture of her Aunt, the original Agent Carter. Peggy Carter. She wasn't sure why, but then Wanda use their mental link to gleefully fill her in on exactly what Mistress Sif was planning, and even though she was completely broken and now a shameless slut Sharon found herself blushing because of it.
