
Katie - Making it Work

"Katie, it's really you." Dante was almost jumping out of the bed, before Katie held him back.

"You should not be out of bed so soon. You might have a concussion." She protested.

A sizzling electricity went through their bodies and Katie quickly withdrew her hands as though she was burnt and she looked away.

"Urgh." Immediately, Dante felt a strong sense of loss as he stared up at Katie.

"Stay in bed. Dr. Gilbert will be here soon." Katie kept avoiding looking at him in the eyes, which seem to amuse Dante.

She was all fiery yesterday, just like a fire spitting snake, and today she is as calm as a dove on flight. So tranquil. Their eyes met again and he smiled at her.

"Why do you keep staring at me that way?" Katie looked away as she felt her cheeks becoming crimson red.

"I'm just happy to be in the same room with you." Dante said as he sat up in bed.
