

And then, it happened. A sound, like a low rumble, reverberated through the pass. The ground beneath our feet trembled, and I looked up just in time to see the rocks above begin to shift, teetering dangerously.

"Move!" I shouted, shoving Lyra ahead of me as the first boulders began to fall. The pass erupted into chaos, rocks crashing down around us, the sound deafening. The stranger darted forward, his movements too quick, too practiced. He wasn't surprised—he had known this would happen.

Betrayal. The word seared through my mind as I fought to keep my balance, dodging the falling debris. The stranger's true intentions were clear now—he had led us into a trap.

"Keep moving!" Raven yelled, her voice barely audible over the roar of the landslide. We scrambled forward, dodging the falling rocks, the narrow pass suddenly feeling like a death trap. The stranger was already ahead of us, moving with an agility that was unnatural, inhuman.
