
Chapter 15: the Northwest and ...

Author's Note: Thank you to all those who give me their opinion and take the time to correct me on certain mistakes and details.

And I want to inform you that the publications will be irregular and that there may be a certain number of points of view in this chapter.


Dipper's POV:

"Are you sure you can't stay longer?" Mabel asked Pacifica in a slightly sad tone.

It must be said that the two of them have grown very close even though they got off on the wrong foot.

"I have family duties to fulfill and it's not goodbye, just see you later," declared Pacifica, accepting the hug initiated by Mabel.

"Dipper, it's a group hug," Mabel mumbled towards me, motioning for me to come closer.

Although it's not really my forte, demonstrations of affection, at least from my point of view, I think it's not bad to give a pleasant farewell to a friend.

After our hug, Pacifica left with Adrien, who acted as an escort to accompany her.

[It seems a fly that was buzzing around my Dipper has finally left], said Gifany, who seems to have chosen this exact moment to reappear after a long silence.

"Don't try to play tough, I'm sure you appreciate Pacifica too," I said, smiling slightly.

[Not at all, although I recognize that she has character and a certain charisma. I can't be friends with her since she is a potential danger], Gifany explained seriously.

I could only sigh, powerless in the face of her behavior.

"Hey Mabel, I have nothing planned today, and how about we have some fun," I said, heading with her towards the inside of the residence.

Seeing how she had regained her good mood, this day is far from over for me.


Adrien's POV:

"So, miss, what do you think of Mr. Dipper and his sister?" I asked Miss Pacifica during our car ride to the Northwest residence.

"They're nice," she said simply, looking out the window without much change of expression on her face, but her eyes couldn't hide a certain gleam in them.

At this sight, I couldn't help but give a gentle smile while looking at Miss through the rearview mirror.

The reason is that she has never described anyone with words like "nice" since usually it's insults or polite words full of sarcasm.

It seems that Mr. Dipper and his sister Mabel currently have good relationships with Pacifica, which is information that will surely please Mr. and Mrs.

"I just hope this relationship will be enough for Miss Pacifica to obtain the object desired by Mr. Northwest," I told myself mentally.

I don't want Miss Pacifica to be torn between her duties and her friendship with her new "friends", but on the other hand, my duty is to serve the Northwest family.

So unfortunately, I myself am torn between my duties towards the Northwest family and its future leader.

"Uh, Adrien," said Pacifica in a slightly authoritative tone, although surprisingly nervous, which I admit surprised me.

"I would like my adventures with Dipper and Mabel in the forest not to be reported to my parents," she ordered.

Usually, I would have obeyed, but this time, it's a slightly different situation since I'm supposed to be the eyes and ears of Mr. and Mrs. around Dipper Pines.

"Sorry, but I can't promise you anything in this regard," I politely expressed.

After my words, Miss Pacifica seemed annoyed, but I could read a certain resignation in her eyes.

I hope for the glory of the Northwest family that the young mistress will not lose sight of her goal despite the bond that unites her with these new friends.


Pacifica's POV:

"So you failed to obtain that strange flashlight."

After separating from Dipper, I finally returned to the Northwest residence.

Unfortunately, my welcome was not as warm as I had hoped.

"Father, I wanted..." I wanted to explain, but I was rudely interrupted.

"Silence Pacifica," he said, showing me a bell.

"You will now go more often to that boy named Dipper and figure out how to gain his trust as I have already asked you to. Understood?" he said, frowning.

"Yes, father," I simply replied with an affirmation.

I know that any explanation is useless with my parents since only results count in their eyes, not words.

After discussing with my father a few small things concerning my extra classes and activities that I should do besides visiting Dipper, I finally took my leave.

As I was leaving, I could see Adrien giving me a disapproving look.

It seems he didn't appreciate that I didn't mention anything about the accident in the forest.

But I plan to keep the events in that bunker to myself. Dipper trusted me enough to show me his future secret lab outside his house, and I won't reveal anything about it.


"So Adrien, has there been any progress in the relationship between these kids?" Preston Northwest asked one of his most efficient servants, alias Adrien.

"Affirmative, as you hoped, Miss was able to forge bonds with Dipper Pines," Adrien declared politely.

"Excellent, the essential thing is not that Pacifica obtains that strange flashlight, but that Dipper is tied to our family, and if she gets it, that's even better, but if not..." he said, observing the landscape that shows the Gravity Falls forest.

"Apart from the bonds between Pacifica and Dipper, do you have any other information?" he asked without turning towards Adrien.

This prevented him from seeing the struggle in his servant's eyes.

"Nothing, Sir," he simply replied.

There was a silence before Preston Northwest could motion for Adrien to withdraw and leave him alone.


Unknown POV (and unknown location)

"I can sense that temporary anomalies are being created," declared an imposing voice to a group of heavily armed individuals.

"What can we do to remedy this, my lord?" an man with cybernetic implants on his face respectfully asked.

If a person from Earth could see this place, they could only qualify it as extremely developed in the technological field.

But what would catch their attention the most would be the huge baby who had spoken with a voice that did not match his appearance.

"I want you to send one of our best agents to investigate these anomalies on site," declared the being resembling a giant baby.

"Execute quickly, I have a bad feeling recently, and I would like to have this report before I take a nap," he said in a clearly displeased tone.

The men before him executed swiftly without wasting any more time, for fear of being erased from this timeline.
